FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Like reg said, getting caught by the girl that triggered the GOTB is all good. She wore those pants for a reason right? Now what gets guys in trouble is when the GOTB occurs in front of your girl, wife, fiance, mom, aunt, whatever.  For some reason they don't like that.

On a similar note, what happens when you notice some random dood giving YOUR girl the GOTB? Are you mad? Are you proud?

your thoughts


Quote from: JT on January 19, 2006, 09:48:42 AM
Quote from: EngiNegro on January 19, 2006, 09:04:38 AM
Gro thinks he may have to submit an article to the New England Journal of Medicine stating that the glance 'o the booty is an actual human reflex and should be tested at your annual physical just like when the Dr. taps your knee with that little hammer.

So JT's watching Skating with the Stars and hoping for some nice crashes.  Fox's NFL pregame weather bunny Jillian Barberie is skating with some pro dude.  Not only can she skate OK, but she was wearing this slinky red thing that showed off her spectacular rack.  JT's Fiancee doesn't like Ms. Barberie because, "All her talent and brains are in her chest."

JT's continuous comments about Jillian's capable skating and nice rack went over real well.  If you ask JT's gal, looking at girl's booty, rack, legs etc., is certainly a male reflex. 

JT..I have to admit the mrs & I watched it as well...and just like most other reality shows we got addicted.  Was either of these what she was wearing?  I fell asleep when she came on..I think it was the LACK of skating that knocked me out.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 19, 2006, 10:04:07 AM
Like reg said, getting caught by the girl that triggered the GOTB is all good. She wore those pants for a reason right? Now what gets guys in trouble is when the GOTB occurs in front of your girl, wife, fiance, mom, aunt, whatever.  For some reason they don't like that.

On a similar note, what happens when you notice some random dood giving YOUR girl the GOTB? Are you mad? Are you proud?

your thoughts

I guess at first I'm pissed, but then I kind of think about "Hey, he just looked, I actually get." 8)

Kilted Rat

Quote from: Union89 on January 18, 2006, 11:15:16 PM
  KR has a smokin' body and face...

KR know's you're talking about the bootylicious women from Destiny's child, but scanning the LLPP during a diabetes lecture, that phrase jumped out at me.

On the subject of wives, the following happened in KR's apartment last night:

KR and Mrs KR headed to bed at about the same time (which is very condusive to the needs and desires of young newly married posters). Noticing that Mrs. KR was more interested in sleep than in KR, rat began tickling and otherwise harassing the Mrs to the point that she grabbed a blanket off the bed and exited the room to go sleep on the couch.

Being a kind and caring husband, KR soon followed into the living/dining/family room (kitchen table, couch, TV, table, lamp, and many frilly pillows stuffed into an area smaller than Holla's office) where the following conversation took place:

KR: "Mrs KR... what's up?"
Mrs. KR: "I came out here so I coule get some sleep in peace!!!"
KR: "Oh... well you forgot your pillow."

KR didn't have to pay the $2.   :-\
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Kilted Rat

On the subject of strange people calling/coming to the door, here are KR's top 10 tips:

10. Telemarketers: ask for their full name and phone number, when they ask why, reply "to call you at home," when they say "I don't like being called at home" reply "me neither" and hang up.

9. When they ask for a person by name start crying and say they just died yesterday and proceed to go into a long story about their life and death.

8.  Jehovah's witnesses: Ask them if they celebrate Halloween (they don't) then ask if it is because they don't like strange people dressed funny coming to their door.

7.  If someone asks if you've "found Jesus" ask when the last time they saw Jesus before they lost him and offer to call the police to fill out a missing person's report.

6.  When they ask how are you this evening go off on a 5 minute long tangent about how your dog ran away, your woman left you and your PP Karma is not even half of Gro's and anything else worth b*tching about in your life.

5.  Look out the peephole anytime there is a knock on the door, if it's not Ed McMahon, someone with a huge check, someone you know, a cop, or the UPS guy, strip off all clothes, light a cigarette and answer the door naked with a huge grin.

4.  Demand that all telemarketers start and end every sentence addressing you by your PP name (doesn't work real well if your PP name is the same as our real name)

3.  Offer to talk to religious fanatics about the glory of worshiping plants, animals, or alcoholic beverages.

2.  Offer fanatics a beer.

and finally:

1.  Don't answer the phone or the door and spend your entire evening dreaming about the hot chick from HR.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


JT's gal is pretty cool.   She even points out other "hot" women for JT to look at.  "I know you'll like that one," she'll say.  So JT is pretty cool with the doods giving JT's gal a once over.  JT does have trouble with some guys who overtly flirt with gal in front of JT.

