FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Holla, amazing find.  +1.  THat was Man-tastic.




click to enlarge

Senor RedTackle

RT having good TV tonight. Anyone else see "Dancing With the Stars"? Is that wrestling broad hot as hell or what??

THEN...RT turns on beauty and the geek. Can it get any better than Asain geek doing the Rubik's cube behind his back and impressing the dumb hot broads then watching him squirm when he has to sleep in the same room w/ the hot chic??

Plus the backgrounds of these guys???
Christopher (who's only kissed 1 girl) w/ the "I put the STUD
in study" t-shirt?

or the dude who "tracks monkeys w/ lazers" or the guy who was "too busy playing dungeons and dragons his whole life to meet girls"?

The hot broads are no better...
kristin..."clothes are wicked cool, shopping is wicked cool, shoes are wicked cool"

best quote from the one guy "I wonder what else she does besides look hot all day"

Senor RedTackle

RT LOVES the hot girls in beauty and the geek!!!!

they're playing rock,paper,scissors....said hot broad says "doesn't rock crush paper"???...priceless!!!!

...update as RT is writing.....

Chinese geek brought 5 Rubiks cubes "just in case"

Jonny Utah

Quote from: Holladawg on January 12, 2006, 06:41:28 PM
Funny shiznat going off on our brother board, the MIAC.  Looks like Bus Driver was banned awhile back (his original poster name was TDT) for dropping some ill verbiage and he was booted by the Guru himself.  Then TDT comes back as Bus Driver and was a little loose in his verbal and the Guru figured him out.  Check out our brother board.  It's pretty funny what kind of cult following Bus Driver has, formerly banned poster TDT.

Dawg,  just peeked over there and you are right.  What I found even funnier is how these guys live in a different world.  Let me post some quotes from the MIAC board and you tell me if you know what the F!@K those guys are talking about.......

"I saw a disturbing sight on my route at Cashwise Liquor and Westside Liquor in Willmar.  They had Hamm's in 24 packs and right next to it, Hamm's Light in 24 packs.  I was disgusted.  I'm just glad they're not in our Miller territory and I can only hope that Bernick's never gets on the Hamm's 24 pack or Hamm's Light bandwagon. "
-Frankrickard 1/6/06

"A few Poutfests ago, there was an ice auger that was drilled into the lake. The auger portion was frozen into the ice. People were encouraged to lay on top of the auger motor and rev the motor up, thereby causing the person to start spinning around very fast. Most people doing it got thrown off the auger. Reward for taking the joy ride: all the Stite beer you could drink." -Jonny Red 1/8/06


I also love the reason Pat gave for banning busdriver aka "TDT" in the first place:

"Repeated personal attacks on other posters and their spouses, despite specific warning to the contrary."

Spouses?   I love it.  Thats the funniest thing Ive heard in a while.

Kilted Rat

Quote from: jonny utah on January 12, 2006, 09:35:21 PM
Quote from: Holladawg on January 12, 2006, 06:41:28 PM
Funny shiznat going off on our brother board, the MIAC.  Looks like Bus Driver was banned awhile back (his original poster name was TDT) for dropping some ill verbiage and he was booted by the Guru himself.  Then TDT comes back as Bus Driver and was a little loose in his verbal and the Guru figured him out.  Check out our brother board.  It's pretty funny what kind of cult following Bus Driver has, formerly banned poster TDT.

Dawg,  just peeked over there and you are right.  What I found even funnier is how these guys live in a different world.  Let me post some quotes from the MIAC board and you tell me if you know what the F!@K those guys are talking about.......

"I saw a disturbing sight on my route at Cashwise Liquor and Westside Liquor in Willmar.  They had Hamm's in 24 packs and right next to it, Hamm's Light in 24 packs.  I was disgusted.  I'm just glad they're not in our Miller territory and I can only hope that Bernick's never gets on the Hamm's 24 pack or Hamm's Light bandwagon. "
-Frankrickard 1/6/06

"A few Poutfests ago, there was an ice auger that was drilled into the lake. The auger portion was frozen into the ice. People were encouraged to lay on top of the auger motor and rev the motor up, thereby causing the person to start spinning around very fast. Most people doing it got thrown off the auger. Reward for taking the joy ride: all the Stite beer you could drink." -Jonny Red 1/8/06


I also love the reason Pat gave for banning busdriver aka "TDT" in the first place:

"Repeated personal attacks on other posters and their spouses, despite specific warning to the contrary."

Spouses?   I love it.  Thats the funniest thing Ive heard in a while.

