FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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The same week sopranos ends rescue me starts season 3 on FX. For a cable show it is just as good as what they're putting on HBO.

Lewdooooooog, come out and plaaaaaaaaaay. How was planet Houston?


Quote from: regulator on May 08, 2006, 10:16:48 PM
In other news, Reg sold his boat and is waiting to hear if it passed the survey to collect on it. 

If all goes well in the next 2 days, I will post a picture of the new boat I put an offer on.  Needless to say it will be big, wide, have twin 454's and get no more than 3/4 of a mile to a gallon of gas.


"Playstation" has passed all surveys and will be setteled upon tomorrow at some point. 
I have placed an offer on this boat pending survery and sea trial.  Union grads will find the last picture appropriate.
(sistership..not acutal boat)





Reg, I found a picture of what I did to your last boat... hope the new owner doesn't find out.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Touchdown Tommy

Reg: Can we get some specs on your new rig?  Looks like about 34' Sea Ray, are you buying new, used, etc.  TDT knows that Sea Rays are rated the top of their class in the marine industry.  Beautiful cruisers, but one thing the Sea Ray dealer told me (TDT has been out looking for a boat as well in South Fla) is that if you are planning to keep it in the water i.e. a slip and not up on a lift you will have to get the bottom cleaned and painted quite often.  The salt water and barnacles are just redic...

Why not a fishing boat? (or does Mrs. Reg have more pull in the buying process than you wanna let on i.e. she wants the luxurious cruiser so you two can take long trips down to see LD11 and pretend you are cruisin' the Mediterrean).  TDT is looking at Boston Whalers and Grady-Whites.  Can I get your opinion on them?  Never heard a bad thing about a Grady.
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Touchdown Tommy


Does REG make you wear your lifejacket on board his boat?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 11, 2006, 11:29:54 AM

Does REG make you wear your lifejacket on board his boat?

that would imply that reg is concerned about Gro's well being... so the answer there is no.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 11, 2006, 11:05:47 AM
Reg: Can we get some specs on your new rig?  Looks like about 34' Sea Ray, are you buying new, used, etc.  TDT knows that Sea Rays are rated the top of their class in the marine industry.  Beautiful cruisers, but one thing the Sea Ray dealer told me (TDT has been out looking for a boat as well in South Fla) is that if you are planning to keep it in the water i.e. a slip and not up on a lift you will have to get the bottom cleaned and painted quite often.  The salt water and barnacles are just redic...

Why not a fishing boat? (or does Mrs. Reg have more pull in the buying process than you wanna let on i.e. she wants the luxurious cruiser so you two can take long trips down to see LD11 and pretend you are cruisin' the Mediterrean).  TDT is looking at Boston Whalers and Grady-Whites.  Can I get your opinion on them?  Never heard a bad thing about a Grady.

TDT......All great questions....

The boat is in fact a Sea Ray, the 330, which is possibly one of the best looking Sea Ray models ever IMHO.  The boat I am looking at is a '96.  New, this boat goes for over $200k.....and there is no way that I am going to take a 10-12% depreciation hit each year.  With the boat I am looking at, the cockpit and cabin is flawless.  It needs new canvas, which is great because I can pick the color, this one has the teal blue one on right now.
Reg is no slouch around maintenance of boating...however this boat is already bottom painted. (it is going to need to be done again next year)

You have to understand Reg a little better before you come to assumptions about his choice.  #1 I hate people.....so anytime I can be out on the water or at anchor is time I dont have to deal with people.  Hence the need for an express #1a- If you ask anyone that has ever been on my boat it is usually 10% driving and 90% tanning oil, miller lights and music  #2 Reg hasn't ever lost a dollar on any motor vehicle purchase....ever. #3 Reg has 2 friends with fishing boats that he goes out with from time to time #4 Reg views fishing as work #5 Mrs. Reg carries no power in the decision making process, because she, like any other female buyer gets emotionally attached to specific boats
Good story on this one....call up the broker, tell him I like the boat....and my final no BS offer is $X0K....calls back (mind you X is $15K less than he was asking),
Broker "the owner is firm at $X2". 
Reg, "OK, thanks....call me back when he changes his mind, before Thursday becasue I need to plan out what other boats I am going to look at".
Broker<5 mins later>  "Congratiulations you have a deal at $X0"
Reg- "I knew that"

Cant go wrong with Grady's built like tanks....I dont know much about Whalers. 
How about a Sea Ray Amberjack?

PS- Mrs. Reg almost had me talked into a 2006 290 Sundancer because she liked the way "her seat" was positioned....

at .8 MPG the boat would probably pay for itself by the time I got to NC.

Touchdown Tommy


You are an astute businessman.  I was gonna recommend you go with a high quality, well taken care of used boat (are you dealing with MarineMax?).  The depreciation hit you take buying a new boat is just highway robbery.  Excellent negotiating tactics used.  This is vintage TDT as well.  Love using it on the scalpers prior to a sporting event.  They always come crawling back to ya.  Never show your cards, which is why the emotional attachment is such a bad thing, they can't know you want that 330.  Did you leave Mrs. Reg home when you went to deal on it?

