FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: JT on May 12, 2006, 12:30:40 PM
Quote from: enginegro on May 12, 2006, 12:21:14 PM
I don't normally watch dateline on NBC, but I DVR'd it the other day because they were doing their 'catch a predator IV' special where they catch dudes trying to meet 14 y/o's on the internet then throw camera's in their face... ask them just why they were trying to play hide the salami w/ a minor... THEN have them arrested. If that is not classic TV I don't know what is.

I think soon 80% of all dateline episodes will be this format, much like Maury Povich became the DNA testing show. it's science.

Worst one was the dude that came to the house with 4-5 yr son in tow.  How screwed up is that kid gonna be?

Anyway the dude got arrested and Mom had to pick up the kid at the station.

Other one I thought was the one where the guy showed up and he has his sister in the car with her 2 kids and he kept claiming he was there to take this girl to a party and then the dateline guy starts reading his chat back to him and & keeps denying it and then he leaves and for the next 5 minutes through booking etc he keeps denying it and blames NBC.

They also showed the preview for the rest of it on Sunday night and some guy shows up, walks in the house and takes off his clothes and then covers himself in whip cream..& the host walks out and is like ....WTF?????


Quote from: knightstalker on May 12, 2006, 10:52:14 PM
Quote from: johnnyadmit on May 12, 2006, 05:34:38 PM
RE: Benefits to Coaching Gymnastics

Whilst at the state tourney, Admit's gymnasts wanted to go eat at the Hooters in Minneapolis  (why a bunch of girls wanted to go to Hooters, Admit can't say)  While Admit was filling his face with wings and beer, several of Admit's gymnasts took it upon themselves to distribute Admit's number to several of the better looking waitresses.  Admit actually got 3 phone calls out of the deal and one offer to come to the hotel to visit Admit.  Due to the existance of AdmitGF, it was all in vain, and Admit has no JT-esque story to follow.  However, Admit's respect for his gymnasts grew exponentially.

KS thinks Admits gymnasts might have been trying to set him up for some future extortion scheme, never trust teenage girls, they are evil.

Well, being female, evil is in their DNA.      As PapaAdmit always said: Devil-Woman is a redundant term.    Yet for some reason, we all (except maybe TDT) can't resist em...   
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


Gro Offers his hooter's comments...

Quote from: lewdogg11 on May 12, 2006, 08:13:38 PM
LD11's Top 3 H(*)(*)TERS

1. Downtown San Diego - I mean, would you expect that it wouldn't be Man-tastic? Beautiful friendly girls that might even hang out with you after they wipe the wing sauce off your crotch.

2. Albany - Crossgates Mall - This was a Thursday night ritual for the boys in college. Each time there, there was a 75% chance one of the girls would come home with us. AND most importantly, this is the only H(*)(*)TERS where i've been served by a waitress with one hand.   Ha!! that memory has been buried deep in 'Gro brain... didn't need to remember that.  The had the plate of 50 wings balanced on her nub! 

3. Wilmington, NC - Other than G-Unit's crew in the back room and Krazy Krazy screaming WHITE BOY everytime a Notre Dame guy broke a long run, this has been a favorite of mine. Very friendly, young waitresses. One I even fell in love with, and she had a little chub around her belly, and was on probation for stealing 4 DVD's from Wal-Mart. How can you NOT love that?  waitress: "yeah I graduated high school in 2004" 
LD11's Bottom 3 H(*)(*)TERS

1. Boston - I gotta agree with U89 here. This place is hurting. Most of the H(*)(*)TERS waitresses are old enough to be my mom, smell like cigarettes, and actually worked there when the uniforms first came out.

