FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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A little dissapointing for a wedding between 2 people under 30... expecting people to wil'out... never happened.  the only bridesmaid 'Gro even talked to was Mrs. Reg.

On the other hand, it was open bar all night... so Gro and Jimmy Beam got pretty friendly.


Jimmy Beam is always fun to hang out with.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Touchdown Tommy

Alright GRO, so i take it that it was slim pickings...

REG: Don't fret about the Red Eye Bikini Contest, I was looking thru the website and it appears they have rediculous women every Sunday from 2-5pm.  Does Mrs. REG participate in the contests or does REG fly solo so as to avoid all detection?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 26, 2006, 01:21:07 PM
Alright GRO, so i take it that it was slim pickings...

REG: Don't fret about the Red Eye Bikini Contest, I was looking thru the website and it appears they have rediculous women every Sunday from 2-5pm.  Does Mrs. REG participate in the contests or does REG fly solo so as to avoid all detection?

Good question TDT....
As Reg and MR were headed home, Reg mentioned why he needed to leave by 10am EST...
When Mrs Reg found out she asked me..."so you are headed home so you can go to Red Eyes.... to see a bikini contest...and expect me to be happy..... and come along?"

Reg- "Yes"

MR- (no repsonse)

And that was the end of the conversation.  I look to the LLPP for interpretation.

PS- MR will NOT be participating in said contest....(That's a given)

Touchdown Tommy


I think that means she is seething angry, but I could be wrong.  TDT believes that REG is gonna have to get more clever during this marriage.  Some things are better left unknown and unsaid.  Also, did anyone do the "Pat Riley" at the reception?
Chasing MILFs since '82...


It is Gro's interpretation that Mrs. Regulator is hating the player and not the game... she needs to lighten up, shotgun a few miller lights, and join the party.



The wonderous nievete of youth....
Quote from: enginegro on June 26, 2006, 02:07:32 PM
It is Gro's interpretation that Mrs. Regulator is hating the player and not the game... she needs to lighten up, shotgun a few miller lights, and join the party.

Reg...this is the tip of the iceberg my friend....see this is how it started for all of us....you'll see....it's all part of their 8 phase plan...and talk to me in ten years, if you think you hold the cards....

Phase 1  the plan initiation....."I'll go to the bikini contest...and seem to enjoy it (to see what really goes on)...
Phase 2  the tip of the hat ..."I'm not going...but  you can go"....
Phase 3  the comment ..."You still want to go go one of those stupid bikini  contests?"
Phase 4  The silent treatment ...see below string...
Phase 5  the Directive ...you have things to get done around here....aren't you a little old for that?
Phase 6 (Usually after kids)  The Ultimatum... If you go to that disgusting event, you're going to have to take the kids to the zoo(insert any other time intensive task here)
Phase 7 Sarcasm...."maybe Gro like to go to those, but YOUR'E not 25 anymore....
Phase 8 The "or Else" You're  NOT going...(pregant pause here)


Quote from: regulator on June 26, 2006, 01:35:53 PM
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 26, 2006, 01:21:07 PM
Alright GRO, so i take it that it was slim pickings...

REG: Don't fret about the Red Eye Bikini Contest, I was looking thru the website and it appears they have rediculous women every Sunday from 2-5pm.  Does Mrs. REG participate in the contests or does REG fly solo so as to avoid all detection?

Good question TDT....
As Reg and MR were headed home, Reg mentioned why he needed to leave by 10am EST...
When Mrs Reg found out she asked me..."so you are headed home so you can go to Red Eyes.... to see a bikini contest...and expect me to be happy..... and come along?"

Reg- "Yes"

MR- (no repsonse)

And that was the end of the conversation.  I look to the LLPP for interpretation.

PS- MR will NOT be participating in said contest....(That's a given)

JT has experience with this.... MR feels the two events wedding/bikini contest should not be mixed on the same weekend.  One is important... the other is frivolous in her mind.  The lack of response roughly translates to "Ain't happening"

JT gets the same vibe when JT's gal wants to plan a Fall vacation around our anniversary.  JT immediately starts recommending Rowan BYE weeks. Fall vacation extemely important.... football game not so much.  She should be used to it by now, but we go through it every year.

