FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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time for a little smack talk....pbr is now ready for the fantasy league and knuckleheads get ready to be beaten like a rented mule!!!   ;D


LD11's future hottie radar is on point.  She looks like a cross between Dolly Parton and Jaime Pressly.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: lewdogg11 on July 25, 2006, 09:39:52 AM
OK, I have a few things to discuss on this glorious day...

1.  Yesterday I saw The Cosby Show, the one where Rudy was a super nasty Pee Wee running back.  I remember this girl played for a rival in Pee Wee's when I played.  She was a linebacker, and I swear to god, she would wrap her legs around you when she tackled you.  And she was GOOD!  I wonder what kinds of crazy sh!t that girl is into today.  Anyone have any stories?

Another one along this line...

There was a girl growing up, you know the ugly, weird girl, brother was a complete loser, and this girl had EVERYTHING bad ever happen to her.  White pants on the day of the period, fart by mistake, all that good stuff.  So anyways, in Senior League, this girls mom made her play.  Who's mom makes their weird daughter play baseball?  There were softball leagues in town.  Ok, so I decide to go watch a game I wasn't playing, and my buddy who throws gas is on the mound and she gets up.  He was always a little 'wild' when he pitched, and he hit her with a blazing fastball square in the middle of the back.  One of the funniest things I have ever seen.  She handled it better than I would have.  He hit me before and I nearly cried.  She just kind of laid there like the sniper got her.  

2.  Remember the Titans - I watched this again last night.  Great movie.  I really enjoy it.  My question is about the little girl in the movie.  She annoys the hell out of me.  Talking all like she knows about football.  On the other hand, she's cute, and it makes you wonder what she's gonna look like when she gets older...like 12.  Anyone else wonder about that?

1.  There was this girl that played football for this other school wee played (frosh ball) that laid out one of our best lineman during a game.  And I mean flattened him.  We still call him the 'bitch pancake' to this day.

Another story was a freshman lacrosse game I played in where this one school had girls play on the boys team because they didnt have a girls team at that point.  It was ugly.  Im talkin hospital ugly.  Id bet my life that was the last game those girls played in.

2.  I hated Remember the Titans for some reason.  The kid, the way the coach acted and coached, everything.  That movie just bugged me.


Love remember the titans... left side, strong side! Anyhow, the guy that plays coach yoast was also in one of the finest pieces of cinematic perfection ever created... armageddon. What is it about this movie that whenever its on, I tune in for at least 10-15min, unless its near the end then I watch the remainder.

The part I love is at the end when the shuttle lands in houston and 3 of the guys have chicks waiting on them. AJ has liv tyler, Steve Bucemi (sp) has some russian stripper, and Chick (dood from titans) has his ex wife and son and EVERYONE's happy.

A.) How did this foreign born stripper get anywhere near what should be a highly secure space mission HQ?

B.) LLPP divorce advice, if you want her back... save the world from iminent doom.

C.) Didn't the other guys have chicks? You can't tell me Bear wasn't crushing ass in south dakota. And the russian guy... maybe the stripper has a friend?

...these questions haunt my dreams.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: enginegro on July 25, 2006, 01:03:11 PM
Love remember the titans... left side, strong side! Anyhow, the guy that plays coach yoast was also in one of the finest pieces of cinematic perfection ever created... armageddon. What is it about this movie that whenever its on, I tune in for at least 10-15min, unless its near the end then I watch the remainder.

The part I love is at the end when the shuttle lands in houston and 3 of the guys have chicks waiting on them. AJ has liv tyler, Steve Bucemi (sp) has some russian stripper, and Chick (dood from titans) has his ex wife and son and EVERYONE's happy.

A.) How did this foreign born stripper get anywhere near what should be a highly secure space mission HQ?

B.) LLPP divorce advice, if you want her back... save the world from iminent doom.

C.) Didn't the other guys have chicks? You can't tell me Bear wasn't crushing ass in south dakota. And the russian guy... maybe the stripper has a friend?

...these questions haunt my dreams.

Gro, there are a few movies that were not critically acclaimed that I will always watch if they are on for some reason.

1) Under Seige
2) Surviving the Game
3) Death Hunt

I would include 'Red Dawn' in there but that movie is too good to even put in that list.


j.u. what no roadhouse blues or point break?   

Jonny Utah

Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on July 25, 2006, 01:17:19 PM
j.u. what no roadhouse blues or point break?   

Roadhouse is a great addition to that list but everyone important loves that movie so it not really JU cult status yet.

Point Break is another great movie but doesnt really fit into the other ones.

'blues'  Im assuming you mean blues brothers?  Also a classic but cannot be added to that list.  That movie goes in a list with other movies like Caddyshack, Fletch, Anchorman, Animal House etc.......


I forget who said it, but roadhouse reminds of this funny line:

Roadhouse, another great classic movie.  Bouncers probably go home, watch Roadhouse, and jerk off.

Kilted Rat

Ron White says something along those lines on the original Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVD.

Here's that quote:
QuoteThose big old New York bouncers that think that bouncing is cool. They hang out with other bouncers, talking about bouncing. They go home at night and watch 'Road House' and fondle themselves.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Marty McFly

Since I don't have a user name for the daily dose I would like to start a discussion here about it. Don Hansen.com named about 10,000,000 pre season all americans. I am on the side of Pat C with this whole thing because Hansen took away the prestige and honor of All American. This is college football not little league where everyone gets to play and gets a pat on the back or even high school football. All American is the highest honor a college football player can receive and when u name so many it surely takes away from that reward. Alright if Hansen wants to name 3 teams for All American I dont have a problem with that but when u start to list hundreds of honorable mentions and 3/4 players for each position on the other teams then I have a problem. Pat's system on D3 is the best as it recognizes the TOP players in the country not in a particular league or team but the country! I wish Hansen being such a college football guru would realize what he is doing when he announces so many "all americans" 

Reno Hightower

Gro, what about The Warriors? Now thats a classic...Can you dig it?


warriors always freaked me out a little, never knew why. Kinda like my basement at home... still a little scared of it.

Predator is another movie this is on at least 9 times a week. If I catch it at a good part I'll watch it for 10-15min. Seriously, how many movies can claim that to have 2 governors in it (besides The Running Man... which should be on more often)

Jonny Utah

Gro, whats wrong with your cellar?

Talk about freaky movies, how about "The Wiz"


Quote from: Kilted Rat on July 25, 2006, 02:54:34 PM
Ron White says something along those lines on the original Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVD.

Here's that quote:
QuoteThose big old New York bouncers that think that bouncing is cool. They hang out with other bouncers, talking about bouncing. They go home at night and watch 'Road House' and fondle themselves.

Oh yeah... that's his thrown out of the NYC bar bit.  About to be arrested for being drunk in public.  White goes, "Hey, hey, hey.... I was drunk in a bar which is perfectly legal, they [bouncers] threw me into into public.  Arrest them!


Separated At Birth?

Jered Weaver, LA Angels

Jason Mewes - Jay in Clerks