2. Joliet, IL - Regulators wedding, we stop at this H(*)(*)TERS and the waitress is like 'for every Beck's you drink, you can get a raffle entry to win a jet skit being raffled off in 45 minutes'. 45 minutes and 39 Beck's later, we're like 'When is the drawing?' And she says, 'Let me go check'...then comes back and says 'It already happened, you lost!'. I loved how Regulator worked that one!  I still have the free Beck's t-shirt 

3. Atlanta, GA - I mean, I don't have a problem with black girls, but these were girls straight out of either a Ludacris video or bumfights.com. The 1 white girl that was there was smoking hot, but I think she was Ludacris' girlfriend. 'Gro and I went there twice in 12 hours, and LD11 wore the same clothes. No matter what the girls looked like, LD11 was having a bad experience.  Our brown waitrees was pretty cute, her name was swan. How do you forget a name like swan? When I was paying she asked what hotel I was staying at, and I couldn't tell if she was still using the H( . )( . )TERS mind control or she wanted to party... either way, my alcohol soaked brain didn't register the situation and I paid and left. 

Hottest hoots waitress EVER was in Rochester on one of our football trips to UR or SJF.


Quote from: budcrew08 on May 12, 2006, 09:18:32 PM
Quote from: JT on May 12, 2006, 04:59:38 PM
Quote from: enginegro on May 12, 2006, 03:14:26 PM
I need to rant and ramble about Hooters.  First and foremost, why do some women get soooo worked up about this place? It's not a strip club, although it does serve the same purpose since the man will come home with less money in his pocket and nothing to show for it. The best Hooters (and I just realized that I've been to a gajillion of them) is in Crossgates mall in Albany. That's where you can watch guys walk by with their gf/wife and try not to look in... or look in and take a punch to the soloplex... psssh women. And by the way ladies, I actually do go there for the food. they are like little chicken wings wrapped in a delicious bread mitten and soaked with bleu cheese.

F. is it just me or is there always a group of teenage boys at hooters and it's somebody's birthday? Shouldn't you kids be trying to get some real play?

25. Those outfits need an upgrade. Those shorts and stockings are doing no justice to the booty... just ask the one white girl at the hooters in Atlanta.

4x. Even those the place is PG-13, why do families eat here?  I don't need to see some guy with his ex hooters waitress wife and future hooters waitress 6 year old daughter being served by his current hooters watress 18 year old daughter.

JT's gal is cool.... probably the main reason why she JT's gal.  Gal accepts the fact that JT is going to look... going to comment on other women.  She even points out chicks she that thinks are JT's type(s).  JT reciprocates by pointing out the occasional dude that gal might fancy.  JT's the first to admit that gal has improved JT, especially in the attire dept., but for the most part she lets JT be JT.

JT has one fond memory of a Hooters pre-Fiance.  JT was going for technical training in Augusta GA and stopped in for some wings and beer.  JT was running game on the waitress and it turned out she was going off shift shortly after serving JT. 

She mentioned that she was going to catch a movie.  JT asked if he could tag along.  After the movie JT took her for a real dinner and drinks and then back to the hotel.   Hot blond, blue eyes, big (well you know where she worked).... name was Farrah. 

Now just the mention of Charlie's Angels makes JT smile.  8)

Not to goof , but aren't you aging yourself a bit, JT, when saying Farrah Fawcett when referring to charlie's angels? not that ms. fawcett isn't hot, mind you.

Um JT is still under the big 40, but edging closer to it.  JT had a Farrah poster on his wall as a kid in the late 70's.

Reno Hightower

Best Hooters ever been to: Orlando. Not sure which 1 as there are like 5 in a 10 mile radius! I wager they are all pretty similar!

Worst Hooters ever- Albany. Sorry but that 1 armed girl really screws it up. It has actually gotten better recently.

Random Hooters Fact- 1st Hooters restaurant in all of New England was in Renos hometown. Reno has been dining on Hooters wings for as long as he can remember. Even remembers some of the older Hightowers having birthday partys there as Renos parents heard their sons liked Hooters, didnt know what it was and arranged a surprise birthday party there! And it is the 1st Hooters where I ever walked in and actually knew multiple waitresses from High School!


