FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Dawg... great find with the Little Mac jogging theme. And now it's time for...

A moment with Gro

As mentioned a billion times by myself and others in the LLPP... high definition TV is great. But what do the TV personalities, espically those in the news field feel about it. Gro's watching sportscenter HD right now and must admit that Dan Patrick looks like he's 70.  Saw John Clayton the other day and thought he was the living dead. HD might take a good 3-4 years off the careers of newscasters. You heard it here 1st.

Jonny Utah

Ok, so I said before how I got netflix for Christmas, well let me tell you about the movie I just got "Eraserhead".  I got this movie because I always saw it in the videostore and was always intregued by it.  Just a picture of a goofy looking white dude with an afro and no pictures on the back.  I never wanted to waste 4 bucks to rent it so I figured my netflix package would be a great opportunity to watch a movie like this. Well let me put it this way.

I have never seen a movie even close to being as wierd as this movie.  I cant begin to explain it.  LD if youve seen it, (I pray for your soul that you havent) this is a perfect film for one of your reviews.  I cant even begin to describe what I just saw.  I didn't even watch all of it, after 15 minutes I had to fast forward through most of it. 

Has anyone seen this thing?


I cannot keep up with you LL posters - your stream of consciousness is amazing.  One day off reading and I am way behind the powercurve.

Loved the 80's movie quotes.

Hard to beat "Top Gun" as a bonafide recruiting tool for the Navy.

Sad part is a gazillion young guys joined up thinking they were going to fly F-14s and instead they got to chain them to the decks of carriers.  Not to mention that they never got to date Kelly McGillis or even play volleyball with "Iceman."


Senor RedTackle

speaking of TV's (gro), RT been sitting here for last 6 hours being entertained by the musings of his DirecTV install guy. RT has been fascinated by this cosmic/psychadelic experience of cyberspace meets Joe Dirt. This dude is a riot....amongst all his work in drilling, cabling, mounting (...uh, the satellite stuff RT should clarify), he's managed to weave in his life story. "worked in avionics in the Marines, ASE certified auto tech, HVACC, etc". So RT, being a funny guy, asks him....'did you do this to meet all the desperate married broads during the day'. Joe Dirt gives RT a menacing look..."I take this job seriously. I don't get caught up in that. This is a professional job I do". RT was amazed and impressed by JD's seemingly impeccable dedication to the task. Unfortunately, about 10 min later, JD was explaining to RT..."see...all this 'custom drilling' I'm doing for new jacks and stuff isn't covered..normally you have to pay for this but I'll hook you up (wink wink)".    Extra cabling???!!! Are you kidding RT? So RT hands JD $40 at end of night. JD gives RT surprised look "aw..you don't have to do that" as he's stuffing the money into his pocket. This whole ordeal was like a Seinfeld episode.

...an aside...DirectTV requires alot of work if you have a pre-existing house that isnt' wired for this stuff and you can't utilize the cable jacks or if they're in the wrong location


LD11 has multiple cable jacks in every room.  7 altogether.  His house was alright alright.

If anyone likes Jeopardy...William Lichter, the nerdy kid from 'Can't Hardly Wait' is on there and is the returning champ.  Check it out.

'I can't feel my legs!  I HAVE NO LEGS!!!'


A classic Jeopardy moment, almost straight out of 'White Men Can't Jump'...

White Men Can't Jump Rendition:
Alex:  'He scored 100 points in one game in the NBA.'
Gloria:  'Who is Babe Ruth?'

Tonight's game:
Category:  ''Cleveland Athletes'
Alex:  'He was the tight end for the Browns in the 80's and went by the nickname 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Girl:  'Who is Ozzie Smith?'

(After the correct answer of Ozzie Newsome is said)

Alex:  'Ozzie Smith...wrong sport'


Quote from: icgrad87 on January 11, 2006, 04:43:43 PM
Quote from: Holladawg on January 11, 2006, 04:35:47 PM

Who was the better 80's Principal?

