FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Way back in the day when Garnet played on '86, he felt like he was playing in a school yard.  It was really cool playing in a courtyard.  Garnet thinks it is one of the greatest settings for a D3 game.   Itimidated? No.  Awed by the unique setting? Yes.



I think 86 Field is a very tough place to play for a visiting team.  With all the buildings surrounding it there is a claustrophobic feeling in Troy.  The rabid fans in the West? endzone and the often shaky footing on the field make it a very challenging place to play.

I understand that RPI is trying to build a new modern stadium and is fighting with the local neighborhood folks in Troy over permitting, etc.  While a new stadium should help recruiting at RPI, I think most visiting teams would prefer to play in a modern, open stadium with field turf to plant and cut on.


I'll never forget a playoff game at '86 Field when you guys were #1 in the region and IC had was coming off an upset at Mansfield.  (2001?).  I have never been to RPI but, evidentally the coaches and media were in the overlooking academic buildings and, the IC Radio guy opened the broadcast by saying he felt like he was in the Book Depository overlooking the Grassy Knoll....(Seth Cantor currently calls games for D3Football FYI).


Until this new stadium is built I say keep all games on '86. We definetly lost our mojo when we had to move the NCAA game against Rowan up to the turf field in '99.

Best times on '86 were friday walkthroughs. Dorky students going to/from class. Dorky tourguides taking future dorky RPI students through campus. Followed up by some good ole PRE pre-game speeches by Kinger (sometimes with some poor kid in the front row getting jacked up) and Ort.


ATTN LLPP'rs WTF IS THIS? These "DOODS" should have their men cards  REVOKED!!! How embarrassing these "GUYS" did this on TV?  If pbr was their parents he would disown them!!!  Need some mantastic input on this!!!  This happened last night at middle tennesse state football game 




Books - $385
Stupid blue shirt- $16 dollars
Football tickeds- $15 bucks
Tuition- $10,000

Seeing your son kiss a dude on national television....Dead man

That was almost not worth the wait for the file to DL, but mark me words, those two will be beaten off campus within the year.  (hopefully this happened recently so we can watch it unfold.

EDIT- It happened last night.....yessssss


OX has pulled out a pair of cleats "click clack" and molded his mouthpiece. Anyone else get a rush when they turned on the TV to see college football on?  Making the WPI (OX weekend) and shoes game this yr.  Heading to the South Carolina Georgia game next weekend.  Im hoping those trips and the upcoming ND season will help subside the urge to hit something. 

Good to see AJ and the rest of you guys last weekend at Travers.

Anyway OX is back for another season of misspelling and ball breaking!!! and solli sucks.


Here is an old one to help you guys get ready for the season.  Scroll down for many links to many babes.   

Very SFW.


Naked Nott Run

86' field was intimidated to NNR as a sophmore... Playing for the shoes in my first game against RPI (freshman year NNR picked splinters out of his a$$ for showing up 4 minutes late for a position meeting)...(NNR wouldn't have played anyway but likes to use the late excuse) NNR had butterflies but they were eaten pretty quickly by some beast with sharp claws... especially since a Union legend came up to NNR right before the game and said... that was my number and you better show out. NNR was pumped but pissin the pants a lil bit. NNR plays a lot of NCAA playstation... and he always makes the liberty league teams... 86' field is the most fun to make. It is the fenway of the UCAA/LL

P.S. Gro' being you lived in Tampa wanted to let ya know. NNR is coaching Jefferson High School. We play Armwood of National TV on ESPN News on September 15th... We are currently an underated 11th in the state... they are #2 in the state. NNR says bring it back to Tampa and booze it up with us on TV
Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Quote from: Naked Nott Run on September 01, 2006, 09:39:54 AM
speaking of dogs gro... what was that sweet hot dog joint in Schenectady???


yup. mike's on erie blvd. One of many fine schenectady eateries.
Gro does not want to vacation in Tampa... Gro would consider a permanent move back only.  I like when people say "Florida is nice, but I wouldn't want to live there" what are you crazy??

PBR i'm gonna watch that video a little later... i think my employer has a filter for dood on dood action.

Where's Lewdogg??  Did Ernesto give you the royal smackdown? How did the fantasy draft go?


'gro the funniest thing is the announcer who mumbles "did you see that!!..."


So the real reason Matt Leinart was all "we're just friends" when asked about Paris Hilton around draft time is that ML had already knocked up some USC basketball player who's about to pop out a baby leinart in November...

I thought USC was the TROJANS!!


pbr saw this chicks father interviewed and all smiles and talking about how great it is going to be....(of course leinart just signed his contract a couple of days before and this dood knew his daughter was about to get 1/2 of it.....LOL)


RE: Ernesto

So Reg doesnt know about Ld11, BUT Ernesto is giving Regs house and boat a backhand over here.  The power is flickering, which really surprises me (I thought it would have been out a while ago.)

Regs boat is really getting beat up since he didnt park it bow into the waves (shame on me)....but I have been out there a couple times adjusting lines.

Last I heard, LD was headed to Beantown today, however they already cancelled his flight out of wilmington scheduled today that had a connection in Charlotte....so what was his plan....oh yes, drive to Charlotte and pick up the connection.

"Pirates treasure" is a powerful thing.  People will risk alot for that wonderful "Pirates treasure"


Keeping LD away from the "priates treasure" is like keeping Rosie O Donnel out of a moonpie factory (which I learned the other day is in chattanooga).