Quote from: knightstalker on May 12, 2006, 10:53:28 PM
Quote from: budcrew08 on May 12, 2006, 09:18:32 PM
Now just the mention of Charlie's Angels makes JT smile.  8)

Not to goof , but aren't you aging yourself a bit, JT, when saying Farrah Fawcett when referring to charlie's angels? not that ms. fawcett isn't hot, mind you.

KS always thought Jacklyn Smith was the hottest one and Kate Jackson was the first to put out.

ICgrad remembers when said poster used to be the hottest selling posters out there. He had this one on his wall back in the day

Here's the original Angels   

Jonny Utah

Quote from: enginegro on May 13, 2006, 11:03:01 AM
Gro Offers his hooter's comments...

Quote from: lewdogg11 on May 12, 2006, 08:13:38 PM
LD11's Top 3 H(*)(*)TERS

1. Downtown San Diego - I mean, would you expect that it wouldn't be Man-tastic? Beautiful friendly girls that might even hang out with you after they wipe the wing sauce off your crotch.

2. Albany - Crossgates Mall - This was a Thursday night ritual for the boys in college. Each time there, there was a 75% chance one of the girls would come home with us. AND most importantly, this is the only H(*)(*)TERS where i've been served by a waitress with one hand.   Ha!! that memory has been buried deep in 'Gro brain... didn't need to remember that.  The had the plate of 50 wings balanced on her nub! 

3. Wilmington, NC - Other than G-Unit's crew in the back room and Krazy Krazy screaming WHITE BOY everytime a Notre Dame guy broke a long run, this has been a favorite of mine. Very friendly, young waitresses. One I even fell in love with, and she had a little chub around her belly, and was on probation for stealing 4 DVD's from Wal-Mart. How can you NOT love that?  waitress: "yeah I graduated high school in 2004" 
LD11's Bottom 3 H(*)(*)TERS

1. Boston - I gotta agree with U89 here. This place is hurting. Most of the H(*)(*)TERS waitresses are old enough to be my mom, smell like cigarettes, and actually worked there when the uniforms first came out.

2. Joliet, IL - Regulators wedding, we stop at this H(*)(*)TERS and the waitress is like 'for every Beck's you drink, you can get a raffle entry to win a jet skit being raffled off in 45 minutes'. 45 minutes and 39 Beck's later, we're like 'When is the drawing?' And she says, 'Let me go check'...then comes back and says 'It already happened, you lost!'. I loved how Regulator worked that one!  I still have the free Beck's t-shirt 

3. Atlanta, GA - I mean, I don't have a problem with black girls, but these were girls straight out of either a Ludacris video or bumfights.com. The 1 white girl that was there was smoking hot, but I think she was Ludacris' girlfriend. 'Gro and I went there twice in 12 hours, and LD11 wore the same clothes. No matter what the girls looked like, LD11 was having a bad experience.  Our brown waitrees was pretty cute, her name was swan. How do you forget a name like swan? When I was paying she asked what hotel I was staying at, and I couldn't tell if she was still using the H( . )( . )TERS mind control or she wanted to party... either way, my alcohol soaked brain didn't register the situation and I paid and left. 

Hottest hoots waitress EVER was in Rochester on one of our football trips to UR or SJF.

You got to go to Hooters on a football trip?!?!?


Quote from: jonny utah on May 14, 2006, 07:27:29 AM
You got to go to Hooters on a football trip?!?!?

No doubt. We had a trip to Rochester every year to play either UR or SJF. Always stayed across the street from the local hootertorium.

Touchdown Tommy

U89 and LD11: Just thought you Boston guys would be interested to know that TDT sat next to Derek Lowe's soon to be ex-wife at a ballgame in Fort Myers last night.  She was pretty funny.  Lots of dirt on D-Lowe.  The rugrats had free reign of the ballpark while she spilled the guts of the divorce proceedings and some juicy details (Scott Boras, his agent, Carolyn Hughes, D-Lowe's new lady in LA, etc).  The guy next to me, Milt Cuyler, former big leaguer for Detroit and one season in Boston, and I chatted her up like it wasn't no thang.  Amazing what you can learn just by listening...

