FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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PBR- Admit will have a PBR for you at lunch.   It's good to be a teacher this time of year.   Admit will think of y'all as he tees off at 11:30 Monday and every time the beer cart rolls by.
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


Reg & 'Gro ~
That was U89's first exposure to The Office....good stuff.  U89 only caught the 1st 2 episodes, then had to go spank his buddies in card to the tune of 650 dolare's.

JT ~
U89 feels your pain man.  U89 also deals with people all day and long ago came to the conclusion that he actually hates people.  "ohhh, come on....you don't really hate people....you're in sales."

No honestly, I hate 93.7% of the world with a passion.


"No ifs, ands, or buts... well maybe a few butts, BIG ONES!!"
(name that movie)

Enjoyed a wonderfully delicious and overpriced quiznos sammich at lunch. During this time about 8 college girls walked in with the finest assortment of butts in southeast tennessee. Not all the butts were great, but no 2 butts were the same, it was amazing. the dreaded "long butt" did not make an appearance.

To any ladies that might read LLPP (and they should): if your butt is shaped like a football on a tee, it's time to hit the gym. Go straight to the cybex squat rack.


HAAAA...just noticed, great picture Reg!!!!



Ace Ventura pet detective.
thanks for the +K


RE: People hating

Reg hates around 94.8% of the people he runs into on any given day.  Of that percentage, lazy people top the list.....even if you look lazy, I will hate you until you prove otherwise.  You know the people.....walk slow....make me wait in line an extra 30 seconds when they arent helping anyone...etc
Other people I hate are the ones with attitudes at their jobs....listen honey, I am not the one who stuck you behind the counter at Subway, if you don't like what you are doing, then leave....if not then I'll have a Turkey breast with cheese lettuce and oil.....Hold the tomatoes B.
If you are a combination of the previous 2.....forget it.


People think JT's kidding too.  JT was once an innocent college grad with ambition and good intentions.  Actually thought he might make a difference in the corporate world.

JT lost those rose colored glasses a long time ago.  There are a few standup people that JT deals with, but that's about it.  Many think nothing of screwing you over one week and acting like it was no big deal the next week.

JT really hates people that can't make a decision.  Those meetings to decide not to decide.  Ugh! 

Lazy people and ignorant people are next.  JT could do the job of at least 5 people at one of his customer's w/o breaking a sweat.  If China kicks our ass productivity-wise it is because of these F'ers.


Quote from: regulator on June 02, 2006, 01:07:42 PM
Ace Ventura pet detective.
thanks for the +K

oh, so close reg. It WAS Jim Carrey... in the Cable Guy. +k for your subway comments.

I hate people that yell at the gate people at the airport (you've either seen this 1st hand or watch 'airline' on A&E).  It's not like the lady at the gate radio'd the pilots in the air and said "hows it going up there? you know what would be great? If you were late getting here. Ever see the St. Loius Arch? I know it's 200 miles out of your way but it is breathtaking from the air".

But every time something bad happens at the airport, and believe me the airlines do their share of fvcking up, the poor gate or ticket counter lady takes the fall.


Quote from: enginegro on June 02, 2006, 02:02:45 PM
Quote from: regulator on June 02, 2006, 01:07:42 PM
Ace Ventura pet detective.
thanks for the +K

oh, so close reg. It WAS Jim Carrey... in the Cable Guy. +k for your subway comments.

I hate people that yell at the gate people at the airport (you've either seen this 1st hand or watch 'airline' on A&E).  It's not like the lady at the gate radio'd the pilots in the air and said "hows it going up there? you know what would be great? If you were late getting here. Ever see the St. Loius Arch? I know it's 200 miles out of your way but it is breathtaking from the air".

But every time something bad happens at the airport, and believe me the airlines do their share of fvcking up, the poor gate or ticket counter lady takes the fall.

Wow, U89 sucks......U89 considers himself somewhat of a Cable Guy expert, but had no idea on that one.



