FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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+K  JU...I swear he fights almost all the Cobra Kai....

Kreese: Sweep the leg.
[Johnny stares at him in shock]
Kreese: Do you have a problem with that?
Johnny: No, Sensei.
Kreese: No mercy.
Quote from: Jonny Utah on July 24, 2006, 09:11:47 PM
Quote from: enginegro on July 24, 2006, 08:22:59 PM
For LD11

LD, Ill do one better for ya...............


I now have that damn song in my head!!!!           "Your the best around.....".



Quote from: enginegro on July 24, 2006, 10:16:35 PM
still holds true to the sitcom wife is too hot for sitcom husband theory.

Dunno bout you guys, but this scenario exists at the Admit household too.  Hence the reason AdmitGF has the pull she does
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 24, 2006, 11:40:27 PM
Quote from: JT on July 24, 2006, 11:11:06 PM
Speaking of mantastic, JT was working his sideline ticket broker bidness tonight.  JT had a few Melissa Etheridge tix unsold for MSG theater in NYC.  JT had already made an OK profit on the rest of the ME tix, so he figured on scalping the rest.  Maybe get a couple a hundred for an hours work.

There were more tats than a Harley rally in Sturgis.  Not a lipstick lesbian in the in the bunch. Quite a few were more butch than LD11.  Ouch!

LD11 is not butch.  He's very pretty.

JT forgot to use the cellphone camera last night,  even JT felt pretty. Couple of ah um women were wearing Jeter jerseys.  None over 5'6", all about 220 ish, bowl haircuts, tats.  Woulda made a great LD screensaver.  JT wishes he had a do-over.


OK, I have a few things to discuss on this glorious day...

1.  Yesterday I saw The Cosby Show, the one where Rudy was a super nasty Pee Wee running back.  I remember this girl played for a rival in Pee Wee's when I played.  She was a linebacker, and I swear to god, she would wrap her legs around you when she tackled you.  And she was GOOD!  I wonder what kinds of crazy sh!t that girl is into today.  Anyone have any stories?

Another one along this line...

There was a girl growing up, you know the ugly, weird girl, brother was a complete loser, and this girl had EVERYTHING bad ever happen to her.  White pants on the day of the period, fart by mistake, all that good stuff.  So anyways, in Senior League, this girls mom made her play.  Who's mom makes their weird daughter play baseball?  There were softball leagues in town.  Ok, so I decide to go watch a game I wasn't playing, and my buddy who throws gas is on the mound and she gets up.  He was always a little 'wild' when he pitched, and he hit her with a blazing fastball square in the middle of the back.  One of the funniest things I have ever seen.  She handled it better than I would have.  He hit me before and I nearly cried.  She just kind of laid there like the sniper got her.  

2.  Remember the Titans - I watched this again last night.  Great movie.  I really enjoy it.  My question is about the little girl in the movie.  She annoys the hell out of me.  Talking all like she knows about football.  On the other hand, she's cute, and it makes you wonder what she's gonna look like when she gets older...like 12.  Anyone else wonder about that?

Kilted Rat

RE: Girls in Guy Sports

When I was in high school, I had to wrestle a chick at a tournament. This girls "record" was 8-4 and the local newspaper was running stories about her like she was the 2nd coming of Christ. Turns out of her 8 "wins," 4 were forfeits, 3 were byes in tournaments and 1 was a legit win although in a JV match.

Who the hell counts bye's in tournaments as wins? Anyway, the newspaper is talking about a potential run to the state tourney for this broad and everything.

My coach was a 31 year old Marine who has come within 2 points of the olympics twice and was just a bad ass. This is the conversation we had before my match:
KR: "What the hell am I supposed to do?"
Coach: "Make her hate my sport. She doesn't belong here, show here that."
KR: "OK, so you want me to try to pin her quick or what?"
Coach: "If you make her cry, I will buy you a steak dinner."
KR: mischevious smile "Done."

