FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Also from Wikipedia

Nobody Beats The Wiz was the name of a chain of electronic stores in the northeastern United States, primarily in New York and New Jersey. The chain, Which was founded by Lawrence Jemal in New York City 1977, was sometimes referred to by its shortened name, The Wiz, and was officially known as The Wiz after Cablevision bought the chain in 1998. The acquisition came shortly after the chain filed for bankruptcy. Founder Lawrence Jemal was intensely private and financial performance data was a closely guarded secret until the company was purchased by Cablevision. The Wiz was notorious for paying vendors very slowly, and in its later years found it very difficult to secure products on credit. At the chains peak, it operated more than 50 stores in New York, NJ, CT and Massachussetts. At one time it also operated music only stores in Maryland and the Washington DC area.

The chain closed permanently in 2003. According to a Stereophile Magazine article from February 16, 2003, a Cablevision press release stated: "Continuing to operate the stores is no longer a viable option for Cablevision as business conditions at the retailer eroded due to a weakened retail economy and other factors."   (In other words Mr Dolan had no clue how to run the business)The business still had a web site that was taking orders as of June 2006.

The current TheWiz.com is owned by the New York Metro area electronics retailer P.C. Richard & Son and is of no relation to the previous company except in name.


The Wiz is appropriate after yesterdays convo on here..... :D


Quote from: icgrad87 on June 22, 2006, 11:32:24 AM
Breaking news!!! .. I used to like the sport..not anymore

Me too neither.
Since the arrival of the franchise, I split 4 really nice seats for the Timberpups, which was an enjoyable event even though they sucked, but each year the cost went up. Not a small percentage either, but $20/seat this year, $30/seat that year, which we kept paying until they went on strike. After the babies finally resolved their differences, the 1st letter I get from the team is to tell me that play will resume and for the privilege of watching them play I would have to absorb yet another significant price increase. I told 'em to kiss off.
My kids were a little upset until I told them how much it cost and what else we could do with that money. That year we bought the new 65" Mitsubishi HDTV, which we still watch today. The next year it was a new ATV.
I don't think my kids ever regret the decision and our interest in the pumpkin pushers has all but gone away.

Kilted Rat


KR sees you lurking, will you come out and play again? The Twinks ended their win streak and the BoSox have one of their own now.

KR can't vouche for fins, but KR will play nice and refrain from beisbol arguments if it makes LD happy.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: kiltedrat on June 22, 2006, 01:32:56 PM

KR sees you lurking, will you come out and play again? The Twinks ended their win streak and the BoSox have one of their own now.

KR can't vouche for fins, but KR will play nice and refrain from beisbol arguments if it makes LD happy.

I'm with you, KR. Since the Twins lost last night and the Sox are on a tear, I'm now riding Business Class on the Sox bandwagon. And the Twins suck!  >:(
Life on LLPP is just not the same without LD11.  :'(


Reg-  If it's on the shady side, it IS likely rust.  If moisture is allowed to sit there (shady side) it will react with any iron that may likely have been used to color the asphalt shingles.   Rust removers would work, but I'm not sure what they would do to the shingles themselves.  As far as shingling over-like PBR said, check the building codes in your township.  Around here you can-but it really sucks ass the next time you want to reshingle...
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


Reg is in a prediciment this weekend....
Regs Bro is getting married....Reg is in the wedding party....So you're saying to yourself "what is wrong with that?"

Well Red Eye's dock bar is having their weekly bikini contest.....that starts at 5pm Sunday.  Reg has always shrugged this off as being "probably lots of nasty chicks in bathing suites that are so baggy it looks like they have poopy pants".....that is until Reg looked at the website
http://www.redeyedockbar.com/index.htm NSFW

So now Reg is forced to wake up, hung Ovah early Sunday morning, drive for 6 hours and get on the water by 3:30 in order to make it to the show.

Train leaves at 9AM EST!!!!!!


Reg, promise Gro that you will still party it up on saturday. It's your brothers frickin wedding... and your boys Gro and LD will be in attendance. Make Mrs. Reg do the driving back home.

Reno Hightower

Anyone in LLPP ever date a single mom? Reno's got a hot little number going here but is a little nervous about the children situation.......any LLPP advice would be greatly appreciated.

This place is like the Man Law room!

Touchdown Tommy

Reno: Run like hell.

I think I spotted 'GRO participating last year...

Chasing MILFs since '82...


ISH, I almost forgot you kats are going to be there.....HR2k6...the remix?

I will be partying like its 1999....

The odds that FRB plays "DROP IT LIKE IT's HOT" as the first dance 2:1
odds that it will be played at least once that night 1:1
Odds MR will be on her 5th martini actually dropping it like it's hot 1:1
Odds that Reg will make it to see bikini babes droppin it like it's hot on Sunday 2:1
Odds Reg likes to see good looking girls droppin it like it's hot 1:1 (that's a given)
Odds Gro makes out with a bridesmaid 3:1
Odds WTFF drinks half of her body weight 2:1
Odds LD11 takes his shirt off and uses it as a bandana 6:1.....while wearing no pants 10:1....while wearing no pants and WTFF's bra to look like a fly 50:1

This could be good or ugly


Watch out bridesmaids, I have great wedding game. If its anything like Reg's wedding it will be a good time.

LLPP readers... at the end of Reg's reception once most of the adults went home the DJ threw on some party jams. Picture the newly named mrs. regulator dropping it like its hot in her wedding dress. Classic.

Reno - I think you want to 'just be friends' with baby mama. But if you do go there 2 things to check on A.) is the kid bananas? no need to be involved with problem child 3. and B.) Where's the Baby daddy? County Lockup? Skipped town?

Kilted Rat

Quote from: regulator on June 22, 2006, 03:12:42 PM
Reg is in a prediciment this weekend....
Regs Bro is getting married....Reg is in the wedding party....So you're saying to yourself "what is wrong with that?"

Well Red Eye's dock bar is having their weekly bikini contest.....that starts at 5pm Sunday.  Reg has always shrugged this off as being "probably lots of nasty chicks in bathing suites that are so baggy it looks like they have poopy pants".....that is until Reg looked at the website
http://www.redeyedockbar.com/index.htm NSFW

So now Reg is forced to wake up, hung Ovah early Sunday morning, drive for 6 hours and get on the water by 3:30 in order to make it to the show.

Train leaves at 9AM EST!!!!!!

Wow, You damn well better make it to that contest to see some of this:


and this:

Hopefully this guy doesn't come back this year though:

Who the F wants to see some old dude in a captains hat stripping? Kind of looks like TDT in 30 years.

But do be sure to stay until the end.

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


reno one thing to add is be careful meeting the child in that if things dont work out and the child has become good friends with you it makes it very difficult on everyone....if it does go on you have to care for the child emotionally as if it were your own are you prepared to do that? (be honest with yourself...)  reg i say party hard at your brothers wedding and if it was meant for you to be at the bikini bar you will wake up naturally and roll right back on time to make it, i kinda agree with 'gro in that its your brother wedding so enjoy it.... and just tell pbr where the boat is located so i can take your place in the lineup at bikini bar .... ;D


Now that Larry Brown has been fired, someone please tell him to STOP COACHING. Not that he's a bad coach, he's a great coach. The knicks owe him the remainder of his $50 million contract... and he's still getting money from Detroit.  RETIRE. Go to the beach. Do TV if you get bored, maybe MSG network will hire you.

I wish someone would tell me, "Gro we don't want you to work here anymore, but we're gonna keep paying you for the next 3 years."