This year JT will miss a minimum of the second round of the playoffs, since we'll be on a 11 night cruise in Europe.  JT and gal recently became travel agents for a big agency and couldn't pass on this deal.  We are always making recommendations on what to see, where to go, where to stay that we figured maybe we should make a little coin.  Heck just for our own travel it is worth it.


The main key is decide which battles you want to win and which you'll let go of.  Poker experience helps.  JT will bluff with stuff he doesn't really need to do in order to do something he really wants.  JT also collects his chits... all the BS things JT does in the offseason.  He'll then cash em in during football season.


Quote from: JT on June 26, 2006, 02:37:10 PM
Quote from: regulator on June 26, 2006, 01:35:53 PM
.  JT and gal recently became travel agents for a big agency and couldn't pass on this deal.  We are always making recommendations on what to see, where to go, where to stay that we figured maybe we should make a little coin.  Heck just for our own travel it is worth it.


PM me offline in regard to this travel agent thing.  Reg is looking for a vacation to Jamiaca or similar (preferably sandals or similar) for early '07.  Perhaps I can throw you a bone.

Touchdown Tommy

LewDoggie is lurking...
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Kilted Rat

KR reporting in requesting advice from the veteran married fellas;

KR has a grade 2.6 awkward marital situation:

KR and Mrs KR (MKR) make it up to MKR's parent's cabin on the lake in Minnesota about once a month as it is 5 hours away and makes a great weekend getaway, the 5 hour time frame fits very well into the leave on Friday after class, get there in time for a scotch with MKR's old man and then leave noonish Sunday and make it back to Des Moines in time to order pizza..

KR's parental units live in Ohio which is 12 hours from here... obviously not doable on a normal weekend and even a push to do on a 3 day weekend (72 hours - 24 hours driving - 16 hours sleeping= 32 hours of awake time and exhausted as hell for a day or two once back to the DM).

KR's grandparents' (KRGP=85 and 83 yrs) old neighbors are having a party for  KRGPs since they are moving to a retirement village, said party is July 8th weekend 7 hours from DM in Wisconsin and KRGP and KR's mama are guilt tripping KR, MKR and all other grandkids into coming, so KR begrudgingly backed out on an SJU PHR that would have involved camping, golfing, poker, and countless beers to hang with KRGP and their incontinent 80+ yr old friends for 4 hours of the same damn cyclical alzheimer's driven conversations and spend the rest of the weekend sharing 2 hotel rooms with Mama and Papa KR, 21 year old sister, and 12 year old bro in Johnson Creek, Wisconsin... where is Johnson Creek, WI? ... exactly KR's thoughts.

The plus side is KR doesn't get to see the fam much and hasn't had a chance to do that since Easter. Also, KR hasn't had a chance to get sister properly introduced to what bars are built for since she turned 21. Also, KR's dad is a hilarious SOB especially after a couple of beers, TDT can attest to this.

Here comes the drama and whatnot; MKR has grad school classes (for physical therapy) all summer and an exam the Monday following said weekend (which is why it would have been perfect for an SJUPHR >:( ), and MKR isn't sure yet if she'll be able to make it to said Old Fart Convention (OFC) as she doesn't know how tough the test is gonna be yet.

KR's sister told KR on the phone today that KR's Mama ain't happy (when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy) that there is a chance MKR won't make it to the OFC. Apparently Mama KR feels slighted that KR and MKR make it to KR's in-laws every month or so and not to Ohio, apparently Mama KR doesn't own a map or understand that you can't just show up and pass exams in grad school like you can in college (engineering and chemistry classes aside).

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.



Let me chime in on this since I have laid down the law on this type of things a few times.

#1- I know that they want to throw this bash for them....but it sounds like really bad timing on 2 accounts.  When Regs GP's had their 50th, it was when I just started working and didnt have any time to make it back.  I felt bad, but a phone call sufficed (Regs GP's are pretty easy to get along with, plus the party was on a Sunday....and took 6 hours to drive....who the F put the party on a Sunday???)  Tell them you are very sorry but you and MKR cannot make it.  Now just give them lots of TLC when you see them next time OR send something like a bread box or creamer that looks like a cow and cream comes out the nose.

#2- As tough as this is, you have to confront mamaKR....it isn't fair to guilt people in that way....especially under the circumstances.  In fact Reg RSVP'd NO to a Mrs Reg family wedding on Monday July 3rd because I work hard enough as it is and I need to enjoy the days I get off....ESPECIALLY vacation.  Did the family give us ISH.....absolutely.....but I had Mrs Reg handle it....

