FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: redtackle on January 11, 2006, 04:02:42 PM
10 Points                ....these 2 are tough.
-Mark Vlasic               Viking?
-Reggie Collier           hmm....did he go to Auburn or some SEC school? NFL... Broncos?

Reggie Collier - pretty sure he went to Southern Miss, don't remember his NFL team but he was pretty good for the Birmingham Stallions of the USFL.


LD great topic... I am in the same boat as you, just give me my turkey. Slice it somewhere inbetween 'large hunks' and 'evaporated'. But some people do care. Flash back to Tampa, Gro's in the deli line at publix. Some old rich lady is literaly yelling at the deli person "it's got to be thin!! They (assuming she's talking about her spoiled kids) won't eat it if it's not thin! (deli person shows her a slice that is falling apart) NO THINNER!!"


Quote from: redtackle on January 11, 2006, 04:06:45 PM

However, RT did enjoy;
Breakin 2 "Electric Boogaloo"
Beat Street
War Games
Vison Quest
My Bodyguard
The Outsiders
Johnny Dangerously

Vision Quest rocks.

How about these:
Ricky Business
All the Right Moves


'Gro, was I with you when that happened?  I've heard the EXACT same thing before.  'They wan't eat it if it's not thin'.  Frickin people!

So I don't know how many of you know who Bubba the Love Sponge is.  He was the Howard Stern of Tampa back in the day, and he's on Howard 101 now.  

Well, he just orally gratified a girl, on the air.  Amazing.


Quote from: Holladawg on January 11, 2006, 04:35:47 PM

Who was the better 80's Principal?

James Belushi as Rick Latimer in 'The Principal'


Morgan Freeman as Joe Clark in 'Lean On Me'

Check out the quotes from these movies to help with the decision:

The Principal

Lean On Me

Morgan Freeman.....He had both the bullhorn and the bat!  And he took on everyone, parents, students the faculty!


"They used to call me crazy joe, now they can call me batman"

a classic quote used in schenectady whenever someone did something stupid:

"You smoke crack, dont'cha sams?"

5pm... Gro's off the clock. yabba dabba doo!

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Holladawg on January 11, 2006, 04:35:47 PM

Who was the better 80's Principal?

James Belushi as Rick Latimer in 'The Principal'


Morgan Freeman as Joe Clark in 'Lean On Me'

Check out the quotes from these movies to help with the decision:

The Principal

Lean On Me

Dawg, Id have to go with Belushi.  I mean this guy went to work on a motorcycle with a baseball bad on the side.  And didnt he also go home one night, pour some chocolte powder into a glass, then poured a coors original into it and topped it off with some alka-seltzer?  To me thats a no brainer.

Although I loved the scene when crazy joe clark told Mr. Darnell off and Mr. Darnell turned his desk over and yelled "I was picking up a piece of paper"

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Holladawg on January 11, 2006, 05:01:32 PM

What 80's Nintendo game used the following secret code?

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

1. Legend of Zelda
2. Contra
3. Castlevania
4. Double Dragon

Also seen on the t-shirt Adam is wearing on the Gauntlet 2.


Do you remember how to beat Dom Flamingo in Punch out?


Dawg, it's obviously Contra.  I was always the 'Select Start' at the end to make it 2 players.  

Is it amazing that an entire generation can remember a code from Nintendo?  I still remember the Mike Tyson code.



JU, being probably the best Mike Tyson Player of all time, this is an easy one.


Second time around is a little more tricky.  You have to punch him in the mouth until he swings at you.

Jonny Utah


give me a shot at tyson right now, and hes goin down.  Id say I go down once at most, but it would come back to me after that.


All this talk about the 80's and noone brings up the movie Reg based his life on...!
3 words,
Ferris Bueller's Day off


Jonny Utah

I loved when these rated R 1980s movies would be edited on TV like on WPIX 11 or ch 56 or ch 38 in Boston.  I remember in the Principal the scene when Belushi talks to the whole school in the autotorium...

unedited version:

belushi: Ive got two words for you, no more!
student: And I got two words for you F You!

edited version

belushi: Ive got two words for you, no more!
student: And I got two words for you Get Out!

Or my all time favorite, from Wierd Science:

unedited version: (paraphrased)

Kelly Lebrock: your average party with chips, dip, chains and whips

edited version

Kelly Lebrock: your average party with chips, dip, chicks and pizza.

!!!! chicks and pizza?!?! I kid you not.

Jonny Utah

Are these really great boxing trunks?  I mean bananna smuggling sure, but boxing?