FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Naked Nott Run

NNR wants some props for starting the ithIca thing this week... U SPELLED IT WRONG LOL!!! no love

NNR wants Reno to shut up  and understand RT and rpi is on our side because we are facing E8

NNR wants to thank the ITHICA SCUM for not understanding karma smites for joking is stupid

NNR would like to say RT are those SAT scores you called me gay for bringing up???

NNR rocks
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Naked Nott Run


you for real about the $1 million throw? holla... good luck homie
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: frank uible on November 15, 2005, 01:42:57 PM
redtackle: For starters there are about 900 students in Michigan Law School.

ok...so 750 verbal and 660 math...1410 RT thinks. Anyhoo FU, let it go man...it burns...


Quote from: Holladawg on November 15, 2005, 01:50:05 PM
Dawg counts his blessings everyday that he is part of the infamous Liberty League PP posters and not a part of the excuse ridden E Ain't Great board.  Lots of whining going on over there.  Dawg is going to do his best Scut Farkus (A Christmas Story) imitation when the LL goes 2-0 against the E Ain't this weekend...

"Cmon....cry.....cryyyy.....that's it.....crrrrrrrry....."

Um, doesn't Farkus get beat up in a Christmas Story?


What happened to the Union/Ithaca Ithica poll?

Naked Nott Run

Quote from: Naked Nott Run on November 15, 2005, 01:49:24 PM
NNR wants some props for starting the ithIca thing this week... U SPELLED IT WRONG LOL!!! no love

NNR wants Reno to shut up  and understand RT and rpi is on our side because we are facing E8

NNR wants to thank the ITHICA SCUM for not understanding karma smites for joking is stupid

NNR would like to say RT are those SAT scores you called me gay for bringing up???

NNR rocks

Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Naked Nott Run

PAT COLEMAN... Why did you axe my poll???
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Quote from: redtackle on November 15, 2005, 12:12:40 PM
RT has decided, in the spirit of Frank Rossi-type analysis, to break down his life for everyone today.

RT is 33...in some of the worst shape of his life. However, RT can still toss carbombs and wings down and lay the dance moves  like a 23 year old prime-time player. RT watches ER on tv...ER did not go to medical school but feels by watching ER on TV, he understands enough about medical procedures to perfom basic procedures including (but not limited to) childbirth, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and assorted amputations.

RT also feels that his management can not beat him at work. RT feels that if he keeps his nose clean and does his job, security will not come and physically remove him from his cube. However, RT will go out on a limb and predict that if RT starts watching porn with the volume at 10 on his company laptop while at his desk, grabbing every female employee in sight, drinking martinis on the job then falling asleep in meetings, and punching his best customer in the face....then, maybe management may defeat RT. However, RT has been saying this all year so it should be no surprise that RT is where he is today...

RT is making JT laugh very hard today with the post patterns/Union football secrets/ER musings. :)

Naked Nott Run

lol i got -3 karma in the last 2 minutes... thanks ITHICA
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"

Reno Hightower

NNR, RT has been giving away all of our secrets!


bigdvs agrees reno does not speak for bigdvs

bigdvs sees the "Empire 8ntwegreats" getting knocked down a few notches this weekend

bigdvs has seen in last 5 seasons a strong shift to east in NY DIII football

bigdvs agrees with rt (1st time!) enough with meaningless SAT scores, talk football not colllege entrance exams

bigdvs hates itchica it feels like posion ivy

bigdvs also hates ithica and loves NNR's correct spelling of it

bigdvs would give back karma if he could

bigdvs will send friendasauri to ithica campus for Friday night (bigdvs will tell them ithica players are buying them free drinks and chicken wings)

to e8, bigdvs does know how to spell
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Naked Nott Run

much love big D...

Reno... RT giving away our secrets??? Reno if you played football bro you would know that IthIca prob has 8 game films on Union and opinions from other teams about them... You would also know John Audino will surely have something new this week in his book...

RT is a powerful man in the wing house and at the car bomb facilities, but RT will agree (i hope) he has no influence on college playoffs accept for the fans... or if he gets ithIca to drink car bombs... that would be tight

Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Hobart vs Cortland Saturday at Noon Boswell Field

Live Radio broadcast on WEOS and on the net beginning at 11:30AM on Saturday. http://www.weos.org

Tickets will be sold at the Gate only...$8 for General Admission, HWS and Cortland students with ID $4.  Gates open at 10AM. More information at: http://www.hws.edu/athletics/hobart/showrelease.asp?id=2853


Where about the Pumpkinhead supporters?  Where they at?


bigdvs gives hobart tube of crazy glue to put  selves back together (smashing pumpkin fest in Schenectady two weeks ago) in time to slay mean red dragons this weekend

LL to complete trifecta this weekend: Union +5 vs Ithica,
Hobart +2 vs Cortland, RPI +9 at SJF

and just for fun the rest of the bracket:Del Val +15 vs Curry,
Rowan +8 vs  Wilkes


bigdvs does not like 'bart but is in support of there playoff effort, just like bigdvs does not like rpi put would like them to put SJF where they belong, namely after the 3 best teams in the LL

e8nters can't do carbombs, they might start saying "agoo agoob" or something dumber spelled backwards
The only true currency in this bankrupt world... is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.