OFC will be just as good with or without you....plus, there is no way you should pass up SJUPHU. 

Please keep us updated along the way.


53 pages of unread posts later...

One morning the husband returns after  several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.

Along comes  a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good  morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?"

"Reading a  book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?")
"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her.
"I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading."
"Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."
"If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the  woman.
"But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.
"That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment."
"Have a nice  day ma'am," and he left.

MORAL: Never argue with a  woman who reads. It's likely she can also think

For some reason this email I got today reminded me of you guys... hope you all area vaguely behaving yourselves.  :D :P ;)
Wait, dunks are only worth two points?!?!!!? Why does anyone do them? - diehardfan
What are Parkers now supposed to chant after every NP vs WC game, "Let's go enjoy tobacco products off-campus? - Gregory Sager
We all read it, but we don't take anything you say seriously - Luke Kasten

RIP WheatonC

Kilted Rat

Quote from: regulator on June 26, 2006, 06:52:41 PM

Let me chime in on this since I have laid down the law on this type of things a few times.

#1- I know that they want to throw this bash for them....but it sounds like really bad timing on 2 accounts.  When Regs GP's had their 50th, it was when I just started working and didnt have any time to make it back.  I felt bad, but a phone call sufficed (Regs GP's are pretty easy to get along with, plus the party was on a Sunday....and took 6 hours to drive....who the F put the party on a Sunday???)  Tell them you are very sorry but you and MKR cannot make it.  Now just give them lots of TLC when you see them next time OR send something like a bread box or creamer that looks like a cow and cream comes out the nose.

#2- As tough as this is, you have to confront mamaKR....it isn't fair to guilt people in that way....especially under the circumstances.  In fact Reg RSVP'd NO to a Mrs Reg family wedding on Monday July 3rd because I work hard enough as it is and I need to enjoy the days I get off....ESPECIALLY vacation.  Did the family give us ISH.....absolutely.....but I had Mrs Reg handle it....

OFC will be just as good with or without you....plus, there is no way you should pass up SJUPHU. 

Please keep us updated along the way.

The SJUPHR has been tentatively rescheduled for the last weekend in August which is also KR's birthday weekend and the birthday weekend of another member of the SJUPHR crew. Apparently there is a campground within walking distance of a bar where if it's within 2 weeks of your birthday, you drink free all night from a bucket they hang around your neck (pictures will be forthcoming if this is true).

Sounds like KR and MKR are going to make the trip out, but KR plans to make it known to Mama KR that this guilt tripping has got to stop and that it will have negative pull in the future (more guilt-tripping = less likely KR and MKR come).

Sunday parties do suck, this one is 4-7 on Saturday, I googled the hotel and there are 4 bars within 2 blocks of the hotel. Papa KR, KR, and sister KR plan to hit all 4 with a vengance.

Updates to come.

Other guilt hanging on this trip is a chance to see all 4 grandparents (ages 85, 83, 79, and 78) none of whom are in good health. Both grandpa's have alzheimer's, 1 grandma has diabetes, high blood pressure, etc and other grandma has Paget's (get's fractures real easy).

Semi-funny/sad story about Grandpa KR on KR's dad's side (GKROKRDS);
Most of the family was at G&G's for Father's day a few weeks back. Grandma sends GKROKRDS to the store to get OJ. GKROKRDS comes back and goes down to the basement (where the fridge is) carrying a grocery bag. Grandma sends my Uncle Neil down to get the OJ a short while later, he returns saying there's no OJ, on the next trip back down, Uncle Neil discovers an Orange jug of laundry detergent in the fridge.
When confronted, GKROKRDS couldn't figure out what the problem was.

The week before, GKROKRDS stood up in the middle of church and gave an impromptu speech right in the middle of the service. Problem was, not even the minister knew this was coming.

Last week GKROKRDS was walking to downtown Hustisford (pop 1,021) to get the mail as he does every day, problem is, this was Sunday. Upon realizing the mail is not there, he walks to the Mayor's house, knocks on the door and demands to know where his mail is.

Grandpa on the other side is 85, damn near deaf and tells the same 5 stories over and over again expecting the same surprised reactions each time.  :-\ :-\ :-\
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.