FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: JT on February 02, 2006, 02:33:34 PM
Anyone catch Punxsutawny Phil crapping on his handler after being dragged from his hole.  Funny stuff.

Ok..um nice name for the town..these people need to get a life


I got a gobler's knob once.  Still have teeth marks.

Well have no fear, LD11 has arrived outside of Universal Studios in Orlando in one piece.  He is pissed that the Golden State game scored 218 points last night.  LD11 has been randomly cursing all day.  COCK!  BALLS! 

'Gro, i think staying at home and watching the game by yourself is lame.  Most likely, because i may be doing it.  I usually like to host my own party, cook crab rangoons, wings, stuffed mushrooms, egg rolls, pigs in a blanket, etc etc...and drink myself silly.  Well, problem is, i don't know anyone yet in NC.  So I may have a lot of leftovers on Monday, cause chances are, I'll be having my own party anyway.

Now, i have a gripe.  St. Patty's day is an amazing holiday.  it doesn't have to be celebrated on St. Patty's day.  Just anything remotely themed 'St Patty's Day' is good.  This year will be the 5th consecutive LD11 St. Patty's Day party.  Last year, over 18 pounds of Corned Beef was consumed and the midget DB from Rochester randomly appeared at my apartment.  This year, I have a nice squad of people coming down for golf, Car bombs and 25lbs of Corned Beef.  it shall be our most glorious day.

<On a side note:  Each LD11 St Patty's Day party has had a scoreboard of everyone involved and the Car Bomb count.  Last year, one of LD11's roommates, just coming off a bout with a growth of Staph Infection on his face, pulled a triple lindy off our front porch landing square on his face, breaking his nose, and roughing his entire face up.  After being out of work for 2 weeks prior, he had to return on Monday looking like he got gang raped by the hells angels.  Good Times....>

<FYI LD11 won with 15 1/2 Car bombs last year and was also found in his bedroom later that night with two  ladies watching dirty movies>


So, LD11, what's with the half a car bomb? Did you hit the wall after 15? Or did you just start the day with a shorty?



Actually I spilled half of it down my shirt.  Most JV teams would credit that one as a full Car Bomb.  but not LD11.  He holds true to his Car Bomb chart.  I'd post a picture of an actual Car Bomb chart but the stupid Upload folder is full, whatever that means.


LD11 is to be admired for his scoring integrity. We all know that only a rank amateur would feel the need to falsely puff up his numbers in a feeble attempt at self-aggrandizement.
Would love to see the chart. Email it to me if the stupid uploader will let you.


LD11 are you going to go to islands of adventure or just do the city walk thing? Spiderman 3D is a great ride.


LD11 is already half in the bag.  Pool bar is serving delicious Miller light drafts.  I cam back to the room for a quick nap and shower, then i'll be back down there for happy hour, then doing the City Walk thang.  no rides for this cat.  Except maybe a late night ride on the orient express....

Fins, The car bomb chart is on it's way.  Keep in mind, this was only year one, and LD11 only had 12 1/2 car bombs.(There's that damn half again!)

Take it back, LD11 can't upload anything still...


Union89 is a big fan of the car bomb (thanks to the RPI bretheren) and RT for that matter, but.........

Union89 seems to remember RT spilling half a car bomb on his "Union Sucks" t-shirt at 'Shoezapalooza I'....RT promptly changed into a clean "Union Sucks" t-shirt!!

U89's question is...cool or uncool to change the t-shirt??

U89 appreciates RT's forethought in packing the extra t-shirt, but feels that RT should have worn the car bomb stain like a badge of honor for the afternoon!!



U89 was originally going to say uncool with staying home and watching 'The Big Game' (what the F is that by the way....call it the Super Bowl) in HD at home alone.....then he thought about what he does every New Years Day for the college bowls.....works the picture-in-picture on the big screen and brings every other existing TV into living room to watch 5 games at once!!  U89 also unplugs all phones and refuses to answer the door for any reason.

U89 saw himself as a hypocrite and changed his mind to cool to kick it alone on SB Sunday.

Kilted Rat

Screw Detroit, next LLPP LLc field trip should be to Windsor!!!

