FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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I shall be knocking on your front door at approximately 2am Friday morning.  Heading there after class.  WTFF is coming into BWI around 10:30 me thinks.


Could you please lay out a full agenda so I can plan accordingly.  I am kind of a big deal and I don't want my non-work time wasted while you a WTFF are eating ice cream and shopping for puppy dawgs while singing Celine Dione with her hand in your back pocket and your hand in her back pocket. (Gro knows what I'm talking about)

It's Science.

PS- Reg made the trip out to Red eye's again last sunday....the talent was lacking and it was so hot the only way I could see myself not passing out from heat exhaustion was to drink as many cold beers as fast as I could (even though I knew this was the furthest thing from the truth, I had myself convinced of it).....needless to say I drank somewhere between 4 to 32 beers from 11am-10pm


Friday - August 4, 2006
02:00am - Arrival at Regulators Residence
10:00am - LD11 awakens from deep sleep
10:15am - LD11 departs for BWI
10:40am - WTFF arrives at BWI
10:47am - LD11 and WTFF meet with a warm embrace
11:00am - LD11 and WTFF depart BWI
11:25am - LD11 and WTFF arrive at the House of Regulation
11:35am - Regulator sells WTFF an old pair of MR's shoes for a $4 profit margin.
07:05pm - Orioles smoke the Spankees

In between 11:35am and 7:05pm is based on your schedule.  I plan on going into Baltimore around 1.  WTFF has never been there, so we're gonna hit the Inner Harbor and all that jazz.  Would love you two love birds to come, but obviously, some people work, i'm just not one of them. 

Saturday we are on your clock.  If your busy, we'll bounce out.  If you wanna not be gay, and party, we'll hit the boat, get a box of Twisted Tea and some subs from the pissed off gargoyles at Selby Sub Shop and get jiggy onthe boat.  Maybe coax MR and WTFF to make out. 

Saturday night, if you aren't gay, maybe hit MaNNapolis?  Saki bombs? 


That is an action packed weekend. 'Gro knows that WTFF and Mrs. Reg can handle theirs but hopefully they will do the right thing and offer to be DD all weekend.

'Gro will be there in spirit and will do his best to get pass out drunk friday, puke all day saturday... rally around 11pm that night and get drunk again, then beat himself silly with a phone charger.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 31, 2006, 11:20:50 AM

In between 11:35am and 7:05pm is based on your schedule.  I plan on going into Baltimore around 1.  WTFF has never been there, so we're gonna hit the Inner Harbor and all that jazz.  Would love you two love birds to come, but obviously, some people work, i'm just not one of them. 

Saturday we are on your clock.  If your busy, we'll bounce out.  If you wanna not be gay, and party, we'll hit the boat, get a box of Twisted Tea and some subs from the pissed off gargoyles at Selby Sub Shop and get jiggy onthe boat.  Maybe coax MR and WTFF to make out. 

Saturday night, if you aren't gay, maybe hit MaNNapolis?  Saki bombs? 

OK, So I'm not sure about Friday yet.....I may pass just because I don't like doing to touristy thing in crack city.  The game should be good, probably going to get out late (read: anytime past 8pm is considered late for this kat)
Saturday, if the weather holds, you know where to find me.  Sunday it is mandatory you make B&G for the crew......what happens after that is dependant upon your departure schedule.


Not really feeling the signature....kind of nasty.

How was your weekend?  Any chace you are going to show up friday? 

LD, what kind of seats did you get for the game?


Gro's out this weekend, the private jet is in the shop. Maybe a weekend in NC in Sept/Oct?  LD, maybe some college foosball NC State, Clemson, UGA, GA Tech, UT??

I have a great story about the weekend... coming up after lunch.  Picture braveheart meets menace II society.


I just got us 4 cheap seats for the game.  Like $15 seats.  And as far as B-more goes, i'm not talking super touristy.  I'm talking food, beers, maybe some ESPNZone.  Keep it real.  Walk around a bit.  It just sucks if we are there with 2 cars.  Oh well, i'll be good and drink little.

And you know i'm down for Saturday, I just don't want to be the guy crashing at your pad if you got ish to do.  I know you're not all that inviting.


ok latest pbr fiasco on things totally push me over the edge...pbr is out running errands and stops in wal mart to pick up a few things quickly(probably my first mistake...) so pbr gets mission accomplished with all items on said list....pbr proceeds to check out lines and great pbr is in a hurry and there is a attendant finishing up with someone NO ONE else standing in line, pbr's wait should be short... as i proceed to stand behind person paying the clerk a women says out loud "excuse me i am in that line..." pbr turns around and is about to move to the side figuring the woman who said this forgot something and had to run back into the store (even that isnt cause to give up my turn in line but i am in a forgiving mood...) so i turn around and this lady is standing in the line next to pbr's register so i say well why are you standing in that line???????????????? she says " OH I AM GOING TO USE WHICHEVER REGISTER OPENS UP FIRST..." PBR says that is fine when no one else is around now that there are people here PICK A LINE!! She states how she has been waiting longer than anyone and should get the first open register....pbr than is more than irratated and says loudly "excuse me everyone the queen would like it if we hold all 20 registers for her and she gets the first one that opens..." she goes to look at me like i am being rude and offending....pbr is almost ready for a throwdown ...at this point many a peeps have a gathered and wandering which line they should get into...so again pbr yells "just pick a freakin line already and stick to it"....of course she picked the slow one....am i in the wrong here?


PBR, do as Regulator would do.  break open a bag of Pork Rinds and bounce them one by one off of her forehead.

Jonny Utah


Thats a situation that Ive been in many times.  There are many solutions.

1) The best solution is to simply ask her what line she is waiting in.  If she gives you that "whatever register opens first line" then you simply say back.  "Ok, you can do that, but Im going to wait in this line and I hope for your sake the other line opens up before mine"

2) Just say "Im a Jehovas Witness, I dont believe in lines."

3) Just say " Sorry mam, you cant come in this line, no fat people allowed."

4) Dump some milk on her head.


Reg thinks you did the right think....
Here is how it would have played out iff Reg were in your shoes.

"excuse me i am in that line..."
Reg checks out annoying person behind him.....
"Are you kidding me" and then I would laugh with just a quick "ha"
Reg- "Yeah....ok" and then brush the hater off. 
If she came back for more after that it would be time for her to get up in my face (which it sounds like she was ready to do) or leave me alone.

You went the extra step to let everyone know you are herbing her out....a nice touch.

EDIT: Did you also go after someone else??!! That is crazy!....I am going to make you up a t-shirt that says "If PBR's not happy, nobody's happy" :-(

Jonny Utah

Reg, by the way.  I should be at your place around 3-4 am on Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.  Just leave the key under the mat. 

Thanks, JU.


JU- You can sleep on the boat.....I'll turn the AC on for you and have the frige stocked with cold natty ice.  Cool?


pbr cant figure it out reg....pbr seems to get along fine w/ doods its the female persuasion that pbr seems to be having smackdowns w/ lately....maybe pbr needs to buy some of that cologne seen on tv where the maker is not responsible for the women jumpin' your bod when you have it on 'cause pbr right now is obviously rubbing females the wrong way...its not like pbr is going out looking for trouble all the problems i.e. lax airport, dawg poo, wal mart etc...are pbr standing there minding his own beeswax and trouble comes knocking on his door