JT's gal got that nice mocha Philipina thing rocking.  Some doods think she's Latina and start mackin on her in Spanish.  Last time it happened we got a rental car upgrade, so JT couldn't be too upset.


'Gro, I thought you weren't allowed to glance at booty?  Aren't you going to get punished for that?  You bubba is gonna swap you wif her wevver gwuvs.


Multiple topic post from KS.

Mrs. Stalker allows KS the GOTB when out and about, in fact at times she has pointed a nice one out to me that I missed.  KS doesn't care if guys give Mrs. Stalker the GOTB, it is a compliment, ten to fifteen years ago KS would have gotten upset but he has calmed down in his old age.

KS had a friend who was harassed by the JW's every Saturday morning at about 8:00 AM, KS was passed out on the couch a couple of times it happened.  KS' friend Zippy (so named because he worked at Talon zippers in Meadville PA for a couple of years) decided to get drastic and followed KR's suggestion number 5.  He started answering the door with his bathrobe hanging open.  After two weeks they stopped ringing his bell, it was fun watching the one ladies eyes bulge out of her head.

KS hopes the Mrs. Stalker recorded skating with the stars for KS.  I have to admit, I want to watch it for the same reasons as JT.  When KS sees a commercial for tv show that shows people that are contused and bleeding he wants to see it.  KS thinks that someone with a DVR should record the entire series and edit out everything but the crashes, accidents and injuries.  This would make for an entertaining show.  Mrs. Stalker and the Stalkerette will probably watch dancing with the stars.  The Stalkerette loves anything to do with dancing right now.

What about the hot chick from HR?  Are there any new updates on her or was she at RT's old job?  Was RT the one posting about the hot chick from HR?  KS needs more hot chicks in HR.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


JT used a variation of No. 5 on the JW's.  The JW's used to try and hand out that "Watchtower" pamphlet after ringing the bell.  So JT answered once with open robe and a tub of Crisco.  When they attempted the pamphlet transfer, JT said here hold this (Crisco).  As JT flipped through the Watchtower, he mentioned that he was "Just about to grease up for his 'next home movie' ", could they come back next week and discuss?

JT didn't know JW's could move away that fast.  The word must have gotten out because from that point on, they'd come up near JT's place and cross the street then cross back.  Sometimes JT would wave.


JW's don't come to KS's neighborhood in JC, I guess they think even God won't protect them there.

KS's tollbooth rant of the day.  Last night KS was driving on the GSP heading to geezer rock band rehearsal.  KS doesn't have ezpass because he doesn't take toll roads enough to bother with it.  KS is in the exact change lane at the Pascack Valley toll plaza.  The Dumbass (DA) in the car ahead of KS is looking all over the car for change.  DA realizes finally after about a minute that he doesn't have the correct change.  Instead of honking his horn and proceding like he dropped money in (KS has never been ticketed for this and has done it a few times) the DA tries to back out of the exact change lane.  DA actually expected KS and the other cars behind him (other exact change lane was closed and the money being removed) to back up on the GSP for his dumbass.  If you have to search for exact change, stay the f out of the exact change lane.  Break a single for christs sake.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Kilted Rat

KR's random pic of the day:

It's panda Porn!!!

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 19, 2006, 10:59:07 AM
'Gro, I thought you weren't allowed to glance at booty? Aren't you going to get punished for that? You bubba is gonna swap you wif her wevver gwuvs.

nah nah, Gro can not get in trouble for booty glances by lady friend or any future lady friend. Like I mentioned, it's a natual human reflex. So far current lady friend hasn't made an issue of any GOTB by Gro. The key word is glance.


Bodily Fluids Detection Kit

KS wonders if this would be a useful tool for LLPP Inc.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


ICGrad had either JW's or Mormans come to his door and they had started in with their conversion routine

JW's/Mormans - "Hi we're from ......

Grad - " Sorry not interested"

JW's/Mormans - "But we'd like to tell you...

Grad - "I think you're knocking on the wrong door"

JW's/Mormans - "But we'd like to see if...

Grad - "You're knocking on the wrong door ( as Grad points to Star of David/Menorah on shelf).  Have a nice day." Closes door as JW's/Mormans look at him with dumbfounded looks on their faces


Good article. The BMW part was the best.  The fluid kit along with the previously discussed APHP (anti playa hata parrot) would be useful tools for the LLPP employee.