FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Kilted Rat

That would in fact be Thunderr/Thundarr the Barbarian. Not sure the spelling beside the fact that there are 2 r's.

I think I was about 12 when it came out.

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


RE: WalMart

So Reg was looking for a place to pick up some Zicam, tissues and gum.....and the only place around was walmart...surprisingly calm for it being 8 am....
Speaking of Zicam.....Reg hates flying and to top it off....I am now sick.  KR, does this Zicam stuff work?...I have kind of a running nose resperitory funk that has me feeling like poo.

While in walmart (usuallly the last place you would find Reg) I walk by an isle that has a new product....that product, "Multi-fruit flavored Cheerios"......WTF is that???? Aren't those called Fruit Loops??
I can imagine being in that meeting..

"Hey guys, Honey nut cherios are losing market share....we need something new, exciting, that kids will go after"
Intern #1- "Why not throw some crazy toy in the box that kids will want....they will sell then"
Marketing Exec- "You idiot, that will never work, we need something crazy, what about Fruit flavored cheerios"
Intern #1- "Aren't those called Fruit Loops"
Exec- "no you idiot, this is genious, get me a mocha frappachino"


pbr agrees whole heartedly reg...what next flavored rice krispies?? there are certain things in life u dont f with and cheerios is one of them!!!!


REG, whatever outbreak monkey spread the snot filled flu to MD also made a stop in TN... Gro doesn't have it yet but there are 2 people at work with the same thing.  All I have to say to them is stay the funk away from 'Gro.

instead of making new kinds of cheerios, maybe they can engineer the original kind to not leave your breaf tasting like wheat and poop.

and while I'm ranting there's 2 ad campaigns I need to stop immediately...

1. ESPN Mobile (I watch a lot of espn and see 128 commercials a day for this service)

2. Dodge/Chrysler Dr. Z... get that f*&%ing guy off my TV!!

EDIT - This is Chrysler's actual CEO doing these ads... I thought it was some fake German jerkoff... that makes it even worse.

Jonny Utah

Jonny Utah

Gro, there is one commercial that might be hands down the most annoying in the history of the world.

I dont want to anger people but.................

"I know what I want......I know what I need............"

Rico 21


Taylor's in my head now... gonna straighten out a paper clip and stab my brain until Taylor stops.


pbr is now jumping into a barrel of acid to get that stupid song out of my head



Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 01, 2006, 08:44:57 AM
Gro, there is one commercial that might be hands down the most annoying in the history of the world.

I dont want to anger people but.................

"I know what I want......I know what I need............"

Oh man....when I see that commercial, I nearly run up to the TV to punch it.

Worst commercial of all time....Fanta...
Who the F is going to run out a buy a grape flavored soda bc 4 chicks dressed in fruit colored outfits are singing "wanta fanta....dontcha wantna fanta"


there is a civil war in my head between the fanta girls and taylor hicks... better call in reinforcements...

Oh, we're movin' on up (movin' on up)...      To the eastside (movin' on up)...     To a delux apartment, in the skyyyy[/b]

Kilted Rat

Quote from: regulator on August 01, 2006, 08:17:16 AM
RE: WalMart

So Reg was looking for a place to pick up some Zicam, tissues and gum.....and the only place around was walmart...surprisingly calm for it being 8 am....
Speaking of Zicam.....Reg hates flying and to top it off....I am now sick.  KR, does this Zicam stuff work?...I have kind of a running nose resperitory funk that has me feeling like poo.

Zicam is sketchy at best. They've had a couple of lawsuits because it can cause you to permanently lose your sense of smell. 80% of taste is via smell, so if you lose smell, you lose most of your taste as well.

Also, the FDA is currently taking complaints in an effort to ban Zicam. The amount of sh*t that has to happen for the FDA to ban a non-prescription drug is ridiculous! See Ephedra (15 deaths in 2 years before the FDA even looked at it.

Look closely at the label, somewhere it should in small print say something like "This product not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or illness."

I'd stick with Tylenol Cold and Sinus personally. It's not as powerful, but  it's been on the market for long enough to be safe.

Regarding the Fruity Cheerios, I saw those too yesterday right next to the fruit loops for $1 more a box and no cool bird on the front.

Re:Taylor Ford commercial.

I would like to congratulate Ford, because of that commercial I will never in my life buy a ford. Every time it comes on, I change the channel or mute it until it is over.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


supposed to to be close to 104 here today with 85%+ humidity....da boyz would be wilting like flowers in this heat if camp was open this week....eagles have moved the start of camp up 30 minutes to beat the heat w/ practice in no pads in the afternoon


Quote from: Kilted Rat on August 01, 2006, 10:53:44 AM
Quote from: regulator on August 01, 2006, 08:17:16 AM
RE: WalMart

So Reg was looking for a place to pick up some Zicam, tissues and gum.....and the only place around was walmart...surprisingly calm for it being 8 am....
Speaking of Zicam.....Reg hates flying and to top it off....I am now sick.  KR, does this Zicam stuff work?...I have kind of a running nose resperitory funk that has me feeling like poo.

Zicam is sketchy at best. They've had a couple of lawsuits because it can cause you to permanently lose your sense of smell. 80% of taste is via smell, so if you lose smell, you lose most of your taste as well.

Also, the FDA is currently taking complaints in an effort to ban Zicam. The amount of sh*t that has to happen for the FDA to ban a non-prescription drug is ridiculous! See Ephedra (15 deaths in 2 years before the FDA even looked at it.

Look closely at the label, somewhere it should in small print say something like "This product not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or illness."

I'd stick with Tylenol Cold and Sinus personally. It's not as powerful, but  it's been on the market for long enough to be safe.

JT likes the NyQuil nighttime.  It gives him the warm and fuzzies when he's sick.