FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Is anyone as bored with this show as I am?  What a LAME bunch of doods.  I don't even watch the show anymore, but happen to catch a few minutes of it every now and again.

Here is what happens in EACH show.

The anorexic chick goes competely psycho about something, cries, yells at everyone, then calls her BF who just happens to be the one that made her crazy in the first place by beating her up for 2 years.

The Russian chick is all about starting drama....talking behind peoples backs, which usually leads to girl #1 flipping out

The other chick is like 24 and just laughs at the other two chicks and pushes both their buttons....This could possibly be the most boring person that MTV EVER put on RW.

The guys

Meathead Johnny, what else is there to say?....he is the only one that fights with the chicks and it is getting old

Jose- Another boring cat...who is now "coming out" of his shell.  The last time I saw him he had a naked chick begging him to jump in the pool and he decided that he was "too tired" and went to bed.

Crazy hair guy- another boring cat that never fights and is usually the peacekeeper for the group.  His big drama scenes have involved him making out with a bartender.....WOW

The catty ghey guy.  I am not sure how to read this cat...I mean he is smart, catty, and loves drama.  He talks behind everyones back and really loves picking on G#2.

Watching the show is like rinse and repeat.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


reg the compressor is kicking on everything seems to be working except no cold air only blows hot air!! I hope it only needs a shot of coolant(although i  imagine there is a nice leak to along with it) albeit i will be po'd if that is all it is and I had to wait and sweat this long for these tools to come out and fix this. although i will be a little happy since it shouldn't be too expensive!! Mrs PBR is getting tired of sweating non stop around the house all day she is getting very cranky.


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on June 01, 2006, 08:12:14 AM
reg the compressor is kicking on everything seems to be working except no cold air only blows hot air!! I hope it only needs a shot of coolant(although i  imagine there is a nice leak to along with it) albeit i will be po'd if that is all it is and I had to wait and sweat this long for these tools to come out and fix this. although i will be a little happy since it shouldn't be too expensive!! Mrs PBR is getting tired of sweating non stop around the house all day she is getting very cranky.

Reg had a short stint with "these tools" a while back in reagard to plumbing.  The fix- REG had to go buy the materials and replace the first 3 feet of the main water line from his pressure tank to the house.

Good luck and keep the LLPP involved along the way.  I think Gro had a problem with low coolant and I also needed a shot about 2 years ago when my heat wouldnt heat.   I hate heat pumps.

The part I hate the most is when the "repair tool" look you right in the eyes and says "I've never seen this one before"(while scratching his head for 15 minutes, while on the clock, not doing anything)  ....Dood, this isnt amature hour....go call someone who has!....


luckily gro had a home warranty so when the doods came to fix the AC (new unit, not enough coolant when installed, WTF?) they knew there would be no haggeling so they were in and out like a porn star.

Reg, I hear ya about real world... BORING.


Real Sports w/ 'Gro Gumble

Not a huge NBA fan anymore, but I caught some of the Det/Mia game last night... did anyone see Ben Wallace stuff the crap out of Shaq? One of the best blocks ever.

Roger Clemons can pitch, that's a given. How great of a deal is this? Could you imagine skipping spring training and only showing up the days you have to pitch.  A 12 million dollar part time job. I'd never retire if I were him.



Back when Reg was a freshman, he was introduced to possibly the best thing since sliced bread.....Instant Messanger.

Now, once in a great while, I will sign on just to see if people I know are still on it.....sure as ish, THEY ARE!!!

Here are a few things I want to ruminate about-
#1- Please don't leave your IM on for days and weeks at a time.
#2- Do you really need to leave an away message for every activity you do during a day......who the heck cares if you "went to dinner with ____"
#3- is your buddy profile that important?.....
#4- If you out of college and still have more than one name signed on at the same time...GROW UP!!!
#5- If you are old enough to have a kid and put up a message like "Busy tending to Little Man:-D"...are you kidding me?


Re: IM

'Gro heard the funniest quote last weekend. One of LD's friends says:

"I hate when I'm watching porn on my computer and someone IM's me... I feel like they're watching me"



Quote from: enginegro on June 01, 2006, 08:58:41 AM
Re: IM

'Gro heard the funniest quote last weekend. One of LD's friends says:

"I hate when I'm watching porn on my computer and someone IM's me... I feel like they're watching me"


Gro!  Great memory!  I forgot that one!  The quote book would have gotten filled up last weekend.  Everyone had some doozies.  Reg, I got my Im still up.  SO what?  I never talk to ANYONE on that thing anymore, except maybe my mom once and again, and you or Gro if I need something.  But seriously, no one tells you not to buy and sell boats like they are re-usable crack rocks do they?


Quote from: Union89 on May 31, 2006, 05:29:52 PM
Quote from: JT on May 30, 2006, 04:44:13 PM

After a long 7+ year battle with brain cancer. Craig 'Ironhead' Heyward dies at 39. JT is still sore from tackling/trying to tackle the dude in HS 20+ years ago. RIP

JT, did you know Heyward....a buddy of Garnet and I from Union was a running-back from Wayne Hills...he had some interesting stories of Ironhead.

No... not personally.  We never played during the regular season, but scrimmaged Passaic while I was in HS.  Thankfully it was only a scrimmage.   JT was only a 5' 11" 165 lb DE/OLB/TE.   Ironhead was a MAN at 5' 11" 260 RB/LB.  Great speed, good feet and powerful.

JT was frequently ragdolled when Ironhead was on defense and runover when Ironhead was on offense.  If JT didn't grab him by the calves or ankles, JT was in deep sh!t.  JT once grabbed a thigh got a knee in the head and forgot what day it was.


Real Sports with 'Gro Gumble

This is whats wrong with sports today. Athletes want face time. The more a players mug is plastered on TV, the more money he can make in endorsements. Face time is easy for basketball, baseball players, and golfers. Thats why they get all the deals.

Football gets the short end of the stick. We don't see their faces as much so they don't get the deals unless you're Peyton Manning or Michael Strahan (love that right guard commercial w/ the squirrel).

NASCAR is in the same boat, but these guys are rediculas. Theres only 2 ways to get noticed in NASCAR. Win a race... or fight someone after. They don't even fight, they throw things like I used to throw sneakers at my sister when I was 6. I hate NASCAR.

Reno Hightower

You know what Reno hates about Sports?

When its not on TV


Anyone else seen the article on athletic team hazing in the Chronicle of Higher Education? It includes a couple of photos of Union College (NY) coeds drinking.

Hazing Photos Spur Debates on Complicity of Coaches


Here we go again!

On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!



What AZZ JOCKEY posted those pictures on a public forum????
And how can people say it is hazing?  Maybe they wanted to dress up and shave their heads and puke into tiny buckets.

"and showing one woman who appeared to be passed out drunk while a teammate wrote on her face"  What if the girl were closing her eyes and asked someone to draw all over her face?
I hope they at least blurred out the cups of biere (edit)- Nope....they werent even that smart.

Do a GIS and find the 13 offending colleges and pics.

Drake Palmer

Longtime lurker, very infrequent  poster on your board.

It seems other people have been reading the LLPP's Macking Hoes Manual ;)


"If anything here offends, I beg your pardon. I come in peace, I depart in gratitude." ;)


reg mrs. pbr just called the attic fan just overheated and is now done...needless to say she is just in a fine mood!! bunch of hazing foto's now being posted it started few weeks back with northwestern girls soccer team running around in their panties drinking lots of beer and girls swapping spit in deep passionate embraces....wild stuff then numerous other schools fotos were posted on said website