FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Ok...Icgrad was left wondering after last nights episode of The Soprano's...not a great season finale in my mind but kudo's to AJ for getting with the construction girl. Won't say anymore as don't want to give anything away to those who have not seen it yet.

Grad also saw an wild episode of Parental Control this weekend.  Father of the daughter almost beat the piss out of the current boyfriend as he was shooting his mouth off.  In the end daughter picks one of the guys the parents pick and last thing you see is parents giving the finger into the camera and saying " FU Mother F'r" and laughing as the now former boyfriend drives off.


anyone who missed the sopranos last night didn't miss any action (well, death action... AJ and Chris got some other action).  I was waiting for a bomb to go off in the last scene.

I guess this whole season was a setup for the final 8 episodes.  Maybe LLPP can sponsor a soprano's death pool next year.  Regulator handles all the odds.

Touchdown Tommy

Gro has it been confirmed 100% that next season is the last for the Sopranos?  TDT was always under the impression that they worked on a year to year basis.  Maybe I just missed the announcement...

PS-TDT will take Christopher killing Tony if next season is indeed the final one.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


I thought I posted a reply... weird. Getting senile already.

yes TDT this is last call for Tony and friends. 8 episodes left in 2007.

My prediction is that all types of heck breaks loose in these final episodes and ends up with AJ becoming a made man. it's the circle of life.


As I am a Jersey boy, let me chime in on the Soprano's conversation:

We waited for almost two years for this season - for what?  A gun-shot induced coma for Tony?  Carmela walking through the streets of Paris? Vito coming out of the closet only to be beaten to a pulp?  Pathetic!

I think there are too many writers trying to accomplish too many things.  Bring back the Russian from the Pinebarrens of NJ, I say!

And not to mention - it took two years for anyone to even mention Andrea's disappearance - and she was the hottest thing on the show - sheesh!!!!

All I can say is that most people who loved "GoodFellas" and "Godfather I and II" comprise the base of the audience for this show and we are not getting served.  If I want a soap opera I can tivo the daytime drama garbage. 

The only action last night was horizontal - and you can get better stuff than that elsewhere if that is what you are seeking. 

To paraphrase the guy in "Top Gun"  "I want some corpses!"  And where did Junior go?  I mean, he had great lines even if they were demented.

This show has not recovered since Steve Buscemi bought it at the farm.

Just one guys opinion - but remember - I am from NJ - fuggetaboutit!



I'm back.  Intersting few days.  Won't get too into it.

Re: Soprano's
Sorry Lyco, I thought it was legit.  The entire season was legit.  Frustrating as hell?  ABSOLUTELY!  But at the end of Sunday night, I'm sure there was a bunch of people dissapointed and wanting more...It's a show.  It's made to piss you off, and make you want more.  I thought the whole season was good.  A little slow at times.  Made you think at times, but none-the-less, it was an amazing setup.  Now, if the final 8 episodes ends the same way, i'm gonna be pissed.

Re: Friday night
So I got this dude in my Grad class.  He's in my class 'Team', and he owns a piano bar downtown.  Seems like a good guy but I don't really know him.  WTFF was down for the weekend, so my boy and his GF joined us for the evening.  We got dinner, then were gonna bounce around to a few places. 

I'm like, 'This guy in my class owns a pianao bar, let's go check it out.  Can probably get cheap or free drinks.'  Everyone's cool, so we roll up.  It's this little whole in the wall, and there's a guy playing the piano. 

Immediately LD11 knows.  It's a gay bar.  2 dudes right in front of us as we walk in are necking and making out and hugging.  I look to the bar, there is about 20 guys and 1 girl.  The 4 of us look at each other, and then walk out. 

I can't get the dudes making out, out of my head.  I'm horrified.  So LD11 has class last night.  So far, I feel there is no suspicion of me being there by said group member.  All the writing was on the wall for LD11 to see...Let's examine...

Said Group Member:
38 years old
Talks a little funny
Got the Polar Opposite on his MBTI personality score as LD11
Told LD11 the crowd often likes when the musicians play showtunes
His name is George

Something tells me the beer taps taste like poop.


good points Lyco. The show will likely go out with a bang, hopefully an all out mob war (Tony hinted at that a few episodes ago). like I said, I'd like to see AJ somehow someway end up following in Tony's footsteps.  p.s. Chris, lay off the H man. that stuff is bad for you.

