FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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standing 5 inches away behind ms. teacher  that was bent over .....impressive...is that a dawn redwood tree in your pocket or you just glad to see me...


In some remote counties in the US this is considered pornography... bow-chicka-wow-wow


Quote from: JT on June 09, 2006, 02:49:14 PM
Yeah and isn't his d3 username naked nott run?   Hmmm

Question for you....
Reg was watching some of the Rowan Highlight videos on your website.  Why is the 2004 recruiting video in slow motion?.....I mean everything moves so SLOW.  I think most schools I went to had their videos at 1.2X speed.

Did you put this together?

Touchdown Tommy


Question for YOU since you are obviously LLPP Inc.'s resident handyman.

TDT has killed 8 mice in the kitchen of a gutted condominium within the last week.  Sometimes catching 2 of the little bastards on a single trap.  I believe the fury little varmits came in while the windows/shutters were off.  When can I expect it to end?  I mean went 3-4 days without catching anymore and then last night there was one smashed on the trap.  Using peanut butter with an unsalted peanut on the bait pedal and it appears to be working well.  Please advise.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 09, 2006, 03:42:48 PM

Question for YOU since you are obviously LLPP Inc.'s resident handyman.

TDT has killed 8 mice in the kitchen of a gutted condominium within the last week.  Sometimes catching 2 of the little bastards on a single trap.  I believe the fury little varmits came in while the windows/shutters were off.  When can I expect it to end?  I mean went 3-4 days without catching anymore and then last night there was one smashed on the trap.  Using peanut butter with an unsalted peanut on the bait pedal and it appears to be working well.  Please advise.

TDT- Back in crack city, Reg had a small problem with Mice.  I used to use the really sticky traps to catch the mice. (Once I let one go after I tortured it so it would warn the others "not to mess with this dude")

The absolute FIRST thing you need to do is find out where they are coming from.  My guess is somewhere through the basement / crawl space.  If you are completely sure that they are no longer coming it, then just keep doing what you are doing by catching them.  DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT poison them.  They eat then get caught in the walls.  You will need to break sheetrock in order to get them out.

The Mice that I was dealing with were city mice....I tried using the traps you described and those freaking ghetto mice used to lick the trap clean of all the bait and not get caught!...I of course are much smarter than a mouse with a tiny brain, so I used to make them come into my kitchen a certain way by strategically opening some cabinets and blocking all others, BAM....gotcha.

I don't know where you live, but once the weather starts to turn cold, the mice will flock to any warm areas...

The LLPP would NEVER tell you to win the war with the mice by pawning them off on a neighbor.  I mean directing mice his way with Cheese or Peanuts would not be a good idea. :-X


I see they are in a condo....it should be easy to find out where they are coming from.  Even if they got in when the shutters were off...they still needed to get in somewhere (unless the windows were open)

Touchdown Tommy


Yes I knew bait was a BAD BAD idea since they then die and the smell is like Gro after 40 Hooters wings.  The windows and hurricane shutters were off during a concrete restoration process.  TDT thought he had 'em all then catches another little F-er yesterday.  I also learned quickly that the little mice traps were NOT good enough as the little varmits would sneak around getting the peanut butter and the trap wouldn't smash them.  So I upgraded to the heavy duty rat traps at ACE Hardware and they work wonders.  They only come out at night right?  How good are the sticky traps versus the old school traps I am using now?  I thought about your torture method but these little bastards make TDT nauseaous and gives me the chilly willies.

