FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: EngiNegro on January 30, 2006, 10:52:14 AM

you got 4 squares on the floor, one person in each, and a kickball type ball. ball lands in your square you gotta hit it back to any other square or you're out. no spinning!!

there was also a game called "rochester" which was a everyone for themselves version of basketball, anyone know that one?

I don't remember boxball, but I do remember playing Rochester... also used to be called Knockout, which is the name I played it under...


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 30, 2006, 10:47:20 AM
'Gro and I were giving the 'shocker' symbol on MTV's
'Fashionably Loud' during Spring Break 2000(SB2K).  There we were, no sleep in days, up to our nipples in water, Dre, Exibit, Slim Shady, all on stage telling us that 'nuthin come out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish'.  No offense, but that trumps being an extra in Rocky V.

'Gro, this game that spoeak of...Might it go by an alias such as 'boxball'?

JT agrees SB MTV trumps hanging around in Dirty Philly for a few frames in Rocky V.  

JT and friend had a job interview in Philly... we had to be there.  We had a change of clothes in order to keep the monkey suits crisp.  Some dude was looking for extras for Rocky V, and we figured... "Why not?"  Maybe we'll meet Sly or something.  The only nice guy was Burt Young "Paulie".  He would hang out, talk, and joke.  

Morrison "Gunn" was hooking up with a couple of extras.  He would spend time in between takes hammering away in his trailer.   Might have gotten the HIV from one of those Philly skanks.


'Rochester'?  Man you New York cats are weird.  That was America.  And there was multi-player 21, and there was knockout.  Knockout was LD11's favorite.  You would have a line of people at the Free Throw line, 2 basketballs, and basically you shot from the foul line then if you missed you could chase your ball down and score then give it to the next person in line.  If the person behind you got it in before you, you were knocked the 'fuggout'!

Boxball sounds like the game you speak of.  I was never a fan.  We used to have a gym class game called 'dunk ball' where we had shorter rims on these poles and you could dunk it home.  LD11 was only 5'2" when he graduated from 8th grade the first time around, but he could still dunk like no other.

One last gym-class favorite was called 'bombardment'.  It was like dodgeball.  Played on the basketball court with Volleyball nets at half court.  You played it like dodgeball.  If you got nailed you had to sit down.  The best part?  You could shoot at the basket on the opposite side and if you got it in, all your players were releassed.  I was typically the shooter.  LD11 hit more shots from half court in hoop days than Lebron in the Powerade commercials.


Garnet, with the new and improved signature pictures below, is ready for tomorrow's field trip.

Did you youngters ever play Cream the Carrier?

Kilted Rat


KR apologized but KR had to smite you to maintain the previously assigned karma level. The proper authorities have been notified of your hidden karma bump.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: EngiNegro on January 30, 2006, 10:52:14 AM

you got 4 squares on the floor, one person in each, and a kickball type ball. ball lands in your square you gotta hit it back to any other square or you're out. no spinning!!

there was also a game called "rochester" which was a everyone for themselves version of basketball, anyone know that one?

We used to play Dodgeball all the time or the other one where you would have to protect the pin...Those were both always fun.


Probably the best games in terms of violence during JT middle school days, were dodgeball and floor hockey.

JT is visualizing the bloodsports of years past.  Some of those non-athletic types bleeding all over the gym.  JT could hang... decent arm... good puck skills. Answer a slash with a forearm etc. etc.,

There were these two guys who were right and lefty pitchers always seemed to wind up on the same team. (JT thinks the gym teachers back then were sadists) They'd target the geeks up against the back wall.  They'd both wing a curve which basically froze the target.  

Once they bloodied a poor kid's nose, broke his glasses, and hit him in the junk at the same time.  It was like watching the injured gazelle get eaten by the lions. Ouch!

The out-of-school bloodsports were boxing, street hockey, tackle football in the street, and smear the queer aka cream the carrier or munch.


Re: Childhood Athletics

Gro wishes they had lowered rims at school, had to go to the batting cage, mini golf, trick shot place for that. Fun times.

Floor hockey, they should of had the nurse on hand for that one. mostly hand injuries, fingernails getting bent backwards. One kid got his ear slashed pretty good.

Indoor nerf football was also good, until someone ran into the gym wall with the good for nothing 2 inch padding that wouldn't stop a raging hamster.

kill the carrier was good, tackle football too (never saw protruding bones like LD did) rule #1, never wear a hooded sweatshirt.

