FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Jonny Utah

Anyone else have this problem at work?.......

I work in a building with about 6-7 bathrooms.  There are two (one mens/one womens) bathrooms next to where a small lunchroom/breakroom is where people eat.  The mens bathroom has one urinal and one toilet and the door locks (room for one person).

Here is the problem. There about 5 guys I work with who continue to drop dueces in that bathroom.  I think this is uncalled for and should be stopped.  Way too close to the breakroom, and people are always walking by it during the day as well.

And there are 3 fantastic bathrooms that you could spend 30-60 minutes in at a time alone with out being innterrupted if you wanted.

What can I do to stop this? Ive peed on the toilet seat numerous times but to no avail. Ive thought about just ripping it off. Anyone else have this DDE (Duece Dropping Edicate) problem at their work?  Or home?


JU, some people just have no shame. Taking the seat off seams like the best choice.

Or a sign on the door that says "I don't want to smell poop when I'm eating my lunch"


Quote from: Jonny Utah on July 14, 2006, 10:19:46 AM
Anyone else have this problem at work?.......

I work in a building with about 6-7 bathrooms.  There are two (one mens/one womens) bathrooms next to where a small lunchroom/breakroom is where people eat.  The mens bathroom has one urinal and one toilet and the door locks (room for one person).

Here is the problem. There about 5 guys I work with who continue to drop dueces in that bathroom.  I think this is uncalled for and should be stopped.  Way too close to the breakroom, and people are always walking by it during the day as well.

And there are 3 fantastic bathrooms that you could spend 30-60 minutes in at a time alone with out being innterrupted if you wanted.

What can I do to stop this? Ive peed on the toilet seat numerous times but to no avail. Ive thought about just ripping it off. Anyone else have this DDE (Duece Dropping Edicate) problem at their work?  Or home?

JT doesn't get this either.  I'd rip the toilet seat out or post a sign.  At work JT had a problem with dudes not courtesy flushing.  You know the guy he reads the entire NY Times on the bowl w/o flushing once.  The smell could melt eyebrows but he ain't flushing.  Then he tries to mask the smell on the way out by spaying one of those deodorizer sprays in a can.  Now it smells like flowers and crap.

JT finally had it and put up laminated signs, which he wrote himself, about courtesy flushing.  Problem is pretty much solved. JT's also not shy about telling dudes to flush at airports and the like.

And a bathroom near a lunchroom should be an obvious no crunch zone.  You might want the sign to say please crap down the hall not near our lunchroom.


pbr works w/ 800 other people in a building with not too many bathrooms which end up smelling like barnyards.....pbr has no problem knocking on the stall and telling the yahoo next to him that a courtesy flush is in order....aka tom arnold


There are 25 people in my office, but it's just Gro and 5 others on the 2nd floor (4 male 2 female).  The bathroom is is a 1 sink, 1 urinal, 1 throne set up smaller than the bathroom in my house.  never had a problem with anyone dooking it up because its so small I don't think anyone wants to risk it.

DOWNSTAIRS is a whole different story. Those bathrooms are a little bigger, but they are right next to customer service... so if you drop bombs over baghdad, the whole floor is gonna smell like hot garbage. And people drop bombs down there.

So what's a guy to do? I usually kick start the day with a cup of joe and fire off a brown missle before leaving the house. But when you've got big brown dogs barking at your back door... just go to the production worker's locker room. They don't mind.


it never fails that pbr gets cell fon camera fotos from friends whose brown missiles are big enough to reach onto dry land (aka porcelain huggers)have to admit i en
d up laughing at them....

Jonny Utah

Quote from: enginegro on July 14, 2006, 11:26:12 AM
But when you've got big brown dogs barking at your back door...

Thats a kharma worthy phrase if Ive ever seen one........


Quote from: regulator on July 14, 2006, 08:19:09 AM

So last night, Reg and MR went out for a lovely dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen.  She ordered a pizza with some concoction of peppers, bacon, apple, and gota cheese, with a Mango Mojito.
I opted for the "Thai Linguine" which sounds good right.....it was good...not great, nor would I order it again.....anywhoo....later that night I start asking myself
"What is that smell??"
It was my breath!!....YACK!  The best I can describe it was if you ate 8 cloves of roasted garlic, spread peanut butter on your toungue and then ate an onion.
MR best described it as smelling like "Old Bologna"

I urge the LLPPers reading this to
#1 never order the Thai linguini
#2 If you must order it, make sure not to do so without 4 packs of polar ice gum.

Reg, if said nasty breff continued all night and into the next morning, I would suggest you eat about 3 handfuls of nacho cheese doritos and head back to bed. Usually does the trick.


RE:  Bread

WHo would have thought that bread would ever become the conglomerate that it is today.  I mean howestly, growing up Regs house never had any other type of bread besides Wonder bread.  You know the one...white, plain, thin.  When my parents were feeling crazy, they may have thrown in some wheat bread.

I go to the store now and am BOMBARDED by 80 different types of bread.  Whole grain, 7 grain, 9 grain, low carb 9 grain, sourdough, oatmeal, ETC.....WHEN DOES IT STOP!!!!

Since when is bread cool?

Why must MR pick up a different type to try each time....I tell her "Buy the pepperidge farms county wheat"....she comes back with some 15 grain ish.  "It was new, I wanted to try it"
Listen, I jsut want to eat my honey ham with provolone and light mayo on contry wheat, without the crust and enjoy it....can you hook a brother up?


Gro gets down w/ the pepperidge farm country wheat... and yes there are too many kinds. 15 grain bread looks like it has birdseed in it.

Gro has a confession. Went to Moe's burritos again today. I may be developing a habit.


by the way... if you check CNN.com you can see up to the minuet details on 2 very important subjects.

1. the escalating conflict between Isreal, Lebanon, and COBRA... I mean Hezbollah.


2. the Barbaro death watch... does anyone care? shoot the damn thing. If this was a cow we would be eating barbaro hamburgers by now.


'gro admitting you have a problem shows that you are not too far gone...


RE: Barbaro

Are you freaking kidding me?  Derrick Jeter wouldn't get this many people outside his hospital bed if he broke his leg!!!!


I like the kind of bread that, when you put it in the toaster, it sounds like a brush fire in there.

Jonny Utah

I took a day off from Ana's today and "skipped" lunch.  And what I mean by skipping lunch is that today is one of those days where this guy I work with is retiring and has a little breakfast for them.  So insteead of eating a normal lunch, I have 3 bagels with creamcheese, 2 cherry danish, 1 apple danish, one jelly donut, one of those strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkles on only half the donut, and a piece of cake.

Jonny Utah

Is this what you guys want?  Sick Bastards.