FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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The geniuses over at comcast Chattanooga must be reading Gro's mind. As of yesterday they have added ABC to their hi-def linup... meaning Gro will be watching the superbowl the way it was meant to be. If I could give karma to comcast I would, now lets talk about that bill.


Gro watched the dateline predators special... hilarious, sad, and scary all at the same time... I mean... 13?  I like how the guy would show up with a 22 of heineken, some rub dogs, and a box of crayons... then end up talking to the reporter for 15min detailing how much of a scumbag he is!

Touchdown Tommy


It isn't that TDT is ecstatic about the vast drop from Karma Supremacy, but rather that TDT has no control over the gigantic marketing campaign organized by his buddies in the MIAC.  TDT is just rollin' with the punches.  TDT has many stories to tell his buds in the LLPP Inc. during the coming months...


TDT needs to know what your boy Artest is saying about the game tonite.  Please report in on the details of your rendezous in Orlando.  The corporation could make it a future Convention finalist if you deem it fit to host.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: BobbyBoucher on February 04, 2006, 09:51:22 PM
Quote from: JT on February 04, 2006, 09:40:52 AM
Goose is from France so you'll be OK.  JT recommends Svedka from Sweden.  Goose taste at half the price.

Thanks JT +K.  Bobby won't pretend to know that goose was from france, never spent any time reading the bottle.  I'll try the svedka, b/c the goose just costs too dam much....  Although bobby does like vodka on the rocks and an occassional vodka tonic, bobby bleeds barley and hops......

Bobby is also actually trying to find this MIAC beer named Hamms, Bobby wants to know if its quality is equal to Piels, Golden Anniversary, Matts, or is like a labatts, molson, rolling rock.

Kiltedrat +K for the LLPP Inc version


JT has this useless fact file in his head.  If he sees a commercial... the fact the Goose is from France will stick in his head.


Quote from: Union89 on February 04, 2006, 06:24:33 PM
Holla ~
U89 will be out getting his drink on, but he predicts "The Natural" to get the 'W'.  U89 sees a little ground and pound from Couture....when Liddell becomes a bit careless, Couture chokes his ass out!!  U89 is also a bit partial to the old dude and is not a big fan of all of Liddell's hand gestures and signs.

JT ~
U89 has lots of respect for Rizutto and all the Yankees have done....he also HATES the Yankees and would not whizz on the 'Scooter', but on anything to do with Yanks memorabilia.

JT hates the Red Sox, but he would never ruin sports memorabilia.  He's got some Ted Williams stuff, Yaz stuff, Rice stuff.  This has brought up another topic in JT's head.  Why the hell aren't both Jim Rice and Goose Gossage not in the HOF?

JT grew up watching both these guys.  They should be locks.

Touchdown Tommy


TDT is not a "native" Bostonian, but he can tell you exactly why those 2 aren't enshrined in Cooperstown.  Rice was an a$$ hole to the media (they hold the cards now) and Gossage was a reliever when they were not "valued" like they are today.  Shame in both cases, bc i agree with you on both counts.  Charlie Hustle belongs in there too, but that isn't here nor there.  Character should have NO bearing on induction in TDT's mind.  Because if it did there are lots of clowns who wouldn't be in aka Tyrus Cobb, etc.

FYI: Fenway Park is by far TDT's favorite ballpark in the big leagues.  He has taken in a couple of Yankee/Red Sox games and prolly a total of 10 games at the mecca.  It is a surreal experience that every true baseball fan should have at least once.  Best advice for tickets: Get them from the scalpers as you exit the Kenmore stop on the subway.  TDT scored 8th row field box seats for a Red Sox/White Sox game in 04 for very little over the face.  Worth every penny.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


LD11 is barely alive.  He played in a softball tournament at the Camp Lejuene Military base yesterday.  First game was at 8:30am.  Last game ended at 11:00p.  Needless to say, LD11 feels like a mack truck ran him over.  he couldn't even roll over in bed.  Soreness has set in on to the highest extent.  I may die today.  I severely need to get some food that can be deep fried...