Re: Adult Athletics
Gro is willing to start a "recess club" for adults in the greater chattanooga area. Nothing too serious or organized, like the flag football league ran by the guy who never played football but won a regional madden 2004 tournament. Just some people getting together, maybe throw the pigskin around or play dodgeball... Just a way to burn off some calories without feeling like a hamster on a wheel.

2 hamster references in one post... nice.



I don't know what it is, but Reg doesn't like the new signature line...
Moments like that should be shared only once in a while....

When Reg sees it all the time, the thrill wears off.

Naked Nott Run

Gro sorry my man... NNR is gonna  have to say CAPTURE THE FLAG... was the first time in school they really let us feel like soldiers or warriors... we had to go to prison if we got our flag taken... and if your teammate was in jail you could bust his ass out... nothing like breaking the law in 6th grade
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Re: Post Patterns Calendar

First, don't forget the LLPP field trip to the MIAC is tomorrow (8ish?). Lunch will be provided. Wear comfortable shoes.

2nd... Gro's scanning the calendar and doesn't see too many LLPP birthdays listed. Gro insists that all members of LLPP update their profile to include the 1st day they woke up screaming and covered in poonanny goo (face it, that wasn't the last time).

LLPP Inc is about people.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on January 30, 2006, 11:10:25 AM

One last gym-class favorite was called 'bombardment'.  It was like dodgeball.  Played on the basketball court with Volleyball nets at half court.  You played it like dodgeball.  If you got nailed you had to sit down.  The best part?  You could shoot at the basket on the opposite side and if you got it in, all your players were releassed.  I was typically the shooter.  LD11 hit more shots from half court in hoop days than Lebron in the Powerade commercials.

It was called bombardment at KS's school too.  We didn't have the volleyball net up or the hit the basket and release everyone either.  In Junior High we would have to close the divider and split the gym with the girls.  Sometimes we would play bombardment across the basketball court instead of along the court.  There were some good bloody days for that.  If you got caught cheating the gym teacher would stop the game, put a football helmet and shoulder pads on you and make you sit in the tip off circle and let everyone just hammer the hell out of you for about 90 seconds.  He would usually throw in extra balls so we would have ten or twelve going at a time.  We would use that variation in the regular game sometimes too, made for quick games.

We used to play crab soccer, everyone would sit on the floor and crabwalk on their hands and feet and play soccer with a larger utility ball, that was another bloody game.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Stalker doesn't know how it is in other school systems but in Jersey City the elementary kids don't get recess at most of the schools.  You eat lunch and then have to sit there quietly or get shouted at.  Mrs. Stalker takes her first grade kids back to her classroom and makes them jump around and will sometimes take them to the gym/cafe after lunch and just let them run back and forth for a few minutes.  Can you imagine elementary school without recess?  That would have been murder on me.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Some of my best 'highlight reel' plays were made in recess football.  LD11 used to be all world.  He was the smallest on the field, but he had the heart the size of a medicine ball, and the skills to back it up. 

When I was in first grade, the 4th and 5th graders used to draft me in the first round.  They'd be like 'We got little kid'.  They didn't even know my name.  'I was 'Little Kid'.  I didn't even know about sports all that much but i'd be their qb and i'd wing it all over the school yard.  Come to think of it, that first school reminded me a lot of Hartwick.  Big tall fences around the field, and there may even have been a sighting of some barbed-wire. 

Kilted Rat

Quote from: EngiNegro on January 30, 2006, 12:06:26 PM
Re: Post Patterns Calendar

First, don't forget the LLPP field trip to the MIAC is tomorrow (8ish?). Lunch will be provided. Wear comfortable shoes.

LLPP Inc is about people.

This just in via e-mail from the Fieldtrip bus driver: 
QuoteKR: Let the fellas know that ole reliable Touchdown Tommy will be strolling through the ATL for Holladawg, Wilmington NC for LewDogg11, Baltimore for Regulator, Chattanooga for Gro, and Saratoga Springs for RedTackle.

Also, Mrs KR requests a final head count so we know how many sack lunches to make. Please let the MIAC board know if you have any food allergies or request a vegetarian lunch (3 pieces of lettuce and a carrot).

Multiple recesses will be allowed, dodgeballs, footballs, 4 square balls will be provided. LLPP Inc employees are asked to bring their own balls for all games previously mentioned and any forgotten.

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.