FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Pity more men of integrity like you are not taking holy orders for the Church can never be what it must be without good character.

The Korea offering is intriguing as we just spent three years in Japan and are all somewhat homesick for Asia - I know that sounds weird.

Japan is like America used to be, clean and safe, and the Japanese treat one another and foreigners with courtesy and respect.  Again, something we used to take for granted in our nation.

I just think Mrs. Lyco would protest since she is finally back working in her career full-time and the children are in a good school situation.

Still . . .

And your comments regarding the counter-culture movement within the Church were spot on - I once was recruited to join the team myself.



St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


Boston dwelling Union fan nearly impaled during reenactment of the "Big Dig"


Quote from: Pepe Silvia on April 18, 2010, 06:42:35 PM
Boston dwelling Union fan nearly impaled during reenactment of the "Big Dig"

U89 was at yesterdays Sox/Rays debacle, but was sitting up on the Monster in the cold drizzle.  Funny, good catch 'Gro.......the dude on the far left is actually wearing a Union hat!!!!


Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


TGP thinks Salisbury is also where former 'Bart gridiron and lax Capt Bobby Wynn is head lax coach.  TGP likes Coach Phelps.  Hopes SLU finds a good replacement for him.


Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


It's never a good sign for your program when your head coach resigns to move DOWN a division to take a job at a prep school. The big surprise in the story is that SLU has only had one winning season in the last 15. I know they have been down of late, but didn't realize they had been down so long.

It might be time for Chief High Socks to ride back and save his alma mater.


Quote from: Doid23 on April 19, 2010, 09:26:49 AM
Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


It's never a good sign for your program when your head coach resigns to move DOWN a division to take a job at a prep school. The big surprise in the story is that SLU has only had one winning season in the last 15. I know they have been down of late, but didn't realize they had been down so long.

It might be time for Chief High Socks to ride back and save his alma mater.

The real question is... how would SLU fare in the NESCAC?
Football - I'd give them a fighting chance
Popped Pink Polos and Wall Street connections - no luck there


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on April 16, 2010, 06:36:25 PM

Just the view of one former insider whose anus was sought after but never penetrated.

* - The Rev's dysfunction is a high-level attraction to Asian chicks half my age.  But The Rev isn't really sure how that is a dysfunction.

Rev, +K, laughed my ass off at those two lines. Thanks for the insight, troubling as it is. The Vatican's just the tip of the iceberg, you've nailed the real problem in detail. The fact that I wouldn't dare let one of my kids be an altar boy/ girl, is leading us to the conclusion that Catholicism probably isn't the religion for us anymore. Sad.


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on April 16, 2010, 06:36:25 PM
Quote from: JT on April 16, 2010, 02:06:17 PM
JT's Catholic too.  Dig the faith... not digging the leadership at this time.

The Rev was thinking about picking this thread up and moving it over to Politics.

JT, this problem, while world-wide is caused by the local priests and bishops, not the Vatican.  Bishops like Rembert Weakland, formerly of Milwaukee, used his seminary system to recruit and train predators.  The Vatican didn't know about it because he sent rosy reports, and other bishops who were of the same ilk backed each others' stories and even used the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to organize themselves into a solid block that forcibly maneuvered around directives from the Vatican.

The Rev remembers in the seminary that the "Vatican" was sending inspectors to the seminaries to investigate if there was a problem with our sexuality.  The problem is that the USCCB gave the Vatican the list of inspectors they would be using.  In The Rev's case, a priest who had a "protege" (if you catch my drift) in the seminary in Baltimore (St. Mary's a.k.a. "The Pink Palace") was sent as an investigator to Baltimore.  He gave it a clean bill of health even though those of us who are straight avoid the place like the plague.

The Rev is actually very proud of himself nowadays.  Back in 1995, Rev's home diocese rejected him for being too conservative and perhaps sexually dysfunctional*.  It turns one of the priests who railroaded The Rev was later arrested, charged, and found guilty of dinging high school and college boys.  The Rev guesses he should have accepted the invitation to see Broadway shows and spend the night together and he'd have been next in line to be bishop of said diocese.

This whole scandal was created and orchestrated by the group we call the "Lavender Mafia" the gay and gay-friendly bishops who hunted and destroyed healthy men, while they created a deeply troubled and vicious culture in the clergy.  Vicious to the point that most priests are terrified to speak out because the ones who have defied the Lavender Mafia have either found themselves without parishes and some have ended up dead.  No exaggeration.  The Rev was run out on a rail by a real viscous bitch of a priest.

The current campaign to paint the situation as if Benedict XVI was the cause or at least complicit in the abuse has been completely run by the Lavender Mafia who is feeding AP incomplete stories and convenient documents out of context.

The only thing The Rev can say that Benedict XVI should have done is clean house when he first entered office.  The problem is that it's hard to clean house when the guys he has to delegate his authority to actively confound his efforts to make things better.  The people who need to be arrested and executed are the US bishops (minus a handful of good ones like Chaput, Dolan, and Olmstead) and a boatload of priests.  The Rev would be happy to get on the Vatican payroll to help clean up the mess if they'd hand him a sniper rifle and a passport with diplomatic immunity.

Just the view of one former insider whose anus was sought after but never penetrated.

* - The Rev's dysfunction is a high-level attraction to Asian chicks half my age.  But The Rev isn't really sure how that is a dysfunction.

Great insight.  Thanks for info.

Certainly makes the occasional wayward priest with a legal aged girlfriend seem trivial.


Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


Thanks coach Phelps for beating RPI in 04 and 06  ;D! Good luck at the Prep School.

2004, 2006


Quote from: Doid23 on April 19, 2010, 09:26:49 AM
Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


It's never a good sign for your program when your head coach resigns to move DOWN a division to take a job at a prep school. The big surprise in the story is that SLU has only had one winning season in the last 15. I know they have been down of late, but didn't realize they had been down so long.

It might be time for Chief High Socks to ride back and save his alma mater.

Good point.  CHS could boil up some of his famous 'Salt Potato's' for the interview process.....maybe even drop a door compressor on a Co-Ed's head.


I live downhill from a bank. Said bank has a large area of grass about it.

I woke up at 6:20 this morning to a loud buzzing noise. As I gained consciousness, I realized it was someone mowing the grassy area of the bank.

Seriously? 6:20 a.m.??? This isn't July, there's no heat wave, you don't need to mow before the heat of the day to preserve air quality. SOME PEOPLE ARE STILL SLEEPING! Or were trying to...


Quote from: Union89 on April 19, 2010, 01:48:15 PM
Quote from: Doid23 on April 19, 2010, 09:26:49 AM
Quote from: AUPepBand on April 18, 2010, 04:02:28 PM
St. Lawrence looking for a head football coach as Chris Phelps resigns to take coaching job at prep school.


It's never a good sign for your program when your head coach resigns to move DOWN a division to take a job at a prep school. The big surprise in the story is that SLU has only had one winning season in the last 15. I know they have been down of late, but didn't realize they had been down so long.

It might be time for Chief High Socks to ride back and save his alma mater.

Good point.  CHS could boil up some of his famous 'Salt Potato's' for the interview process.....maybe even drop a door compressor on a Co-Ed's head.

To this day they are still the best "buhtayta's" I have ever eaten. I remember eating like a hundred of those at once. Well, whatever I could snatch without Cletus and Bubba biting a finger...