Rumor has it TDT also made unkind comments in reference to the military footwear that Pat's mom may or may not wear.

info tidbit: Hamm's is the Official beer of the MIACPP and has been since August when a discussion about the beer from the "land of the sky blue waters" contained so many beer references that the google ads on the top of the MIAC page were all beer ads for a week straight.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Man, those MIAC guys are some weird cats.  They seem ok, but isit me, or is life really different everywhere else in the world other than the left coast and right coast? 

I am not a political person by any means, but I always find it so interesting at election time when they show the breakdown of states in colors between Republicans and Democrats are all grouped together.  The left and right coasts for the most part are almost always democrat, and then there is everyone else.  Why is every other part of the country so friggin strange? 

Upstate NY isn't even omitted from this discussion.  I remember one time at RPI asking kids if they've ever been to the beach, and they'd be like, 'Yeah, we go to the lake every summer.'  The Lake?  WTF?  My old neighbor and I played a gig at thebeach last summer, and beforehand we went for a little swim to try and kill a major hangover.  He was from the land of the garbage plate(Rochester).  He was ecstatic.  He said to me, this is the first time i've ever been in an Ocean.  WTF?

LD11, being a beach bum, can't fathom what a life must be like surrounded byso much land all the time.  I guess i'd probably resort to religion and ice fishing too.


This is turning into more damn work than it should be!!!!

Union89 just returned from his meeting in Dirty Jersey.....figured, ahhh, before U89 goes to bed, he'll catch up on the 7 or 8 posts he missed over the last 2 days....maybe even respond to some ball busting from LD11 or post a few bets for the weekend. 

U89 has missed 10 PAGES over a 48 hour period and must now wait until tomorrow to post anything of substance......can't really compliment anyone 'cause in the last 2 days they may have busted your balls mercilessly.....can't really bust someone's balls, 'cause they may have preached of your brilliance (very unlikely with you fools though).

Long story short.....U89 will not post anything of interest until he has 2 hours to catch up on 2 days of LLPP homework!!

Kilted Rat

KR would like to thank Dawg for re-aggravating rat's carpal tunnel.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


LD11 was smited.  A MIAC poster I presume?  Or some other red-neck creeping on this board?  Own up to it so i can come and smite your entire board for being morons.



Quote from: Holladawg on January 13, 2006, 08:39:21 AM
LD - Dawg tried to put you in the + column but it appears the 18hr restriction is still up.  Dawg is curious if that thing is accurate.  Dawg then tried another 15 times to see if he could get you in the + due to a glitch in the karma software.  No dice.

Dawg caught 'True Life: I'm on Steroids' last night.  Dawg was disappointed in MTV's characters they chose to tell their steroid story.  After watching the show, Dawg thought that he had 100x more of a chance to hang out with the Geeks on B&TG than the tree mullets shown on this episode.  Dawg alway figured people got on the juice either for sports related reasons or just to get bigger/stronger.  Dawg was taken back when El Flamo wanted to juice for the mere reason to look ill in the clubz.  That was a first for the Dawg.


Mr & Mrs. Reg caught this episode and couldnt agree more about the choice of candidates
#1) guy was an average build guy that wanted to get on the cover of a muscle magazine.  Now buddy, it takes more than 3 months to get in the shape you need to be to get into there.  Hell Reg still has bigger shoulders and traps than you and he hasnt hit big weights in years!!....Secondly, HOW ON EARTH did the kid go from driving a 1988 ford taurus to driving a 2006 convertible Crossfire!!!  I HATE MTV
So the kid goes into a photo shoot where he ends up looking like a complete moron buried in the pages of "Exercise" magazine.....WTF is EXERCISE MAGAZINE!!!!



Quote from: Holladawg on January 13, 2006, 09:36:11 AM
Great point on the Crossfire Reg.  Dawg just remembered that.  What about when he goes "I hear people whispering - that guy is huge" and "I feel like Zeus".  Where was that guy hanging out?  At an elemetary school playground?  Only Zeus Dawg knows is Tiny from Friday.


KS saw Beauty and the Geek last night, JT was right, good to watch with the wife.  KS thought the funniest guy was the dude with the Neil Young sideburns (NYSB) when he had to sleep in the closet because the hot chick made him nervous.

KS saw a funny sight today at work in the parking lot.  A 4'10" Japanese woman getting out of a pimped out Escalade.

KS' balding guy observation of the day.  There seems to be an overly large percentage of balding guys here at work who have decided against the traditional comb-over or swirl.  These men have instead decided to get crewcuts and use large amounts of gel to spike their hair resulting in the steel brush look.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).