So, I've compiled a little of what transcended in Orlando, half due to some 3rd party witnesses(aka - WTFF).  Apparently at some point, I decided to drink lots of tequila.  Blackout had occured.  LD11 vaguely remembers being at a place with a band and trying to climb on stage.  Don't really remember if I got thrown out, or what happened.  Due to credit card receipts, I bought a $40 Margarittaville sign, for no apparent reason, then at some point was escorted off of the premises by security for unknown reasons.  The last that was heard from LD11, he was in a cab, with a driver named Alfred who spoke no English, While LD11 bought him a slim jim, a pack of gum, and $2 Scratch ticket which he lost on.

When LD11 woke up in the morning, fully clothed, no alarm set, and 4 Scratch tickets on the bed, he scratched them and won $15.  Threw up.  Checked out.  Got a coffee.  Cashed scratch tickets.  Got on the highway.  Had no iudea where the airport was.  Got lost.  Arrived at Orlando International Airport at 10:31 for a 10:30 flight.  Got placed on the 1:40 flight to Charlotte, with a connection to Wilmington.  Lightning storms occurred placing the flight on delay until 3:30, arriving in Charlotte at 5:15.  Placed on a different flight to Wilmington and an all out sprint to the gate for a 5:30 departure.  Arrived safely in wilmington around 6:15. 

It was an ugly string of events.  LD11 hasn't yet fully recovered and can't remember much. 

With that said, LD11 is off to grab some delicious whore-derves and beverages then will return with said Super Bowl bets.  Stay tuned...


Here goes nuthin...

Warm Up Game:

NC STATE to Win -7(-110)
Point Total Under 150(-110)

Super Bowl Picks:

SEATTLE to Win +4(-110)
Point Total Over 46.5(-110)

Tails on Coin Flip
Seahawks to Win Toss

Pass Play or Sack on First Play of Game
M Hasselbeck 1st Pass Complete

H Ward 1st Reception Under 11.5
A Randle El 1st Reception Over 11.5

S Alexander 1st Rush Under 3
S Alexander 1st Reception Over 5.5

1st Qtr-SEATTLE +0.5
1st Qtr-Over 7.5

2nd Qtr-SEATTLE +0.5
2nd Qtr-Over 14

3rd Qtr-SEATTLE +0.5
3rd Qtr-Over 10

Ba-dabba-dabba-dabba-dats all folks....


FYI for non LLPP members... all of LD's picks are the exact OPPOSITE of those made by LLPP special consultant Ron Artest. Therefore, all of LD's picks are right.

Gro's been staying away from beer lately (liqour and wine have filled the void), still has a case leftover from when brother gro and friend were in chatt town a few weeks back. Have had only 2 beers and feel loopy. Must get sea legs back.


With Sutter going in.... Gossage deserves more consideration, Sutter couldn't carry Goose's jock.  Come to think of it neither could Eckersley.


1 hour till gametime... Gro's got a 6 pack in him already. Paramedics are standing by. ABC HD looks great (except Mick Jagger, he looks scary in HD).


Gro's Pregame thought...

was anyone else hoping that the ABC's cameras would get a shot up Joss Stone's dress?


Was it just me or did it sound like the crowd was booing all of the ex-Super Bowl MVP's....except for Steelers.  Being that the crowd is about 80% Steelers Fans, it shows their class.  Steelers fans are about as classy as Yankees Fans.

I wanted a good game before, but now I hope the Seahwaks knock the living piss out of those cocky a-holes.  I hope the entire Pitt defense suffers from Chlamydia.


Followed up by the worst 'Star Spangled Banner' of Super Bowl ALL-TIME history.  Pitiful.


nice F-ing outfit brady, you look like a waiter... what are the specials tonight?


LD11 Betting Update....

1 for 1!!! Woo Hoo!!!  Seattle wins the toss with a Tails.  Good odds on that parlay too!!! 3:1!!!

F-U Pay Me!!!

'Gro, don't hate Brady cause he's a pimp.