Turns out this chick sucked bad, I wasn't all that great either, but this chick was bad. Pinned her in the first period up 15-2 only after ensuring that she was crying and that the fremale newspaper reporter sitting ringside who didn't have the slightest clue about wrestling saw the tears.

Best steak dinner I ever had. Amazingly, the reporter didn't do a story about that match ;D

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


KR, is that a free pass to grab boobs?


Damn, LD beat Garnet !

Well KR, did you grab any? 


hmmmm, digging back into high school memories...

When I was in either 10th or 11th grade (you know you're getting old when you can't figure details like that out) There was a girl on the 9th grade football team. She was a punk/skater type so I wonder why she went out for the team in the first place. Don't remember if she was good or not, but she only played that one year.

speaking of being old... the mid 20's (27 is still mid right?? right?) is downright akward time of life. Take a trip to the grocery store and you'll see the following women

some 12 year old who's mom lets her wear short shorts w/ "cheer" or "flirt" written right on the ass.

The 17 y/o checkout girl with the ghetto booty who you have semi-flirtatious small talk with

The 20 something girl in flip flops and sweat pants that you swore you saw downtown last week "getting her eagle on"

The 30 someting MILF with kids in tow, giving you the eye though the freezer door as she grabs the little ones some pizza rolls

the 40 something who still has a banging body cruising the parking lot in her lexus looking for some young tail.

And as a male in his mid 20's you're attracted to all of them, except the 12 year old, of course.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 25, 2006, 09:39:52 AM

2.  Remember the Titans - I watched this again last night.  Great movie.  I really enjoy it.  My question is about the little girl in the movie.  She annoys the hell out of me.  Talking all like she knows about football.  On the other hand, she's cute, and it makes you wonder what she's gonna look like when she gets older...like 12.  Anyone else wonder about that?

Go here...guess someone took the pic down of her i posted....



any llpp want to try and win a golf course?

Kilted Rat

Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 25, 2006, 10:00:34 AM
KR, is that a free pass to grab boobs?

Quote from: Garnet on July 25, 2006, 10:04:07 AM
Damn, LD beat Garnet !

Well KR, did you grab any? 

I assumed it was, however keep in mind KR was wrestling in the 160 lb wt class at this point in time and the chica was no more than 5'6 and it wasn't a muscular 5'6 neither.
There may have been some grabbing involved, however KR's then girlfriend (from a neighboring school who only agreed to date KR on condition KR won the tournament he met her at) was in attendance and much easier on the eyes, so grabbing during the match was kept to a relative minimum.
Grabbing after the match at KR'sFormerGF's was not minimized.

Last I heard the chica I wrestled graduated, gained 40 more lbs, went away to college and joined the elite ranks of the Friendosauri where she earned a black belt... actually it was two black belts tied together to complete the circumfrence, but I'm digressing.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 25, 2006, 09:39:52 AM

2.  Remember the Titans - I watched this again last night.  Great movie.  I really enjoy it.  My question is about the little girl in the movie.  She annoys the hell out of me.  Talking all like she knows about football.  On the other hand, she's cute, and it makes you wonder what she's gonna look like when she gets older...like 12.  Anyone else wonder about that?

Her name is Hayden Panettiere. Do a search at www.imdb.com, looks like she turns 18 in a little over a year.

Kilted Rat

Quote from: Hawks88 on July 25, 2006, 10:42:57 AM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 25, 2006, 09:39:52 AM

2.  Remember the Titans - I watched this again last night.  Great movie.  I really enjoy it.  My question is about the little girl in the movie.  She annoys the hell out of me.  Talking all like she knows about football.  On the other hand, she's cute, and it makes you wonder what she's gonna look like when she gets older...like 12.  Anyone else wonder about that?

Her name is Hayden Panettiere. Do a search at www.imdb.com, looks like she turns 18 in a little over a year.

I'd say she turned out all right:

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.