FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Union89's music preference leans towards old skool metal and hard rock but.....

Just saw a "Destiny's Child" video and, I'll take that chick Kelly Rowlin (sp??) over that load Beyonce Knowles any day of the week!!  KR has a smokin' body and face while BK has WAY TOO much junk in 'da trunk and a trailer park face.

Just U89 thinkin' out loud.....


Quote from: frank uible on January 18, 2006, 11:09:16 PM
One of these days youse guys are going to write something related to football. But I'm not going to hold my breath!

Sic 'em LD11......tell our boy Frank where to go!!!!


Quote from: regulator on January 18, 2006, 08:47:07 PM
So, Tonight, at 8pm I get a knock at the door....(seeing that I had no outstanding warrants, Reg was happy to answer)....maybe it was Ed McMann

Reg, <seeing that yet another person is trying to sell something while he is in the middle of his delicious dinner> "Hell-ah"

Kat- HI! I am not one of those creepy people trying to sell something...

Reg- really?

Kat, Do you know the papa johns up the road...\

Reg<thinking he was referring to the pizza bolis they are building within 1/2 mile away> yeah!!! the one right up the street.

Kat-no, its close but its not that one.. <starts to get into his sales pitch>

Reg <cuts kat off 1 word into pitch>, Oh I'm sorry, we cannot eat pizza.

Kat- O.......K?????? Thanks!!

Mrs. reg is sitting at the bar eating dinner busting out laughing.....Reg is laughing....the kid Mrs. Reg was talking to on the phone about refinancing the house is laughing.

Good story, thought I would pass it along...

If anyone wants to sell you something the phrase is "no, sorry we cannot _____ that.

What more can they say!!!!

'Reg, +1.......the face to face "we cannot _____ that" beats the old putting the phone down for 5 minutes on the telemarketers....


Quote from: frank uible on January 18, 2006, 11:09:16 PM
One of these days youse guys are going to write something related to football. But I'm not going to hold my breath!

Frank Uible has one testicle shaped like a football, and the other shaped like spatula.  Neither have seen daylight since 1984.  1 has been touched since 1988, and it was by a turkish miudget named Sven.

That's football related right?

SO is it Frank 'Weeble' or do you go with the fancy prounciation, Frank 'You-we-blay'?

PS - I've said it before, if you don't like it, go post on the NESCAC board or something.  Nerd.


I sense anger in you lewdogg11


Quote from: jonny utah on January 18, 2006, 10:47:46 PM
Quote from: regulator on January 18, 2006, 08:47:07 PM

Mrs. reg is sitting at the bar eating dinner busting out laughing.....

You guys live in a fuc**ng bar?  You are my new hero. Thats fantastic.

JU- Reg wishes he lived in a bar...
Quite frankly I thought erveryone would skip over that part, but since you have eyes like a wolverine....it is a breakfast bar.

It is the little "L" at the end of our kitchen that some people call a "bar".....


Johnny U... you are the topic of discussion

The Origin of Johnny Utah



Quote from: icgrad87 on January 19, 2006, 07:58:49 AM
No Super Bowl for this guy and then some....


IC- If Reg were the judge and that kat showed up wearing a leather tie in my court, he would have been placed on death row...

Come on dude!!!



Gro's shooting the ish with a female co worker (hey you older LLPPers she's 40 and still got it). As she's walking away she turns around to say one more thing and Gro is definetly caught taking a "glance 'o the booty". That's just Gro being Gro.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 19, 2006, 08:39:51 AM

Gro's shooting the ish with a female co worker (hey you older LLPPers she's 40 and still got it). As she's walking away she turns around to say one more thing and Gro is definetly caught taking a "glance 'o the booty". That's just Gro being Gro.

Gro, In real life that may be considered bad karma, but on LLPP we live by a different set of rules....so you get +1K.

On another note, what about your friend in accounting?  Still wearing boots?....Still droppin it like its hot?
Curious minds want to know


Quote from: regulator on January 19, 2006, 08:56:51 AM
On another note, what about your friend in accounting? Still wearing boots?....Still droppin it like its hot?
Curious minds want to know

Gro's still upset that AG skipped the holiday party. Gro has not seen the boots in some time. She's real quiet and it's hard to spark up a convo beyond the usual small talk (Gro's not good at leading a conversation). Gro gives her the glance 'o the booty when he has the chance.

Gro thinks he may have to submit an article to the New England Journal of Medicine stating that the glance 'o the booty is an actual human reflex and should be tested at your annual physical just like when the Dr. taps your knee with that little hammer.


Best part of that Cleveland fan running on the field was watching him get body slammed by #92 on the Steelers.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 19, 2006, 09:04:38 AM
Gro thinks he may have to submit an article to the New England Journal of Medicine stating that the glance 'o the booty is an actual human reflex and should be tested at your annual physical just like when the Dr. taps your knee with that little hammer.

So JT's watching Skating with the Stars and hoping for some nice crashes.  Fox's NFL pregame weather bunny Jillian Barberie is skating with some pro dude.  Not only can she skate OK, but she was wearing this slinky red thing that showed off her spectacular rack.  JT's Fiancee doesn't like Ms. Barberie because, "All her talent and brains are in her chest."

JT's continuous comments about Jillian's capable skating and nice rack went over real well.  If you ask JT's gal, looking at girl's booty, rack, legs etc., is certainly a male reflex. 


Quote from: JT on January 19, 2006, 09:48:42 AM
Quote from: EngiNegro on January 19, 2006, 09:04:38 AM
Gro thinks he may have to submit an article to the New England Journal of Medicine stating that the glance 'o the booty is an actual human reflex and should be tested at your annual physical just like when the Dr. taps your knee with that little hammer.

So JT's watching Skating with the Stars and hoping for some nice crashes.  Fox's NFL pregame weather bunny Jillian Barberie is skating with some pro dude.  Not only can she skate OK, but she was wearing this slinky red thing that showed off her spectacular rack.  JT's Fiancee doesn't like Ms. Barberie because, "All her talent and brains are in her chest."

JT's continuous comments about Jillian's capable skating and nice rack went over real well.  If you ask JT's gal, looking at girl's booty, rack, legs is certainly a human reflex. 

Probably is something like the left one got all the talent and the right one's got all the brains.  ;D :o

EDIT: +1 K for JT for having the cojones to come onto this forum and admit he watched Skating with Celebrities (despite the "I wanted to see some nice crashes" excuse).