FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Naked Nott Run

I AM THAT TEACHER... Just wanted to drop my hello's and such... Been mad busy in Tampa with all these ghetto homie's and getting players signed... I met Bobby Bowden last week and asked him how his kicking game looked...he didnt seem to find it as funny as I did.

True story: I was offered the d-back coaching position at Becker College but I don't know about all that. What do you think... would you go to a winless team with a new program
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Quote from: Naked Nott Run on January 24, 2006, 09:43:48 AM
I AM THAT TEACHER... Just wanted to drop my hello's and such... Been mad busy in Tampa with all these ghetto homie's and getting players signed... I met Bobby Bowden last week and asked him how his kicking game looked...he didnt seem to find it as funny as I did.

True story: I was offered the d-back coaching position at Becker College but I don't know about all that. What do you think... would you go to a winless team with a new program

That's a great opportunity to take, how can you pass something like that up?


For your viewing enjoyment... weightlifting gone wrong



NNR-  aside from any kind of pay advantage, there are no expectations or they are very low, so anything is a step up for a program with no wins. Could make a name for yourself if you do something there.


NNR... you wanna move from Tampa to Woosta?


Reg would continue to teach at said school.  And take dawgs advice of repeating "you know what I'm sayin?" after every sentence.

you know what Im sayin?


LD11 is back.  He weighs 3 wisdom less than he did a few hours ago.  LD11 looks like Frank Beamer when he talks.  LD11 got several shots of novocaine and a fresh pair of pliers.  3 wisdom teef.  25 minutes, including the 15 minute novocaine and wait for it to kick in time.  Amazing stuff.

Now, onto the kid with the jersey...Garnet, we need you.  no pictures.  We need his email address and phone # STAT!  I want to hate mail him, and prank call him saying I'm John Elways non-straight lover.

I'm with OX, just seeing that kid's picture, i wanna beat him up.  

The worst part is, it was purely for joking purposes.  Our teachers used to make kids with Yankees hats or shirts clean the bathroom stalls with their pubes.  How the days have changed.


Re: Jersey Kid

Throwback, schmowback... no elway jerseys please. Elway has not received TB status yet.

Re: Being a fan in enemy territory
You are asking for trouble, so don't cry when people don't like you. Flash back to 2003, the day before the Tampa/Oakland superbowl. Some jackoff is downtown at the bar wearing his old ratty raiders starter jacket. Not even the pull over, the zip up. He had death threats within minuets.

Apple Jack

AJ does think that this video was originally scored for 'Gro but the talent scouts said chuck norris looked better in a mustache....

On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland


LD11's dentist is the man.  he hooked a brother up with percocet.  None of those little gay azz Vicodin for me!  Time for me to drift away for a few...


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 24, 2006, 08:02:41 AM
The "Grow a Pair" Award goes to...

Shirt tale
Broncos fan says he was humiliated by teacher

Joshua Vannoy says his teacher called him a "stinking Denver fan," and instructed other students to throw crumpled paper at him.

BEAVER FALLS, Pa. (AP) -- A 17-year-old high school student said he was humiliated when a teacher made him sit on the floor during a midterm exam in his ethnicity class -- for wearing a Denver Broncos jersey.

The teacher, John Kelly, forced Joshua Vannoy to sit on the floor and take the test Friday -- two days before the Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Broncos 34-17 in the AFC championship game. Kelly also made other students throw crumpled up paper at Vannoy, whom he called a "stinking Denver fan," Vannoy told The Associated Press on Monday.

Click for the full story

JT's willing to bet that there is a lawyer on the case right now looking to cash in.  Sheesh, be a man if you're gonna wear a uni in enemy territory or don't suit up.  Looks like Josh was sorely in need of some lessons in "wit and smart ass comebacks" from the LLPP school of smackdowns.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 24, 2006, 10:35:22 AM
Now, onto the kid with the jersey...Garnet, we need you.  no pictures.  We need his email address and phone # STAT!  I want to hate mail him, and prank call him saying I'm John Elways non-straight lover.

Garnet is prohibited from posting personal information here as per the terms of agreement. 

The kid looks mean in this picture.


Garnet just re-read the terms of service and there is no mention of posting personal information so here it is.  It looks like it is one of these.

162 Midvale Rd
Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Sylvia Dr
Beaver Falls, PA 15010

233 Highland Dr
Beaver Falls, PA 15010


does anyone know of a flaming-bag-of-poop-o-gram service in Beaver Falls, PA?

Jonny Utah

Jonny Utah Ticker

Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Tick...Boom! Dynamite...Boom! Boom! Dynamite...