FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Jonny Utah

Quote from: Holladawg on January 16, 2006, 10:56:24 PM

I'll see you in hell.. ... ...

(Ive always wanted to say that)


Quick survey for the LLPP...

Who watches '24'? That is one of those shows that Gro never got into when it started, and after it became big I figured it was too late to catch up (the same could be said for 'Lost'). BrotherGro is a 24 fan and as the bears/panters game came near it's end you'd think the kid was waiting for santa claus... apparently santa's real name is Jack Bauer. Good show, Gro was entertained, but like I said in the beginning I'm too far behind to get into it now.

Brother Gro also gave me crap for my appriciation of the fine programming on MTV. Gro told him "So what the LLPP likes it". He was confused.


Quote from: redtackle on January 16, 2006, 10:21:23 PM

The management of LLC,Inc must absolutely and immediately find a position on the payroll for the Duke of Cleveland. RT will submit his resume to HR post haste.


Reg has the perfect position for the "Duke"....we can place his job with a dotted line to Garnet who heads our normal "recruitment"  process.  
In this role said candidate will be responsible for any recruitment of people between the ages of 18-21.  Furthermore he/she will also be responsible for recruitment of "non-educated" recruits.

We may even need to place this candiddate under garnets total control.  The more I think about it, since they are both going to be working together very closely and you cant have someone on the sexual offenders list who makes everyone call him "your grace" managing someone from the LLPP.
Garnet- are you up for this?...It means a pay raise, but also the QUALITY MUST IMPROVE!!!


Regulator's on deck to become the 5th member of the LLPP 100K club. Set your karmalarm!

let's also not forget the drive for LLPP's 10,000th post.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 17, 2006, 08:46:14 AM
Regulator's on deck to become the 5th member of the LLPP 100K club. Set your karmalarm!

let's also not forget the drive for LLPP's 10,000th post.

Forget about that Gro.  We have to figure out where this cat fits in!!....
After watching the video...he would make a wonderful british recruiter, plus he has huge internet skills.

the down side is that his rebuttle to anything he does wrong is "I didn't know what I did was wrong"...or really what about the trunk full of herb....or the guy you stabbed in the eye with your ball point pen...?  He is a huge liability for such fresh company.


KS just noticed that there is a co-worker on the other side of KS's new office space whose name is "Rimma Fuks," KS wonders if her parents liked her.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


LLPP Inc has made a commitment to its employees that they will be on the cutting edge of technology. Even junior associates are hooked up with laptops, smart phones, bluetooth ear pieces (so everyone knows we're cool), and wireless broadband connections.

IT Division of Anti Playa Hating (ITAPH) will be adding an additional device to your already stellar security system in 2006. Please see the link for details.

LLPP Anti Playa Hata Parrot 2k6

Parrot distribution will begin in Q2 and will be completed in no more than 45 days, unless changes in the parrot market prevent this from happening.



IC, just a little late on posting that link, But I like where your head's at. Therefore, you have been assigned to lead the APH Parrot launch for LLPP.


Quote from: knightstalker on January 17, 2006, 10:37:38 AM
KS just noticed that there is a co-worker on the other side of KS's new office space whose name is "Rimma Fuks," KS wonders if her parents liked her.
KS- are you sure this girl isnt married?  If so, she is completely at fault.  With a name like that, the guy should be an eternal bachelor.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 17, 2006, 10:49:24 AM
IC, just a little late on posting that link, But I like where your head's at. Therefore, you have been assigned to lead the APH Parrot launch for LLPP.

Sorry bout that...I posted then walked away for a sec and came back and realized that you had already posted the same thing....

Jonny Utah

Does anyone else think that ESPN the magazine is written on Mars?
What the hell is wrong with that thing?


Quote from: jonny utah on January 17, 2006, 12:54:30 PM
Does anyone else think that ESPN the magazine is written on Mars?
What the hell is wrong with that thing?

Don't get the magazine, but I like ESPN.com.  The folks over at SI have a serious attitude problem. I read Peter King and Dr. Z (what else is there to do at work) and it is the same crap every week -- but I still read it go figure. I really don't care about peter kings kid, his affection for coffee, or how he can't fit his fat arse in the middle seat on a flight. Dr. Z just thinks he knows everything.

Re: The Media
All these 'genius' sportscasters call this the end of the patriots dynasty. As much as I dislike the pats (ask LD11) Gro believes the dynasty is still intact. If they win it all next year it would be 4 out of the last 6, still a dynasty in Gro's book... and out of the woodwork would be Dr. Z and Peter "Son of Skunkman" King singing their praises all over again.


Quote from: regulator on January 17, 2006, 08:34:09 AM
Quote from: redtackle on January 16, 2006, 10:21:23 PM

The management of LLC,Inc must absolutely and immediately find a position on the payroll for the Duke of Cleveland. RT will submit his resume to HR post haste.


Reg has the perfect position for the "Duke"....we can place his job with a dotted line to Garnet who heads our normal "recruitment"  process.  
In this role said candidate will be responsible for any recruitment of people between the ages of 18-21.  Furthermore he/she will also be responsible for recruitment of "non-educated" recruits.

We may even need to place this candiddate under garnets total control.  The more I think about it, since they are both going to be working together very closely and you cant have someone on the sexual offenders list who makes everyone call him "your grace" managing someone from the LLPP.
Garnet- are you up for this?...It means a pay raise, but also the QUALITY MUST IMPROVE!!!

The guy would be a huge liability.  Probably not worth it.

Here is the original Duke of Cleveland



Gro was multi tasking, checking the posts while opening an extremely large email attachment. Stupid thing froze up the computer with LLPP opened full screen.

Co worker passing by comes in to shoot the ish... Gro is sweating bullets that said co worker does not cross the plane of computer monitor vision (Gro has the office set up in true holladawg fashion where you pretty much have to sit on Gro's lap to get a view of his monitor).

Blah blah blah... she leaves, computer finally unfreezes, giant excel sheet opens (who emails those anyway?) crisis averted.