At this point I am not 100% sure where they are/were coming from.  Any idea of how to test this?  I was catching them all in where the kitchen used to be under the stairs/where a crawl space would be in a house...Well Naples, FLA so the weather is ALWAYS warm and nice year round.  If I can't catch them you may have a "special assignment" here in a couple weeks for LLPP, Inc.  Please advise.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


TDT i gave up fightin them and finally broke down and got a cat.....they are easy to take care of throw some food in a bowl and water and clean the litter box every once in a while and viola mice were gone in a couple of days....the cat crushed them at night time and days later not a mouse to be found. cat was cool how it used to play with them before killing them...kinda like the ending of braveheart


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 09, 2006, 04:06:16 PM

Yes I knew bait was a BAD BAD idea since they then die and the smell is like Gro after 40 Hooters wings.  The windows and hurricane shutters were off during a concrete restoration process.  TDT thought he had 'em all then catches another little F-er yesterday.  I also learned quickly that the little mice traps were NOT good enough as the little varmits would sneak around getting the peanut butter and the trap wouldn't smash them.  So I upgraded to the heavy duty rat traps at ACE Hardware and they work wonders.  They only come out at night right?  How good are the sticky traps versus the old school traps I am using now?  I thought about your torture method but these little bastards make TDT nauseaous and gives me the chilly willies.

At this point I am not 100% sure where they are/were coming from.  Any idea of how to test this?  I was catching them all in where the kitchen used to be under the stairs/where a crawl space would be in a house...Well Naples, FLA so the weather is ALWAYS warm and nice year round.  If I can't catch them you may have a "special assignment" here in a couple weeks for LLPP, Inc.  Please advise.

#1 Whatever traps catch the mice are "good" traps.  If the old school ones work....keep using them.  I would try the sticky ones...only if they steal the bait from the others.
#2 They come out anytime they feel like it....usually when it's quiet and noone is around.
#3 To find out where they are coming from you have to get down and look around the baseboards and in cabinets / closets for a space big enough for a mouse to fit through.  If you are not sure where this is...you have to hire a professional or you'll never get rid of them.  Once you find the areas that you believe a mouse can fit through, put on of those sticky traps in front of it.....you will find out soon enough if that is their entrance.
#4 you can't afford me....in fact, you owe me $138.75 for this email....BLING BLING.

Touchdown Tommy


Check is in the mail.  Hope it fills your tank on the new cruiser.

The place is literally gutted so there are no cabinets to hide in.  I believe they run along walls/baseboard, correct?  TDT is placing said rat traps facing the walls where I have 8 dead.  Will keep LLPP updated on this over the coming days.  Clear the schedule with MrsREG, BWI to RSW next week if all hell breaks loose.

PS- Soccer sucks fellas.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  I want riots and boobs not 1-0 games that make me wanna take a nap.
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Here's what we used to do at the hunting shack "up nort". Take a 5 gal. bucket, get some wire (like a straightened coat hanger) and an empty beer can (you might have to get one from a neighbor  ;) ). Poke a hole in the bottom of the beer can and poke the wire all the way through the can, then fasten the wire ends to the sides of the bucket so the can will spin on the wire. Then you make a ramp for the critters using a board and prop it up against the side of the pail. Put some peanut butter on the can and twist it so it's more toward the inside of the bucket and put about 3-4" of water in the bucket. Go watch TV and listen for the splash after they run up the ramp, stretch out to get the PB on the far side of the can, it spins and they do a 3 and a half gainer.


damn fins... Rick James says that device is "Coooold Blooooded!!"


MrsReg says she's free next week if it involves jet skis, beaches, BBQ, and some SPF4 oil.
Thanks for the 1/4 tank donation....it only cost me $462 the last time I filled up.

Seriously, don't worry about where they run...you just need to find out where they are entering.  The traps will eventually catch the residual mice.

Finsleft- wouldnt you rather just buy a $2 piece of sticky cardboard rather than getting all McGuiver on us?


Quote from: regulator on June 09, 2006, 04:28:35 PM
Finsleft- wouldnt you rather just buy a $2 piece of sticky cardboard rather than getting all McGuiver on us?

Nope. Besides when you're up in the boonies, the store is many miles away, then you get there and they don't have the sticky cardboard. At the hunting shack, our "trap lines" have been the source of great fun and many a wager. You can only play so much cribbage.


Does someone on this board really play cribbage?  Do you also write your friends checks for $12 on their birthday?