FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Re: Toolbox from Emory

Gro bets that kid never thought some article he whipped up at 1:30am the night before it was due -- inbetween rounds of starcraft and jackalacking to the freshman facebook -- would stir up the response it has. He was probably thinking "It was a lame comentary in a school newspaper the doesn't even have football!!" But that's what Gro loves about this whole ordeal. You talk smack about D3 Football and D3 football will smack you right back. Gro also thinks the kid will write a followup article pointing out how "controversial" his article was in an attempt at labeling himself cool.

Anyhow... that article made it's rounds to the RPI football alum mailing list and someone responded to said toolbox with a quote from my man Teddy (Roosevelt, not Pendergrass) that once graced the RPI football playbook during Gro's tenure. You've probably heard it before but just wanted to drop a gem on LLPP this early afternoon, enjoy.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." 

And to quote Coach King, "I don't know about you guys, but that gets me fired up."


with reagrads to the stealth smiters, Garnet proposes the LLPP employ these young ladies to administer any and all punishment that the board deems fit.


followed by a cleansing...


and then a dip in the pool

Senor RedTackle

RT is offering his assistance to JU in the investigation of said LLC,INC corporate saboteur. RT has been gathering his own clues and want fellow posters to be on the lookout of anyone sporting this shirt..

RT also is warning those on LL that the illicit smiting seems to be a concern beyond the ranks of LL,INC. It appears as though the big Man himself has gotten involved...

God Considers Smiting Bible Pirates
By Kristian Werner

Vatican City - God did not rule out smiting as a final measure against those who share his most famous work, the Bible, on the Internet. This marks the first time a deity has spoken on IT-related questions since Steve Jobs was temporarily Enlightened when touching the One True iMac some years ago.

Authorized Version?
Citing misuse of His word, misquotation, and putting hardworking Bible printers out of work, God said he would now start hunting Bible pirating around the globe. "I have to defend both my world-famous brand - the Bible and its distinctive likenesses - and the livelihood of those who create and distribute legal copies of it. Sure, they live not by bread alone, but website hits - someone else's website mind you - don't pay the bills for these folks."

Since large portions of the Bible are many centuries old, many people believe the work to be in the public domain. Not so, said God. "Look, most copyright laws are based on something like the author's lifetime plus, let's say, 15 years. News flash: I'm still here."

" I am a jealous God," He said, "but I am by no means unreasonable. If the person will stop distributing My copyrighted materials, there will be no further consequences. Like I've said before: hate pirating, love the pirate."
Ironically, some of those most likely to be hit by these measures are among God's biggest fans. The Reverend Alfred Jackson is a minister at the church of St. Cecilia in Kansas City. In his spare time, he maintains the Bible study website "eChapter and eVerse," which cross-references large parts of the bible with commentary from clergy and laypeople from around the world.

God said that 'spreading the Gospel' was not a valid defense for distributing copyrighted materials. "Rev. Jackson has published at least 35% of My word electronically, where anyone with an internet connection can download it. Thrice did I call on him to repent; thrice did he ignore me or refer me to the EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation]."

Jackson said he had had several emails from someone claiming to be the Deity, but had first dismissed them as pranks. When he received the second 'cease and desist', Jackson contacted the EFF and asked for advice.
Marie Dang, an attorney with EFF said smiting was clearly an unreasonable response to alleged copyright infringement. "I realize that legal text often spells out all the details and ramifications right from the start. But mentions of smiting and damnation are hardly suitable for a first letter," said Dang.

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Responding to widespread criticism over perceived misuse of omnipotence, God said people had misunderstood Him. "I repeat: Smiting would only be a last resort against the unrepentant. True, neither My Son nor I thought of electronic piracy when I sent him to earth. However, we have decided to include it as a 'sin' for purposes of forgiveness. I don't know who put in that 'damnation' stuff."

When asked what His next step might be, God was reluctant to discuss specifics. He stressed that He would consider the effect of His actions on the meek. "Let's make one thing clear," He said, "I may be omnipotent, but I'm not crazy: It's not like I think I'm Jack Valenti."

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Senor RedTackle

Quote from: EngiNegro on January 26, 2006, 01:30:37 PM
Re: Toolbox from Emory

....with a quote from my man Teddy (Roosevelt, not Pendergrass) that once graced the RPI football playbook during Gro's tenure. You've probably heard it before but just wanted to drop a gem on LLPP this early afternoon, enjoy.

Big Up's and +1 to Gro for the Teddy P. reference....
"Turn off the lights....let's make love..."
Right up there w/ Barry White in terms of baby-making music


Quote from: Holladawg on January 26, 2006, 01:43:23 PM
Quote from: jonny utah on January 26, 2006, 12:05:07 PM
We would like to thank all those involved in solving this investigation.  A punshiment will be given and is described below.

PUNISHMENT: Being a Utica Football Fan is enough punishment, therefore no further punshiment will be given on this first offense.

Jonny - That punishment should be fine for now since there weren't any LLPP regulations nor cases regarding closet smiters.  Going forward, anyone found guilty could get demoted to the NESCAC board or even sent over to LLPP Europe.

Garnet - Dawg would smite everyday of the week if those chicks were used to deal out the punishment.  Hot chicks in this case though are not the solution. 

WARNING: Anyone caught closet smiting must deal with a Friendosaurus sitting on their face for a minimum of 30 minutes in addition to the above mentioned demotion.

You mean this?


+k for everyone, someone smote Garnet bringing him below the required 69K.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Senor RedTackle

...SMITING UPDATE....[/size][/i]

RT never claimed to be the best at Math, Statistics, or any other crazy analytical decision making type courses he took at RPI (Quantitative Analysis, Operations Research, etc) but he feels there has to be some sort of algorithm or forensic math LL,INC's bureau of research & statistical control could employ to isolate the closet smiter. What do we know that could help us?? Well, people can't smite more than once in 18 hours so how does that translate back to narrowing in on a suspect? Also, is there a correlation or some sort of regressional analysis to be done on JU's information to show 'suspects' and cross reference them against the smite count durning that span??  RT is understand why CSI is so addicting and feels that LL,INC has turned a negative into a positive and will (like always) make a 50 yard bomb out of a potential sack.

Ladies and gentlemen, RT has assigned the task of writing the script for the pilot episode of "CSI: D3.com...Smite Planet" to our very own 'Dawg. Dawg...give us a quick teaser into the initial story line in episode 1.

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: knightstalker on January 26, 2006, 02:10:50 PM
+k for everyone, someone smote Garnet bringing him below the required 69K.

folks...we need some "controlled smiting" at this point to bring Garnet back to his level. Garnet was at 72 after the KS update so RT lobbed a grenade..


Prelim results are in... LL Goes Bananas in the last 15 days!!

Let's flashback to January 11, 2006 around 12:30pm

MIAC - 10,000 posts (congrats!)
LL - 9,236 posts

MIAC leads by 764 posts

15 Days later... at press time

MIAC - 10,099 posts
LL - 9,878

MIAC lead cut to 221!!

Total posts in 15 days...

MIAC - 99
LL - 642


MIAC - 6.6 PPD
LL - 42.8 PPD


Senor RedTackle

Quote from: JT on January 26, 2006, 03:21:52 PM
On Newsstands Now

RT would give +5 karma to JT if he could for this piece....


BudCrew08, your woman has a sweet rack....

(Benefits of being a closet smiter)