Gro don't you EVER side with an airline reservations person AGAIN!!!
Now I am not saying that I am going to go yell at the lady for the plane being late.....BUT these kats have the worst "take it or leave it attitude I have ever seen.

Oh you are on the opposite side of the plane as your companion with 3 kids and a guy who wears a diaper between you, sorry I can't help you.  Oh your bags are lost...here fill this out and we will try to locate them asap....thanks!.....Sorry sir, you have had 2 beers and are completely anebriated, you must wait 12 hours until the next plane to chattahoochie (that one was from the multiple shows I saw on A&E)

What can you do to those people???

Short story-  
I was IN-line at a SW counter with an ex.  She was flying somewhere....anywhoo, I was the next in line and when a person left a booking agent, I stepped up and she tells me "sorry sir, I did not call the next person, I cannot help you."  
Me: what do you mean....???
Her: sorry, you have to go somewhere's else...<and proceeds to ignore me and act like she isn't taking anyone.>
Me: <meanwhile people are being called from the front of the SW line and I can't get back in>"what the hell are you talking about???[....at this point it was fight or flight....I was LITERALLY ready to jump the counter and smash her head off the baggage belt.....I have NEVER been so mad in my entire life.....Luckily the person a couple spots down sees steam rolling off my ears and helps me out.  I am lucky I wasn't banned from Chicago Midway for life. ]

After I dropped exGF off at the escalator, I wanted to go back to find the lady that put me through this.  Herb Kelleher personally naming one of his planes after me would have been the only thing that would have held me back if I found her that day.
Yeah.....maybe I had a short fuse.  


Don't worry reg, airline personnel and gro are mortal enemies... delta just lost my bag last week (oh it wasn't lost, they just didn't have time to get it from flight A to flight B... jerks).

But my point is this... lets say you are waiting for a plane. That plane is coming from pittsburg. Some jackoff in pittsburg didn't tighten a lugnut on the rotary thingy... which makes a light and buzzer go off in the cockpit. Bam, your flight has just been delayed an hour... Do you yell at the counter lady?

So, unless you are carrying a shipment of insulin or a baboon heart... the people who yell in these situations are just yelling to hear their own voice. chest thumpers, front runners, selfish sonsab!tches.

delays happen, cancelled flights... now that is a whole other story. don't get me started.


U89 may hate 93.7% of the people he meets on a daily basis, but he can honestly say he hates 100% of the people he meets in airports...regardless of them being airline employees of fellow travellers.


Gro, I -1k'd you then +1k'd you.

Do you yell at the lady...sure if she tells you "about an hour" because she is too lazy to find out and it turns out to be 4 hours. 

I urge you not to continue on trying to defend the lady at the gate.  I can still use the power of -K on you.

If it makes me feel better by laying into you for 5 minutes, I will gladly do it.....  Then again, they will probably just give me the "take it or go to another airline" crap. 

Oh yeah lady, give me my $300 bucks back so I can go to delta and buy a last minute flight for $1200.


maybe what I'm trying to say is that sometimes I hate the people in the airport more than the people that work there... rare occasions...

New Pic!!
Just use your imagination with this one...

full size

Touchdown Tommy

REG and Gro,

TDT thinks that LLPP, Inc.'s new G5 will take care of all these problems.  I am with ya on the hazards of flying.  TDT hates the people who sit next to you and wanna divulge their entire life story and know EVERYTHING about yours.  Um, listen up you clown, TDT just wants to sit in peace and quiet with his iPod and his Mackin' Hoes Manual. Don't these fruit loops get a clue from the body language that says "leave TDT alone". 

Also, why are people in such a hurry to get on the bird?  Seriously, TDT wants to spend as little time as possible in those rock hard seats.  Why the rush to board and the jocking for position in line? 

Lastly, what ever happened to the hot flight attendants?  Back in the day, NWA which is what TDT flies most of the time had some real cute numbers.  Now they are either ornery old ladies who think they are exerting themselves pouring me a Coca-Cola or they are dudes who are a little light in the loafers on power trips (sir, you gotta be buckled up or this bird isn't moving).
Chasing MILFs since '82...