How long is the Amberjack?  The SeaRay dealer basically talked me outta them because of all the $$ to be spent on maintenance bc it will sit in my slip. 

Are the electronics included in the 330?  Are you planning to spend nights on it with Mrs. Reg or LD11 slugging Miller Lites and telling stories?  I assume that cruiser has some nice range. Will you be taking it on trips to the South?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


It literally took me an entire day to talk MR into this boat...talk about a negotiation!  Her complaints, too big, too old, too much gas, etc.
It really wasnt a negotiation...I just called and told the broker.
The boat has a full electronics package (radar, gps, vhf...loaded, but slightly outdated, I don't need radar anyways)

I plan on spending nights on the boat....and plenty of time partying on it.  At $80 an hour...I don't see too many cruises past Baltimore.  It is going to hurt this summer when I pull up to the pumps to fill the 235 gallon gas tank.

The amberjack is a 29' boat.  I would do Diesel inboards.  You can keep the boat in the water all year and not hurt it.


one of the biggest commitments that Reg had to make to MR was we would keep the boat at least two years.  Don't tell her that I already have it on Boattrader!!!

Touchdown Tommy

Sounds good REG, TDT will await pics of your new boat.  What kinda boat did you have before?  TDT enjoys a brew in one hand and a fishing pole in the other.  So leaning towards twin 175 Merc Verdados or Yamaha outboards.  Cruiser is not in the plans, now the decision becomes center console, walk around, or duel console.  Any thoughts?  TDT prefers the center console.

Gas is around 4 dollars a gallon at the marina here. 

PS-Mrs REG sounds like a tough cookie.  LD11, Gro can you fellas confirm or deny this?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: regulator on May 11, 2006, 01:28:08 PM
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on May 11, 2006, 11:05:47 AM
Reg: Can we get some specs on your new rig?  Looks like about 34' Sea Ray, are you buying new, used, etc.  TDT knows that Sea Rays are rated the top of their class in the marine industry.  Beautiful cruisers, but one thing the Sea Ray dealer told me (TDT has been out looking for a boat as well in South Fla) is that if you are planning to keep it in the water i.e. a slip and not up on a lift you will have to get the bottom cleaned and painted quite often.  The salt water and barnacles are just redic...

Why not a fishing boat? (or does Mrs. Reg have more pull in the buying process than you wanna let on i.e. she wants the luxurious cruiser so you two can take long trips down to see LD11 and pretend you are cruisin' the Mediterrean).  TDT is looking at Boston Whalers and Grady-Whites.  Can I get your opinion on them?  Never heard a bad thing about a Grady.

#1 I hate people.....so anytime I can be out on the water or at anchor is time I dont have to deal with people.

Reg and JT would get along well.  JT doesn't have a boat yet, but JT cannot stand people in everyday life and work.  JT doesn't remember exactly when the average person became so insufferable and lacking in character and class (sometime beginning around 1994-95 JT started filling out HR related paperwork in which he would write for the allergy line:... aholes and idiots)  At least now, JT charges people who are pricks more money.

JT's working on his exit strategy... from most of the BS he deals with currently.  JT would prefer to be in business with any of the LLPP then most of the people he deals with.  JT feels the LLPP would have his back.

Touchdown Tommy


TDT is a little worried about LD11.  What are the chances that he got cornered at Hartsfield Int'l last night by an opportunistic Friendasaurus and was kidnapped?  Which reminds me, where the F is Holladawg?  This is one of the greater mysteries that TDT has ever seen on Post Patterns.  He was among the most dedicated and then just dropped off the face of the earth.  Highly suspicious...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


TDT great questions

Re: Mrs. Reg
Having known regulator since 19naughty8 and seeing the various girls he's dated over the years... Mrs Reg is unlike all the others, and that's a good thing. Reg was more into girls he could use his mind control on much like he does with his sales tactics. Mrs Reg has a good head on her shoulders, and still lets Reg be Reg when the boys come to town.

Re: Lewdogg11
The kid could be anywhere. He's LLPP's version of Tyler Durden. Flies to Atlanta, wakes up in Seattle.


an AP story about RPI and the size of their ... computers.

$100 million supercomputing center at RPI
TROY, N.Y. (AP) — The world's most powerful university-based supercomputing system will be constructed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to focus on nanotechnology advances, school officials announced Wednesday.
RPI, IBM and New York state are sharing equally the $100 million cost to create the Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations, or CCNI. It will be based on the Rensselaer campus and the nearby Rensselaer Technology Park and is expected to be operating by the end of the year.
The CCNI is expected to be one of the world's top 10 supercomputing centers and will focus on reducing the time and costs associated with creating nanoscale materials, devices, and systems. John E. Kelly III, IBM's senior vice president of technology and intellectual property, said nanotechnology advances are needed because current semiconductor technology is approaching its practical limits.
"This new supercomputing center dedicated to nanotechnology will have global impact by finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing the continued productivity growth of the semiconductor industry and enabling key nanotechnology innovations in the fields of energy, biotechnology, arts, and medicine," said RPI President Shirley Ann Jackson.
The parallel system's speed will be 70 teraflops, or 70 trillion calculations per second.
RPI officials said the center will be an important resource for both academic and commercial researchers.