James Belushi as Rick Latimer in 'The Principal'


Morgan Freeman as Joe Clark in 'Lean On Me'

Check out the quotes from these movies to help with the decision:

The Principal

Lean On Me

Morgan Freeman.....He had both the bullhorn and the bat!  And he took on everyone, parents, students the faculty!

Got to be Morgan in Lean on Me.  Growing up about a 1/2 hour from Paterson NJ and Eastside High there used to be pictures of Joe Clark with a bat and bullhorn in the paper.


Tonight's not so random Pic

having a twin brother, Contra was the perfect game growing up. We actually preferred co-op games than going head to head (maybe that's why Gro became the enginegro while bro opted to be a lawyer).


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 11, 2006, 08:34:37 PM
Tonight's not so random Pic

having a twin brother, Contra was the perfect game growing up. We actually preferred co-op games than going head to head (maybe that's why Gro became the enginegro while bro opted to be a lawyer).



Quote from: jonny utah on January 11, 2006, 05:19:14 PM
I loved when these rated R 1980s movies would be edited on TV like on WPIX 11 or ch 56 or ch 38 in Boston.  I remember in the Principal the scene when Belushi talks to the whole school in the autotorium...

unedited version:

belushi: Ive got two words for you, no more!
student: And I got two words for you F You!

edited version

belushi: Ive got two words for you, no more!
student: And I got two words for you Get Out!

Or my all time favorite, from Wierd Science:

unedited version: (paraphrased)

Kelly Lebrock: your average party with chips, dip, chains and whips

edited version

Kelly Lebrock: your average party with chips, dip, chicks and pizza.

!!!! chicks and pizza?!?! I kid you not.

How can you love that?!?!?! That **** sucks when they do that! There's a couple of movies (I cant remember exactly which ones now, it's late), that I watch them on TV and I have to turn them off because I CANT stand the ****ty editing! Bleep it or just make it silent to get rid of the curses or dirty stuff but DONT change it! It sucks!


Gro and I still walk around calling people "Melon Farmers" because of editing of "lethal Weapon 2"
Mel Gibson used this saying one time, Gro and I instantly look at each other and erupt in laughter.  From that point on, 50% of the time people are referred to as "melon farmers".  I will let you use your imagination what I use for the other 50%


Just by chance we talk about 80's movies today... just by chance we mention Weird Science starring Kelly LeBrock. Let's look at Kelly Back then.

Ok, just by chance Gro catches an episode of Celebrity Fit Club 3 on VH1... starring none other than Kelly LeBrock. Things have changed... baby's pushing 170


Good luck Dawg, Gro thinks that even if MTV doesn't tab you for True Life... the network execs will realize that they need to get you on screen...

Dawg gets his ride pimped by Xzibit and West Coast Customs?
Dawg to host TRL in 2007?
Dawg makes a cameo on Laguna Beach?
Dawg selected for Real World Atlanta? (now there's a city that has been shafted by MTV... Austin before Atlanta?)


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 11, 2006, 07:37:18 PM
LD11 has multiple cable jacks in every room.  7 altogether.  His house was alright alright.

If anyone likes Jeopardy...William Lichter, the nerdy kid from 'Can't Hardly Wait' is on there and is the returning champ.  Check it out.

'I can't feel my legs!  I HAVE NO LEGS!!!'

LD11...I saw that last night and have to agree.  I love that movie.  Remove the glasses on that guy and he totally looks like the guy from 'Can't Hardly Wait'.

" A classic Jeopardy moment, almost straight out of 'White Men Can't Jump'...

White Men Can't Jump Rendition:
Alex:  'He scored 100 points in one game in the NBA.'
Gloria:  'Who is Babe Ruth?'

Tonight's game:
Category:  ''Cleveland Athletes'
Alex:  'He was the tight end for the Browns in the 80's and went by the nickname 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Girl:  'Who is Ozzie Smith?'

(After the correct answer of Ozzie Newsome is said)

Alex:  'Ozzie Smith...wrong sport'"

Seemed like Alex almost was sticking it in her face for that one.  She just seemed to slow for the show as well.