FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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KS used to have to take the PATH and then various subway lines to work when KS used to consult in NYC.  After having to stand armpit to armpit in stopped subway cars with barely functioning AC KS doesn't sweat someones knee bumping into his personal space, unless they leave it there too long and don't excuse themselves.  KS has used comments like "I am really flattered but straight".  This usually works, dood either moves leg, leaves or gets pissed and wants to start ish.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


KS...pbr worked in our nyc office as well and know all to well of which you speak especially riding the cattle cars of the subway at rush hour pbr was literally lifted off my feet in the center of the car a couple of times and was groped numerous times but you are packed in there so tight you cant look down and see if its a womans or doodz hand touching you....usually pbr would just yell out "i hope it was as good for you as it was for me...." and also quite funny would be when a women would be pressed against pbr tighter and tighter with pbr's hand right there on a certain area....pbr would always apologize and state he will move his hand from there as soon as i can get a shoe horn down there to move it...of course i never complained about it... ;D


Quote from: Lyco80 on August 17, 2006, 07:31:42 AM
I gave my wife a tahitian black pearl strand on the occasion of our son's birth.  After all, she did pop out a 10 pound 10 ounce 22 inch monster in twenty minutes with 5 pushes.  A gal out to get some props for that sort of thing.

She was delighted . . . and the beat goes on.


And KS thought the Stalkerette was big when she came out, 8 lbs. 8 oz and 22 inches, out of a 5'1" mom.  All MKS wanted was Chinese takeout after delivery.  Good thing there is a Chinese place on every other block in Hudson County.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Reg finds all of these responses very amusing....especially AJ.....that guy was probably scared for his life after that attack.....probably thought you had tourettes or some ish.

Reg chooses to "catch the spread eagle guy slipping"....i.e. when he moves his legs for a minute, I take over HIS space....
Oh you want your magazine....I want your leg space.  Very non confrontational....but gets 'r done.

Isn't it kind of awkward when you start ish with a dude you are sitting next to for the next 2 hours???


the personal space battle also takes place in the movie theater... that armrest is like the demilitarized zone in Korea.

you know what the worst is at a football/baseball game...  when a doods knee is just close enough that you can feel his leg hair.... creepy and gross.


exactly 'gro...that is why i wore pants to the concert the other night and do most of the time when i travel on planes now.... i have grown tired of doods invading my space and feeling their leg hair against mine....there is something just creepy and freaky about that...so i now always have and wear protection in a nice pair of jeans sorta like a condom for protection


Even worse would be sitting next to dood at a ball game and expecting to feel leg hair contact and you don't.  Then you notice dood has shaved legs, scary creepy.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 18, 2006, 08:36:09 AM
KS...pbr worked in our nyc office as well and know all to well of which you speak especially riding the cattle cars of the subway at rush hour pbr was literally lifted off my feet in the center of the car a couple of times and was groped numerous times but you are packed in there so tight you cant look down and see if its a womans or doodz hand touching you....usually pbr would just yell out "i hope it was as good for you as it was for me...." and also quite funny would be when a women would be pressed against pbr tighter and tighter with pbr's hand right there on a certain area....pbr would always apologize and state he will move his hand from there as soon as i can get a shoe horn down there to move it...of course i never complained about it... ;D

JT always tries to stand near the ladies in this situation.  JT doesn't have much of a problem with the short-term subway ride, except for backpack guy.  BPG fails to realize that he takes up two spaces.  Everytime he moves... wham wham wham.  Can you put that between you legs, please you keep hitting me? Some have 10-20 lbs of crap in there. Most will take the pack down. 

Last dude gave JT like a tough S look.  So as we were getting ready to get off, JT times it and fully unzips his main compartment.  JT's on his way,  dude's crap is all over the car with people coming on and stepping on his stuff.

JT never starts ish.  But if he's paying a couple of hundred for a plane ticket or a hundred  or more for concert tickets, he wants to be somewhat comfortable.  How people respond to a JT's polite request determines his response.


JT- why are you doing all this stuff behind peoples backs?....throwing gum in hair, unzipping back packs....whats up with that?

Don't tell Reg you key cars too!!!

You are right though...BPG is very annoying, what about ripping it off and dumping it over his head...whould that work?


Just as annoying to KS as BPG is I Have To Get On Before You Get Off Guy or Ahole for short.  When KS was in college he would take NJ transit home with a friend that worked in NYC and ride back with him on Monday morning.  We would encounter Ahole every time at Journal Square in JC.  One day KS decided that since he had his P-bass with him in the old fender tweed case, that KS would kind of hold case up about waist high and KS friend and KS would just plow through Aholes.  It was a very satisfying experience.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Quote from: regulator on August 18, 2006, 09:45:21 AM
JT- why are you doing all this stuff behind peoples backs?....throwing gum in hair, unzipping back packs....whats up with that?

Don't tell Reg you key cars too!!!

You are right though...BPG is very annoying, what about ripping it off and dumping it over his head...whould that work?

Don't key cars. JT won't damage property. 

Re: The fat chicks at the show.  Each big chick came with a somewhat smaller friend, so JT suggested fat, thinner, fat, thinner.  JT and Gal were losing about half our seats to their butts. We were basically told to deal with it, they bought their tickets, they'll do what they want.

How to solve the problem w/o getting kicked out.  JT saw the big hair figured he could get the gum in there w/o getting caught.

Re: Backpack guy

JT has seen physical altercations between backpack and non backpack people.  It always ends badly.... usually with cops at the next stop.  JT saw that the zippers came together at the top of the pack.  All JT had to do was grab and pull down. 

Brains are usually better than braun in these instances.  JT hasn't always gotten away unscathed, but has honed his skills over the years.

Practical joking experience, watching comedies... gives JT ideas.


Reg... your fantasty squad is banged up already... clinton portis done until the 1st game (he should be alright). TE stevens... out for 6 weeks.

better hit the free agent market!


One version of BPG that JT recommends the LLPP avoid is the bike messenger.  Those doods are half crazy and either have a huge bike chain to whack you with or a knife.


Best weapon against bike messenger is a car door.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Kilted Rat


When KR was studying abroad in South Africa, we had to take "Kombies" to get to school. Kombies are the old VW vans outfitted with seats for 20 ethiopian skinny people. The drivers knew this and always tried to fit a full 20 on.

Here's the problems with that:
1. Only the poor people in South Africa and us use the Kombies, basically you had 16-18 black south africans and 2-4 white kids with Minnesota accents
2. The black people in South Africa still don't trust and/or like white people considering they just gained equality 10 years ago and are still treated like dirt.
   a. Once they knew you were from the US and not a racist you were cool.
3.  Poor people in South Africa apparently think of soap and deodorant as unnecessary luxuries.
4. AC?  in your dreams even though it's 90+ outside
5. No matter how large the woman was if she had a kid the kid went on her lap and they counted as 1 person.
6. The amount of people on board was directly proportional to the odds someone had gas.
7. The person farthest from the door always had to get off first.
8. On really hot days, if you looked at the seat before you sat down, there was a sweat residual from the previous sitter.
9. In stead of spending money on better seats or much needed engine parts, the Kombie drivers would drop literally $1,000 on stereo, speakers, and such in an attempt to have the loudest base of all the Kombies in a city of 4 million people.
10. It took 20 minutes at least to go the 3 miles from KR's apartment to school.

...and with that KR signs off to head to MN for a wedding this weekend that MrsKR is in.

By KR's estimation there will be between 30 and 40 legitimately good looking single women-folk between the ages of 23 and 27 at the reception, and here i am married :D

k+ for all! Happy weekend!
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.