H(.)(.)TERS: This is an interesting company.  The original as you may or may not know is located in Clearwater on the Beach.  It has some of the best Hooters scenery TDT has seen.  Gro did you ever jaunt over there from Tampa back in the day?...

Hooters has owned land here in Naples for the better part of 6-8 yrs.  Sign is up, indicating Hooters is coming and has been for that entire time.  I am pretty sure not a single shovel has been lifted so far.  Which brings me to my point.  TDT has heard through the grapevine that Hooters is a company that builds one restaurant at a time.  They have one crew that travels the country building each  new restaurant.  Any LLPP, Inc members think this is a little crooked and slows down the growth of the company dramatically??  It can't possibly be that complicated to design, build, and open new stores.  They are like any other of the bajillion franchises we sport in the country.
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Naked Nott Run

NNR dropped by to say waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz happenin... I'm finally ending the school year. More importantly... The hooters you are refering to in Orlando is the one on Kirkman Road, because the one in Pointe Orlando is nasty...

And while I was at Union 2000-2004 the Albany hooters had a one-armed waitress...with no tits...NNR is baffled...NNR is all for equal oppertunity... But if your missing appendages which will limit your abilities as my waitress you better have some assests for NNR to goggle over
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


 where else but in the LL would hooters be such an important topic.

TDT - I think I drove by the original hooters in clearwater. There's about 20 in the cw/st. pete area.

NNR - the whole arm was there, only the hand was missing. that nub was creepy, I expected some long story about pirates and crocs and buried treasure. never happened.

Anyone else think the sopranos was kinda boring last night? Besides the gratuitious man love of course.


'Gro, Sopranos was a good set up episode, but MAN was it nasty!  I was like throwing up in my mouth.  Way too much detail in the man love sequences.  There's just NO need for that ever! 

I got pissed when fat-azz Vito shot that dude too.  What is the lesson that it teaches us everyone???  If someone ofers you $$$ for an accident, take it or you'll get shot!!!

Grad school starts tonight for LD11.  I'm doomed.

And about the one handed waitress...She had rather large boobs, and I was fixed on those the first time I saw her, and I didn't even notice the stump.  Then like 6 of us ordered drinks and she brought them over stuffed under her arm.  The chicken wings weren't as delicious that night. 


I'm still trying to figure out why vito shot that dude. cuz he was drunk and didn't want the cops around? cuz the old man didn't have any johnny cakes? maybe vito wants to go to jail. he'd be happy there.


When on Long Island avoid the Hooters in Hempstead down the road from Hofstra and across from the Coliseum.  Nasty waitress with hairy armpits that would reach across the table and over peoples food while serving.  We never went back even though we were at Hofstra for almost a month rolling out new PC's and Mac's in their computer labs.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: enginegro on May 15, 2006, 09:05:23 AM
I'm still trying to figure out why vito shot that dude. cuz he was drunk and didn't want the cops around? cuz the old man didn't have any johnny cakes? maybe vito wants to go to jail. he'd be happy there.

Gro I think on the part about being drunk & then not wanting the cops around, maybe Vito figured he would  get busted for for DWI & then figured maybe Tony and his crew would then find out where he was through their connections and then would get wacked some how.

Next week looks like something is going down
Quote from: lewdogg11 on May 15, 2006, 08:55:04 AM
'Gro, Sopranos was a good set up episode, but MAN was it nasty!  I was like throwing up in my mouth.  Way too much detail in the man love sequences.  There's just NO need for that ever! 

That part was way to much of me as well...

"I love you Vito,.....I love you to Johnny Cakes!!"   BLAH.....