Now that this season is over, here's another plug for rescue me on FX. Good show people, give it a shot. Tuesdays at 10pm. Gro will fill in the plot holes for you.


ld11...as they say on seinfeld "not that there is anything wrong with that".... ;)


LD... ha! Better or worse than 'the baltimore incident'? How many gay guys are in your class? Didn't you suspect that other kid to be a little light in the boat shoes too?

just when you think you have the hook up at a bar... turns out the guy just wanted to (insert twig and berries joke here).


Knightstalkers only experience with a gay bar was in Brest France.  We were drinking at this little hole in the wall bar when it was closing time.  This french couple we had met at the HITW bar said they knew an open club but that it was a different kind of club.  Being the drunken american sailors we were we decided it was better than not drinking.

We get to the club called Le Club, and go in.  It seems to be a mixed crowd, there are definitely gay couples and lesbian couples but also straight looking couples.  We figured the drinks were cheap so why not stay for a while and drink.  (It was our first day in port after almost three straight months underwater, drinking was important that night.)  Everything was cool until my first class petty officer needed to take a leak.  He went to the standard European bathroom, co-ed and just a ceramic pad on the floor with a hole, two footpads and a handle on the wall in front of it to hold on to and no lock on the door.  As he is finishing up a very attractive women walks in on him and proceeds to use the hole in the floor in front of him.  He came walking out of the restroom a white as a ghost.  He sat down and said lets get out of here.  We asked him what happened and he pointed to the woman and said, that bitch is hung better than I am.  We all took off running from that place.  Gotta love France.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: enginegro on June 06, 2006, 09:05:13 AM
LD... ha! Better or worse than 'the baltimore incident'? How many gay guys are in your class? Didn't you suspect that other kid to be a little light in the boat shoes too?

just when you think you have the hook up at a bar... turns out the guy just wanted to (insert twig and berries joke here).

KS has to ask again, what was the Baltimore Incident?

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Ok ok, the baltimore incident... Gro, LD, and BrotherReg are in Baltimore celebrating Regulators impending doom... I mean wedding. We go to the inner harbor and get ish faced. LD11 kicked some guy in the face during a dance off with brotherReg (one of the funniest moments of all time). Bars close and we go back to the hotel. Now neither Reg, LD, or myself are really into strip clubs, but there was one across the street from the hotel so we go over there and it had just closed. So we ask Mr. Tough bouncer if there are any after hours places. "Oh go to this place it'll be packed". We take a cab to this place and there is a line to get in. So we're in line and notice that most of the guys in line have no sleeves... one guy's wearing shorts that looked like the NBA in 1963.

So we figure out that this is the kind of bar where Vito would hang out... and now we're stuck, trying to find a cab, and in the middle of the hood (you know it's the hood when the gas station is packed at 3am with people just standing around).

Bar story #2

Back in the RPI days GxGF wants Gro to go see some band (LD, it was BBB's man's band) at some bar in Albany. Enter said bar and its filled with girls. Even though I'm with GxGF, couldn't help but feel good about that. Within about 5min I notice a lot of girls with short hair, flannel shirts, missing sleeves, or all of the above.  Then I notice I'm one of about 3 doods in the place.  Ever have that feeling that everyone in the bar is watching you? I would've felt more comfortable at a klan rally.


Gro, sounds like the bar you saw that band at is like the HerShe lounge in Norfolk VA.  I don't know if the HerShe lounge is still there but in 1984 they used to charge men a 30.00 cover to get in.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: enginegro on June 06, 2006, 09:40:32 AM

Bar story #2

Back in the RPI days GxGF wants Gro to go see some band (LD, it was BBB's man's band) at some bar in Albany. Enter said bar and its filled with girls. Even though I'm with GxGF, couldn't help but feel good about that. Within about 5min I notice a lot of girls with short hair, flannel shirts, missing sleeves, or all of the above.  Then I notice I'm one of about 3 doods in the place.  Ever have that feeling that everyone in the bar is watching you? I would've felt more comfortable at a klan rally.

For some reason JT is picturing Gro portraying the sheriff in Blazing Saddles right now.  +K

+K to LD11 for the beer taps.


KS thinks this is what JT is thinking.

Don't move or the Enginegro gets it.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).