FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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The Rant...

There's a quiznos down the street from work. I've been there a bajillion times. Same lady works the register. In the past I've paid with cash, credit card, debit card... just about everything except a check or fancy beads.

Today, it was the credit card... and the lady checked the signature on the card vs. the one on the receipt for a good 15-20 seconds... WTFIUWT??


true 'gro true....its a well known fact that people with stolen credit cards buy sammiches from quiznos and not tv/stereos!!!

Apple Jack

Maybe she was trying to get some digits from grolicious by making you linger longer
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland

Apple Jack

So working hard at work in the homeoffice today apple jack has been filling his afternoon by betting at the saratoga race track via youbet.net which allows you fake money to bet.  AJ doesnt yet have the balls to venture into the rehlm of online gambling due to the fear of what that might create.  ANy he has picked the last three winners short odds but not the favorites.  AJ is certain when he goes to the track to bet real moeny he wont fair as well, why is that? 
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland

Apple Jack

On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland


Another classic with Samuel L Jackson opens today!

"That's it, I've had it with these Mother$%^&*@ snakes on this Mother$%^&*@ plane!!!"


I always get a chuckle from reading the LLPP.  When I have a funny off-color joke Mrs. Lyco knows from whence it sprang - and sadly - while it did come from the D3 site - it did not come from the MAC page - my home.

Many times during this long football off-season hiatus I would drag myself to the study and come away chuckling at some of the stories.  Someday I hope I get the chance to pound a few with you guys and even introduce you to Mrs. L - a gal who smokes cigars and likes her liquor - all that and she whitewater rafts, does squats and likes football too!

All I saying in a rambling sort of way - is thanks for keeping to off-season less than awful.




All I saying in a rambling sort of way - is thanks for keeping to off-season less than awful.

CORRECTION:  Author intended:  "All I am saying in a rambling sort of way - is thanks for keeping the off-season from being less than awful."




A chick that does squats-hot and very frightening at the same time....
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


Maybe the judge doesn't have a female friend who does squats with him?

On another note:  I was assigned overseas recently in support of the war on terror.  We had a real macho 2nd Lt Marine who loved to show off during martial arts training.  Well - turns out our mail was screened - and the aforementioned Mr. Macho actually ordered himself a penis pump/enlarger.  The inspectors caught this device - he lost his clearance - and became a guy who only got to check IDs.

Moral of the story - live with what the good Lord gave you and learn to use it to the best of your ability - I suppose.



A chick that does squats-hot and very frightening at the same time....

Not if she is 5'9" and weighs 140!