FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Enginegro would look Mantastic in Purple tights and red lipstick.


+K for LD in 18 hours for the Mantastic comment.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: lewdogg11 on June 06, 2006, 10:32:25 AM
Enginegro would look Mantastic in Purple tights and red lipstick.

remind me when it gets a little closer to the shoes game.

How great would it be if Dr. Jackson allowed the football alumni to set up the tailgate right in our spot in the endzone? no more trips to the parking lot!


Quote from: enginegro on June 06, 2006, 10:43:10 AM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on June 06, 2006, 10:32:25 AM
Enginegro would look Mantastic in Purple tights and red lipstick.

remind me when it gets a little closer to the shoes game.

How great would it be if Dr. Jackson allowed the football alumni to set up the tailgate right in our spot in the endzone? no more trips to the parking lot!

I'm no Regulator, but I would say the odds on that happening are worse than Derek Jeter being straight.


Another Recollection from 'Gay Friday'.  We're downtown, and everyone down there is hammered, including everyone driving a car, which is ridiculously scary.  SO we're standing outside when this car slams into another car.  These 2 Mexican guys get out of the car that got hit, i'm thinking we are gonna have a bloodbath.  Mind you, the person driving the car in the back, was a girl, on her cell phone, with like 4 other girls in the car, and she starts swearing at the person on the phone 'STOP F'ING CALLING ME!!!  YOU JUST MADE ME REAR END SOMEONE!!!'

The Mexican dudes I imagine were drunk too, because they checked the car, it wasnt too bad, and then got back in and took off. 

On Sunday, I pull up to a left arrow red light.  I hear screeching tires to my right.  Some girl almost blares the red light, and came to a screeching halt half way in the intersection and starts SCREAMING LOUDLY at the dude in the passenger seat as if it was his fault. 

Amazing stuff.  1, drinking and driving is NOT cool.  2 girls driving is NOT cool.  3, I got a kick out of seeing these chicks blaming everyone else that they suck at driving.


'Gro Presents: Only In Tennessee

Vols suspend Cooter after DUI arrest

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer suspended reserve quarterback Jim Bob Cooter indefinitely Monday for violating team rules after campus police arrested him for drunken driving.

"Jim Bob has let the team down and embarrassed himself and his family by his actions. He has benefited greatly by being part of the Tennessee family, and with that comes great responsibility for his actions," Fulmer said in a statement.

full SI.com article


'Gro rear ended this car at the steak and shake drive thru in Tampa one late weekend evening... both Gro and the girl driving the other car get out. No words were exchanged. We looked at each car (no damage to either), looked at eachother, shook hands, and got back into our respective vehicles.

obviously both parties did not want to involve the TPD.


JT'S in a bad mood [seems to be his typical mood lately].  Word on the street is that Trump or more specifically Trump Jr. and the new Apprentice [JT hasn't watched since season 2] are building a 45 story hotel, condo, storefront in the lot where JT parks his car.  The lot is across the street from JT office.

The potential construction noise and the removal of even more parking space in Soho is not sitting well with JT.  This will just make the remaining parking more expensive and block JT's view of downtown. Trump sucks!!!

JT prefers to drive.  He hates mass transit and playing guess that smell.  If JT can't find reasonable monthly parking nearby, he'll have to travel with strangers everyday until he can get his ass out of NYC.

Hopefully the project won't go through.  JT would rather watch the Red Sox win the Series in '06, than put up with this crap.


same here JT re: bad moods....found out that mice got into my a/c unit at home and chomped down the relay and other electronics....of course they got fried (literally) when attempting to eat thru all that wattage (darn things got what was coming to them....) cant wait to see what this bill will be.....a/c guy is cleaning out char broiled mice out my a/c unit    >:(


RE: Fingernail biters

As I am driving around today, I see this girl in a car next to me chomping away at her fingernails like they were Doritos.  I really hope I'm not offending any nailbiters in the LLPP, but could their be a nastier habit????

Think of where you put your hands in any given day....done....now add up about 2 weeks worth of this funk.

Next, take a toothpick and run it under your nail.....now eat that......See what I am saying!!! COMPLETELY NASTY!



Quote from: regulator on June 06, 2006, 02:57:38 PM
Next, take a toothpick and run it under your nail.....now eat that....

is there any money involved? Nah Nah.

In general, what makes people think that when they're in their car is ok to pick your nose. I've seen girls... decent looking girls with their fingers so far up their nose I thought they were trying to remove a homing device like Arnie in Total Recall.

Easy reference, if you woudn't do it sitting at a restaurant, don't do it in your car.



Fingernail biters have no shame in their game!.....If they are bored, they turn to the nail that has 1/16th of biting left before it starts to bleed, they are figity....chomp chomp.

It is their thing.

The only "thing" that bothers me worse than nail biters is people eating a hard candy or chewing gum loud enough for me to hear.  I literally want to reach into someones mouth, pull whatever it is they are chomping on out, and smash it off their head like in the Sprint commercial.



classic one is a coworker of mine refuses to wash his hands after using the mens room and it doesnt matter whether he goes #1 or #2.....so one day i am helping him out with a problem when he says here you can use my keyboard to do it you dont have to go back to your desk....my reply "i most definetly need to do this from my desk/keyboard". he looked hurt i wouldnt use his keyboard


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on June 06, 2006, 03:22:59 PM
classic one is a coworker of mine refuses to wash his hands after using the mens room and it doesnt matter whether he goes #1 or #2.....so one day i am helping him out with a problem when he says here you can use my keyboard to do it you dont have to go back to your desk....my reply "i most definetly need to do this from my desk/keyboard". he looked hurt i wouldnt use his keyboard

Yeah some peoples keyboards are filled with some much crap it's ridiculous!!  I have to sit there and clean the thing with wipes before I even do any work on it. And some of them even smell so bad you can't get it out cause people eat right over their keyboard or don't bother to wipe their hands before they start typing.

uPBRmeASAP...had the same type of coworker, at one point as well.. was in the bathroom he came right out of the stall and went right out the door...almost got sick right on the spot...have ALWAYS opened the door to leave the bathroom at work with a paper towel in my hand since then. Then back in the office you would find him digging for buried treasure in his nasel passages or we'd find him sleeping someplace in the building...needless to say he's no longer around...


Gro, I like to pick my nose.  Everyone does it.  And it feels liberating.

I wash my hands religiously and my keyboard is filthy.  Does that make me a bad person?