Best line from the whole article can be found at the very bottom:
QuoteI could whip out my double D's and walk around topless if I wanted to.

That could be the best line ever in an ESPN.com article!
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Senor RedTackle

we'll call this piece "RT Still Has It"...

So RT is going to the airport to pick up his rental car today to save his new ride the wear and tear of a 6 hour round trip work junkett. RT walks into the terminal at his local airport in upstate NY and spies some platinum blonde hair, short skirt, high heels, and legs that should be in a filthy magazine.  Within a spit second, RT immediately runs through all the scenarios (WWDD, WWU89D, WWJTD, WWLD11D, etc) and immediately feigns a business call on his cell and saunters, sans luggage, to the check in kiosk where the eye candy is. Mind you, at this point RT is unsure of the level of hotness since he was pulled in by her blondeness and legginess like an evil tractor beam. Once RT is within his effective kill radius, he id's her as a player and begins idle conversation:
RT: "hey there..now you don't look like you would be from this boring town..you must be from out west or down south"
RHG (random hot girl): "Actually, I'm from San Fran (laughs) and I forgot my passport"
RT: "Passport? Why do you need a passport to fly from SF to NY?"
RHG: "Because I'm going to Toronto"
RT: "And they won't let you in canada? Bummer..when did you get in?"
RHG "About an hour ago...and now I'm trying to book a flight home"
RT (wheels churning...) "Really?!? You flew across the country all day and are turning back around b/c of your lack of a passport? Can't you call someone from the passport office or have a hospital fax your birth certificate?"
RHG "Nah..too much hassle. I'll have my coworkers handle the meeting"
RT "What do you do?"
RHG "I'm the Boboli rep in the US"
RT "Like boboli, as in the pizza crust?"
RHG "Yes"
...at this point, RT feels like he's in the middle of a Seinfeld episode...like he's talking to the heiress of the O'Henry Candy Bar fortune (except hotter)

So RT shares a beer w/ RHG in the airport bar and swaps stories of life, work, relationships...RT was in his complete zone. Everything was going in the net...next thing RT knows, it's 2 hours later and he has to get his rental and begin his 3 hour drive west and part ways w/ the RHG. No matter how old a guy gets, he still will always be a gunfighter...

oh, and TDT....RT is not married yet

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: kiltedrat on February 02, 2006, 07:30:43 PM
Screw Detroit, next LLPP LLc field trip should be to Windsor!!!

Best line from the whole article can be found at the very bottom:
QuoteI could whip out my double D's and walk around topless if I wanted to.

That could be the best line ever in an ESPN.com article!

Inside the plush club, empty on one recent late afternoon, two dancers explain that although Canadian law allows dancers to be fully nude, absolutely no contact with customers is allowed. One newspaper report this week said Windsor police were even cracking down on handshakes and hugs between dancers and customers.

"But you don't want some girl jumping all over you after she's been jumping on a bunch of other guys," a dancer named "Alyssa" says. "Who knows what you're going to get."

HUGS AND HANDSHAKES??? RT has never been part of that at the Canadian Ballet...that may be the dumbest (and that is a big claim) quote RT's ever seen tied to a strip-club-related article

"I could whip out my double D's and walk around topless if I wanted to." (which, conversely, is one of the better concepts RT has heard from an article in a while)

Oh..and btw, is it just RT or does this "Alyssia" need to drop about 10??
"Alyssa" and friends are ready for the weekend crowds at Jason's Executive Lounge.

Senor RedTackle

RHG that RT references 2 posts ago was much hotter than "Alyssa" from RT's last post....just an FYI for everyone

Kilted Rat

Quote from: redtackle on February 02, 2006, 11:07:46 PM
Oh..and btw, is it just RT or does this "Alyssia" need to drop about 10??

Agreed, but as KR's old roommate TDT once said, "Fat chicks need lovin too and I'm just the one to be givin it to 'em"
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.



You are always coming on the board and telling us stories in which you take down these hot chicks.  From the stories you share, it seeems as though you are batting 1.000.  Do you never strikeout?....

Unless of course you prey on the weak....shy girls...that don't know they're hot.

I am all about the stories but Let's keep it AGITH..(all good in the hood)