FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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bigdvs is feeling a slow day at work. Let the verbal flowage begin!!

bigdvs saw a lackluster Section II all-star game last night. (3 picks, 2 fumbles combined) The south in white jerseys beat the north in maroon jerseys, 14-7. Is this an ill omen for the U?

bigdvs spoke to bigdvs's man on the inside and heard many encouraging things about game plan for this weekend

bigdvs would like to guesstimate a score of Union 30- RPI 18 for the 103rd Dutchmen Shoes game (notice they are not called the Engineers Shoes) "they are my precious"

bigdvs wishes no ill will towards anyone not on the field of play tomorrow. Drink carbombs, have fun and be merry. (as so commanded by bigdvs)
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Naked Nott Run

FSU territory got nothin but nice boobies and booties... and hurricanes
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


LD11 has made half the trip up to Schenctady.  Last night was quite the adventure.  In an attempt to drive the parents of LD11's truck back home, LD11 loaded the vehicle, began cruising at approximatley 65mph, got about 200 miles, when the truck violoently stopped running and broke down.  Anyone who knows there geopgraphy will tell you that 200miles from Wilmington, NC in the North direction, puts you smack dab in the middle of nowhere!

So LD11 rolls off the highway, into complete darkness.  Truck has no juice whatsoever.  Call AAA, tell them I have no idea where I am.  An hour and a half later 'Fred' shows up with his tow truck.  It's about 8pm.  I'm squeezing my ass-cheeks together because i'm in the region of Northern NC they call Ass-Rape-ville. 

'Fred' doesn't feel like towing me back to Wilmington, so he says 'I know a guy 3 miles from here that will work on your truck tonight'.  So LD11, in a helpless last resort, says 'Let's give it a shot'.  THis garage was full of pickeled herring, small cans of Vienna Sausage, and empty cigarrette cartons.

'Greg' helps me out.  Luck would have it that 'Greg' thinks it's the alternator.  Luck would also have it that 'Greg' knows a guy that is still open at 10pm on a Thursday night selling 1997 F-250 pickup truck alternators.  'Greg's' cousin shows up while 'Greg' goes to pickup the alternator.  LD11 is terrified of 'Greg' AND his cousin and believes he will leave with a cornhole the size of the grand canyon.

In some stroke of luck, LD11 managed to get out of there at 11:30 with a running truck, and made it to Regulators hous by 2:30am, where i find myself this morning, unharmed writing this post. 

Normally, this trip may have ruined LD11, and he may have just called it quits.  But being that it is RPI/Union week, the trip must go ON!!!!

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: lewdogg11 on November 11, 2005, 09:39:44 AM
LD11 has made half the trip up to Schenctady.  Last night was quite the adventure.  In an attempt to drive the parents of LD11's truck back home, LD11 loaded the vehicle, began cruising at approximatley 65mph, got about 200 miles, when the truck violoently stopped running and broke down.  Anyone who knows there geopgraphy will tell you that 200miles from Wilmington, NC in the North direction, puts you smack dab in the middle of nowhere!

So LD11 rolls off the highway, into complete darkness.  Truck has no juice whatsoever.  Call AAA, tell them I have no idea where I am.  An hour and a half later 'Fred' shows up with his tow truck.  It's about 8pm.  I'm squeezing my ass-cheeks together because i'm in the region of Northern NC they call Ass-Rape-ville. 

'Fred' doesn't feel like towing me back to Wilmington, so he says 'I know a guy 3 miles from here that will work on your truck tonight'.  So LD11, in a helpless last resort, says 'Let's give it a shot'.  THis garage was full of pickeled herring, small cans of Vienna Sausage, and empty cigarrette cartons.

'Greg' helps me out.  Luck would have it that 'Greg' thinks it's the alternator.  Luck would also have it that 'Greg' knows a guy that is still open at 10pm on a Thursday night selling 1997 F-250 pickup truck alternators.  'Greg's' cousin shows up while 'Greg' goes to pickup the alternator.  LD11 is terrified of 'Greg' AND his cousin and believes he will leave with a cornhole the size of the grand canyon.

In some stroke of luck, LD11 managed to get out of there at 11:30 with a running truck, and made it to Regulators hous by 2:30am, where i find myself this morning, unharmed writing this post. 

Normally, this trip may have ruined LD11, and he may have just called it quits.  But being that it is RPI/Union week, the trip must go ON!!!!

you forgot to add:

...In some stroke of luck, LD11 managed to get out of there at 11:30 with a running truck, running stools, bruises on the head from getting the "Tony Danza", and the imprint of a banjo on LD's face, and made it to Regulators hous by 2:30am, where i find myself this morning, unharmed writing this post. 


You are at Regulators house???!!!
I am sitting upstairs in regulators office and had no clue?

I need some biscuits and gravy

Regulator OUT


bigdvs has entire office staring at bigdvs cause of chuckling at the "ass-rape-ville" and "grand canyon" comments in ld's story

bigdvs feels that everything that is on the line (Shoes, LL title, Pool A Bid), plus the live TV coverage, plus a large contingent of the nuts who post on this board, plus the one and only Pat Coleman, makes Union-RPI 2005 the greatest thing to hit the Capital District since Frank Rossi was a freshmen. "Have no fear, the ladies man is here"- Frank Rossi circa 1994
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Senor RedTackle

..FLASH...FLASH...RT is officially back for the Friday walkthrough....[/b][/color][/size]

Ok....RT knows y'all have missed him this week. Rest assured, RT is positioned strategically on the couch all day with his lucky boxers on, Cheez-It's by his side, and the "Awesome 80's" on the XMRadio channel. It's like RT never left .....

RT is enjoying a day of introspection...time to ponder tomorrow's game & the surrounding paegantry, time to reflect on the new job offer, the Girls-Gone-Wild bus at RT's hotel from Wed, etc....RT's only other option is to put on his RPI football helmet and some compression shorts and do up down's in the living room while listening to Judas Priest to get into the zone. The berber carpet will simulate the turf at Frank Bailey.

On another note, RT has subcontracted out his lawn fall clean-up work to some dudes that look like they could play "Thug 1, 2 & 3" in the next Wesley Snipes films. RT is required to pay attention now, fire extinguisher at the ready, to act when said lawn thug ashes his cigarette into the right pile of dried leaves.



As Hakowees prepare for trek in Blackbird on wheels, Spirits and Rituals have revealed that flying squirrel will be of great significance for LL. Due to contribution of Yin and Yang for balance of Nature, Red Birds of west will win and Cherry birds of east will not be so fortunate.  Hakowees reserve the right to change interpretations within 2 sunsets
" No matter the differences, brilliance always finds a common ground."  -  Stephen Colbert


Did someone mention FSU hotties???


They don't wear clothes like this in Schenectady!  :'(


last one....unless you kids would like more  ;D


Apple Jack

On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Garnet on November 11, 2005, 11:20:29 AM
last one....unless you kids would like more  ;D

RT asks the Garnet immediately cease and desist in posting pics of RT's bisexual co-girlfriends all over the internet. RT does not need his fiance learning of RT's illicit, long-distance affair by surfing PP



bigdvs would like to say to grant "if the shoes fit we will keep them, thank you and buhbye"

bigdvs will type in your favorite color the remainder of the day
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.