FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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KR, don't be ashamed of helping out around the house. You've got the free time. Next time you get swamped and she's not... expect a turkey sandwich on command. chop chop!!


Might as well share with the group the dumbest thing 'Gro has done all week. Got out the lawnmower yesterday to trim the grounds at TM2.  Put some gas in it and (unknown at the time) left the gas cap unscrewed right on top of the mower. Long story short... I ran over the damn cap.

Time to go to Lowe's. Secrest out.

Jonny Utah

KS,nice ride. I wish I could go back in time and choose my car again........

Gro, save the gas and get one of these.............


+k JU. the mowbike is tempting but the gas cap was only $3. Maybe if they had a segway-lawnmower, that would be cool... with a cup holder.

Reg, have you repainted your jet ski yet per LD's suggestion? You could just go and buy the matching life jacket to your new alternative lifestyle... zing!


Thought I'd share this one with my LLPP brethren...

OK, now picture Jack Nicholson as the Sales guy...

SALES: "You want answers?"
FINANCE: "I think we are entitled to them!
SALES: "You want answers?"
FINANCE: (YELLING); " I want the truth!
SALES: (YELLING): "You can't handle the truth!!!"
SALES: (Continuing): Son, we live in a world that requires revenue. And that revenue must be brought in by people with elite skills. People who thrive on cold-calling, rejection and false promises. Who's going to find it? You? You, Mr.. Operations? We have a greater responsibility that you can't possibly fathom. You scoff at the sales department and you curse our lucrative incentives, commissions and bonus plans. You have that luxury.
You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: that while the cost of business results are excessive, it drives in the revenue. And my very existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, drives REVENUE!
You don't want to know the truth because deep down, in the places and situations I've been in, you'd rather not discuss or talk about it at staff meetings.....you want me on that sales call. You NEED me on that sales call. We use words like discounts, licensing, business development and national purchase agreements. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent negotiating contracts. You use them as a punch line!
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to people who rise and sleep under the very blanket of revenue I provide and then question the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just say "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up the phone and make a sales call. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.........
FINANCE: "Did you expense the lap dance?"
SALES: "I did the job I was hired to do."
FINANCE: (YELLING): "Did you expense the lap dance?"
SALES: (YELLING): "You're Goddamn right I did!"


Reg, what's the matter man?  You showed us your 'hetero-friendly' jetski, then you never posted again?  Can you and another dude ride double on that thing?  Triple? 

Gro', did you clean up a nice spot to make out on the couch all weekend?  Smooshy wooshy face! 

Solli, what you pop in here for 2 days then leave again?  You have enough time to change both away messages on your IM but your can't post in the LLPP? 


Quote from: finsleft on July 21, 2006, 03:25:42 PM
FINANCE: "Did you expense the lap dance?"
SALES: "I did the job I was hired to do."
FINANCE: (YELLING): "Did you expense the lap dance?"
SALES: (YELLING): "You're Goddamn right I did!"

Doesn't seem so long ago.... JT used to expense this stuff.  Can't tell you how many times clients said lets go to "Scores"

And if they were Japanese, the boobie bar was a must.


Ok so Grads cell phone final decides to quit & now he orders a new one and they can't seem to get the number to go over.  It takes 2 calls and 4 different people to finally get the new phone activated!!!

Senor RedTackle

hello boys...RT checking in from his self imposed summer haitus.

..this ever happen to anyone?



I will be out of the office from Friday @ 4:30 until Monday at 8am.
I will also be unreachable to anyone named "Lewdogg" or similar for the next two weeks.  Should you need to reach me urgently or would like to visit me, and your name starts with the letters L-E-W....please lose my number and email address.


Reno Hightower

And the Friend-O-Saurus strikes again!


LD, I started you off with a little +k to go with your morning coffee... maybe you'll go easy on me today. enjoy

douche bag


Quote from: enginegro on July 24, 2006, 09:04:22 AM
LD, I started you off with a little +k to go with your morning coffee... maybe you'll go easy on me today. enjoy

douche bag

Thanks pal.  I'm getting smited over on the E8 board so I need all I can get. 

So did you break your previous make out record? 

Did you have Bobby Brown playing in the background?

'The truth about Roni she's a sweet 'ol girl, about the sweetest little girl in the whole wide world.  She make the toughest homeboy fall deep in love, and once you have a Roni you will never give her up.'


Nah nah it was puppy dogs and ice cream, minus the ice cream.  GGF when out of town and 'Gro played the role of dog-sitter. Feed it, walk it, let it shat on the lawns of unoccupied houses (they are still building in my subdivision). easiest 50 bucks I ever made... wait, I didn't get paid for this... F*&K!!


'gro that reminds me of my old neighbor who taught his dogs to take a dump on my property.....this guy was phanatical about the look of his house and yard so when i finally had enough i let the piles build on my property then on a sat morning proceeded to take a shovel and catapult them all over his driveway and sidewalk you should of seen the look on his face as he drove in to see the property covered....needless to say the dogs never came on my property again...



Is that a true story?  How does one teach his dog to use someone elses yard?  Did you witness the guy letting his dogs out to do said deed?

Did the guy realize right away what happened when he saw said poo?