FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Anyone notice that Chris Penn is playing the staring role in a new movie called "Dead"?

what, too soon?


Chris Penn was the big gorky kid that was Kevin Bacons "buddy" in Footloose right?  If so it looks like he was on the John Goodman diet with the John Belushi or Chris Farley prescription plan.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


How the hell can a State trooper who was a witness to property damage, not want to get involved?  WTF

JT hopes BMAN got the info anyway.  File a complaint against the trooper if he won't help.  

This is why JT keeps a digital camera in his car.  He was amazed at the lies people will tell after they hit JT.  

One cop had the audacity to tell JT it was he said/she said accident report because said cop didn't see it.  JT's car had all the damage, the other car had none.  JT car was backed into in a parking lot.  From the angle of the impact it was clear who was at fault.

Once cop arrived.... 50 ish - 60 ish couple start lying and tell cop JT hit them!!!
Cop is about the same age as couple....  JT has a Honda Accord.... couple has Mercedes SUV.  JT realizes he's screwed.

JT explains to cop that he jammed on his horn when realized these people were about to hit JT, but couple kept backing up.  Since it was a lost cause JT muttered, "I guess you haven't had any accident training, it is obvious to any intelligent person who's at fault" to cop, which pissed him off.  F' em. Cost JT $500 in deductible cause couple's insurance ruled it as 50/50.

Since that time JT has used digital camera successfully to defend himself against other bad drivers.


JT gets +K for Big Papi pic.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Another typical day for Michael Jackson


Long story short.  Jersey City cops sister rearends Mrs Stalkers Kia and shoves Kia into car that leaves before cops show up while stopped for raised draw bridge that cops drove off of this past christmas.  JCCS was talking on cell phone and admitted it to wife because relative just taken to hospital.  Cops show up JCCS all of a sudden telling cops that mrs Stalker hit car in front of her first, cops tell wife and friend to shut up and send them to hospital.  Stalkers get accident report, written like JCCS explained it.  Mrs. Stalker worked for lawyer at the time, lawyer called Stalkers insurance company on Mrs. Stalkers behalf, Insurance company forces JCPD to correct accident report.  Finally six years later it looks like Mrs. Stalker should get about ten grand after lawyers get their cut.

KS will have LD11 consult with Ron Artest regarding appropriate wagers when time comes and then bet the opposite.  

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Bman, there is a second reason for carrying the digital camera.  LLPP needs to see Mrs. Bman and her SUV on top of the bush.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).



Bman was a note taking machine...Frankly Mr DE St trooper looked relieved that Bman came, until Bman starting Fing with the Tow truck driver...

Frankly he looked pretty tough...Bman would have appreciated Gro's 2.5lb plate toss....


Important Safety and Self Defense Note for LLPP![/b][/size]

LLPP members should start carrying a Discus or five lb plate in their cars immediately.  This is a useful and necessary tool while dealing with Mr. Personalities.  Explanation would be as simple as I am the LLPP strength and conditioning coach, or I am the LLPP Track and Field Weight coach.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Weather Girl Jackie Guerrido dares Mr Personality to mess with her.

Jackie at work


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 25, 2006, 02:48:43 PM
Anyone notice that Chris Penn is playing the staring role in a new movie called "Dead"?

what, too soon?

You're getting an Opie and Anthony car crash, because that joke bombed.



The humor in my post is not the lame joke, but the "too soon?" line. Only an expert humorist like Gro can see the subtle comedy in that... but that's to be expected since Gro trained for 6 years in the shaolin monk comedy club in rural Tibet.

but thanks for the internet sound bite... here's how it sounds when Utica practices in full pads.

*mice pissing on cotton*

Jonny Utah

Quote from: EngiNegro on January 25, 2006, 02:48:43 PM
Anyone notice that Chris Penn is playing the staring role in a new movie called "Dead"?

what, too soon?

Gro, I have not verbally laughed out loud at a post in a long time.  That one did it.  Juice to you.

I guess theres two big differences between Ithaca and Utica besides the letters I, U, and H......

1)Good Football Teams and sense of humor A

2)Bad Football Teams and sense of humor B

Jonny Utah

Quote from: bman on January 25, 2006, 02:18:41 PM
Bman has been guilty of lurking recently, but wanted to recount an incident with his "Better half" this morning...

Phone rings....

BMAN  "Hello"
Wife  "Hi ...before I start I just want you to know I am ok..."
BMAN "uh-oh"
Wife  "I slid off the road on my way to work onto a bush"
BMAN to self ...WTF
BMAN  "OK where are you now"
Wife  "I am still on the Bush"
BMAN "explain to me what "on the bush means"
Wife "I slid off the road over a ditch and hit a bush...and the car (SUV) went up onto the bush, and now the wheels are off the ground"
BMAN to self ...WTF
BMAN "Which wheels"
Wife "what do you mean "Which wheels"....all of them"
BMAN to self ...WTF

So...Bman goes to the scene...

SUV is perched on bush, completely in the air...
MR Useful (DE st trooper) says "I've never seen anything like that in my life"...my thought is of course not, you live in Delaware (But I restrained that)

So I ask mr USEFUL, "how about you pull her off there" and he looks at me like I have 2 heads....

So now we have to get Mr Personality involved...(The tow truck driver)....
Get starts complaining about women drivers (which I secretly agree with....)and making the wife angry.

He begins to hook up the equipment to pull the car off the way it came in...

BMAN to mr personality "Hey dontcha think you should pull it off forward?"
Mr Personality  "Why...it got on this way it can get off this way"

BMAN  "Dontcha think those trunks are going to tear up underneath"
Mr Personality "you want it pulled off or not"
BMAN  "yeah...forward...."
Mr Personality  "Youre and asshole arent you?"
BMAN  "Yes...pull it off forward"

After debate, Tow truck driver pulls it out backward which punctures a tire and rips off the skid plate under the radiator....

BMAN to Mr Useful...can I have you badge number and full name so when I sue this guy, you can be my witness.

Mr Useful  "I don't want to be involved in that"
Mr Personality "You arent going to sue me a**hole"
BMAN to self  ...so much for the Protect and serve motto.....

Why do we let women drive agian???

Bman, it doesnt matter how the guy pulls it out, your insurance company will pay for it all anyway.

you might even get a new axle and radiator out of the deal


Yeah, but accidents are rated.  If BMAN's on the hook for the tow truck damage, his rates will be that much higher.

My parking lot mishap with the lying sacks of ****, cost me $500 in deductible plus a rate increase of $127 "being 50% at fault".  This is what happens when you get a cop that doesn't know what he's doing or has a bias.  Insurance companies go by the cop's accident report.  If the report is not written correctly, someone gets hosed.

The only good thing is that people that hit me had their rates go up also.