FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: BobbyBoucher on January 25, 2006, 08:42:36 AM
sorry to steal garnets thunder, but bobby knew where this was

While Garnet was reading Dawg's post he immediately thought of this picture.  It is the only one available of her in a swimsuit on the internet.

Here she is in a warm up outfit.


This board is dead this morning, so I took some initative to get a picture of some HOT CHICKS.




Contact: JT
Phone: 800-MACHOES

LLPP LLC., has successfully developed the Perfect Career Management Software (PCMS) for the average worker.  PCMS allows the user the create the perfect working environment at the click of a mouse.  Eliminate problems with bosses, increase salary, enjoy more weekends, etc.

"LLPP expects that this software will become the best selling business software in the world.  It has the capability to help today's oppressed worker," says LLPP spokesman Red Tackle.

The software is available for all major operating systems.  PCMS is restricted to users that have passed the LLPP's Path to a Bangin' Lifestyle and Mackin Ho's courses.

"We want to make sure that the software is used for good over evil."  Those that can't or won't successfully complete both courses will be considered enemies to the lifestyle," explains author and LLPP spokesman LD11.

Once a users mind is right, they must get their body right.  Holladawg, LLPP Director of BFS supervises all training activity.

"Users will either have to train the right way or I'll wing a 5lb plate at their useless, workout ball, core training heads," exclaims Dawg.[/b]


Steff: Listen up, ladies. Brian Riley is going to USC, motherf*ckers!

Brian: All I have to do is maintain my fantastic 2.0 grade-point average, and everything is cool.

Click on this link to read the story

Kilted Rat

How much of a fruit do you have to be for Richard Simmons to give you the "God you're a homo" look?

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Red Sox Slugger David "Big Papi" Ortiz was arrested yesterday half naked and apparently high on a controlled substance.  It is reported that Ortiz kept asking bath house members to "play with little Papi".



Quote from: Garnet on January 25, 2006, 11:32:25 AM
Steff: Listen up, ladies. Brian Riley is going to USC, motherf*ckers!

Brian: All I have to do is maintain my fantastic 2.0 grade-point average, and everything is cool.


Best of the Best/Best of the Best 2

Weldon: The winner and new owner of the Coliseum, Mr. Tommy Lee! Say a few words, champ.
Tommy Lee: The Coliseum is closed.


You guys missed Garnet's point.

Click on the news flash link below the picture and you will see a story about Christopher Penn. 



In honor of post 2200, Gro would like to give props to the drink of choice for certain RPI interns. The Applebee's Brewtus aka the deuce-deuce


JT likes the fact that Garnet is working around web restrictions to bring the hotties.  Flimsy firewalls can't keep the LLPP down.


Bman has been guilty of lurking recently, but wanted to recount an incident with his "Better half" this morning...

Phone rings....

BMAN  "Hello"
Wife  "Hi ...before I start I just want you to know I am ok..."
BMAN "uh-oh"
Wife  "I slid off the road on my way to work onto a bush"
BMAN to self ...WTF
BMAN  "OK where are you now"
Wife  "I am still on the Bush"
BMAN "explain to me what "on the bush means"
Wife "I slid off the road over a ditch and hit a bush...and the car (SUV) went up onto the bush, and now the wheels are off the ground"
BMAN to self ...WTF
BMAN "Which wheels"
Wife "what do you mean "Which wheels"....all of them"
BMAN to self ...WTF

So...Bman goes to the scene...

SUV is perched on bush, completely in the air...
MR Useful (DE st trooper) says "I've never seen anything like that in my life"...my thought is of course not, you live in Delaware (But I restrained that)

So I ask mr USEFUL, "how about you pull her off there" and he looks at me like I have 2 heads....

So now we have to get Mr Personality involved...(The tow truck driver)....
Get starts complaining about women drivers (which I secretly agree with....)and making the wife angry.

He begins to hook up the equipment to pull the car off the way it came in...

BMAN to mr personality "Hey dontcha think you should pull it off forward?"
Mr Personality  "Why...it got on this way it can get off this way"

BMAN  "Dontcha think those trunks are going to tear up underneath"
Mr Personality "you want it pulled off or not"
BMAN  "yeah...forward...."
Mr Personality  "Youre and asshole arent you?"
BMAN  "Yes...pull it off forward"

After debate, Tow truck driver pulls it out backward which punctures a tire and rips off the skid plate under the radiator....

BMAN to Mr Useful...can I have you badge number and full name so when I sue this guy, you can be my witness.

Mr Useful  "I don't want to be involved in that"
Mr Personality "You arent going to sue me a**hole"
BMAN to self  ...so much for the Protect and serve motto.....

Why do we let women drive agian???



Bman is in for as much bling as possible!

If Bman would have only remembered the camera.....


Just saw The Apprentice #2 peddling his goods in the lobby of Trump Tower

I think his 15 minutes of fame are up..


Garnet's random pic of the day.