FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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If you blindfolded me, poured a coors light, a bud light, and a miller lite, and had me take a sip of each one, I would probably be able to tell that each was a little different, but chances are, I wouldn't be able to tell which was which.  It would purely be a guessing game.  Honestly, whatever is on special, the closest tap to me, or what everyone else is drinking is fine.  I'm a simple guy with simple needs.

The nations top 5 drinking sities came out the other day.  Props to Boston and Minneapolis for making the top 5!!!  And a big shout out to Reg who spent some time in the top ranked Millwaukee.  I'm still pissed I didn't get out there whilest you were there dude.  We coulda run shop.

I remember sitting at Cape Cod years ago, on the phone with Reg, when he put these chicks on the phone, and wanted to polish my acorn bag because I had an accent.  They even thought Regulator with his Joe Pesci from Casino Accent was cool.  Man I would have gotten some serious tail there!  Someone invent a flying Delorean so I can take advantage of those things I wish i did but never got to do!!!


Man LD, you don't forget a thing!!!
I remember that chick, rumor has it that Reg hooked up with her friend and had a tag team event scheduled between Reg & LD vs. Hottie blonde & Hottie Brown hair with hooker blonde streaks.

That would have been a great match-up

Jonny Utah

Has this ever happened to anyone?

You go to a bar, ask for a draft beer and when you get it, it tastes like ass.  So the bartender gives you another one for free, but never does anything about the ass-tasting beer?


And like LD, I dont have an accent, YOU have the accent.

Jonny Utah

One more thing....

Ever see that show "Made" on MTV?  Why in the Fu*! does every single girl want to be a prom queen.  I mean they all start out the same way. 

-Fugly goth girl complains that she hates the cool people in her school because they pick on her.

-Fugly goth girl CALLS MTV herself and says she wants to be promqueen, even though she hates those people that want to be promqueens and popular.

-Fugly goth girl then gets some ex-model as her "made-coach" who goes out of their way to help fugly goth girl improve herself.  And every time, fugly goth girl whines, complains, cries and quits the competition before its over.

-Fugly goth girl enters contest and every says nice things about her in the end and now shes "cool" like everyone else that she hated in the beginning of the show.

WTF? (Reg, we might have to PM each other regarding "made" and "Laguna beach"


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 25, 2006, 07:23:42 PM
Has this ever happened to anyone?

You go to a bar, ask for a draft beer and when you get it, it tastes like ass.  So the bartender gives you another one for free, but never does anything about the ass-tasting beer?


And like LD, I dont have an accent, YOU have the accent.

All this talk is making Admit thirsty...  Also reminds admit of Sal's in St Joe.  KR can back admit up here-all of their taps ran high life except the coors light and the amberbock.  Never heard a single complaint out of a student.  (People always wondered while the owners and townies all drank Coors...)   

Admit spent enough time "sampling" whilst bartending during college, so he could maybe pass that taste test.  However, while admit is partial to Bud Light, he has been known to happily drink anything he can get his hands on...
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)

Kilted Rat

Quote from: johnnyadmit on August 25, 2006, 07:41:23 PM
All this talk is making Admit thirsty...  Also reminds admit of Sal's in St Joe.  KR can back admit up here-all of their taps ran high life except the coors light and the amberbock.  Never heard a single complaint out of a student.  (People always wondered while the owners and townies all drank Coors...)   

Admit spent enough time "sampling" whilst bartending during college, so he could maybe pass that taste test.  However, while admit is partial to Bud Light, he has been known to happily drink anything he can get his hands on...

KR always wondered why all of the beer at Sal's tasted the same. Never really cared much though!

KR also likes the beers that are closest better than those that are not.

KR's new plan for the night consists of starting with Rocky I and the beginning of a cold case of Bud Light and watching all the Rocky's or at least as many Rocky's as can be watched before KR passes out drunk.

God KR loves not having any responsabilities in life!
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


JU, I have to agree.  How do people from Boston have the accent when the country was started there?  Isn't it an accent for everyone else?  That's so ridiculas!

I have this new professor, had class with him for the first time last night, and he is SOUTHERN!  I couldn't understand a word he was friggin saying.  He was like deep south country accent.  People with Boston accents try to change a little because people think it sounds unprofessional in a corporate setting, how do these southern accents suffice?  What a crock of sh!t.

And Reg, i've brought it up before and i'll bring it up again...

I'll even tell the story...

Sprink Break 2K1...Panama City Beach, FL...

LD11 and Reg are on TOP of their game all week.  All of a sudden, this hottie from TN comes up to LD11 in SPinnakers and starts making out with him like crazy, introduces her hot as hell friend to Reg, and it's on like Donkey Kong.  But Regulator fell in love that week, with some lawn jockey who wasn't even worth the chase.  But Reg being Reg, was like 'LD11, hold down the fort, i'll be back, don't let these girls leave.'  Well the Reg chick felt left out and ends up dragging my girl away.  There was some kind of videotaped, duct tape, Pitching Wedge, and Ice Cube type of party that would have taken place, but Reg was looking for his 'im in love with you' girl.

Well, my friends, let me tell you this...Reg found her, on the dance floor making out with some dude.  Rumor has it that Reg and LD11 still ended up doing alright for themselves that night, in the same room still, with a lower quality of women, minus the videotape(thank god), duct tape, Pitching Wedge, and Ice Cubes. 

Moral of the story?  The second mouse always gets the cheese.


Even when the second mouse has a hare-lip, a moustache, and hair on her ass...
My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.  (Yasmine Bleeth comment valid unless prohibited by your College's code of ethics for Alums)


see if you doodz drank PBR you wouldnt have these issues when you went out... pbr is not on tap in many bars anymore  >:(  so pbr has to order it in 16 oz canz....fyi chicks dig guys who drink PBR since its the real mantastic sudz....almost as good as the colt 45...proper  8)


Funny thing about beer and how it gets trendy.  Way way waaaay back in the day when Garnet was in high school, nobody drank PBR because it was considered swill.  Now it is all popular among the youngsters.  Go figure.

Corona is another one Garnet has not figured out.  In Mexico, nobody drinks it. In America many do drink it but they put a lime wedge in their beer.  WTF ?  Beer should taste like beer not a lime flavored drink.  Is the lime put in the beer to hide the nasty taste?


A corona without a lime is like a boobie without a nipple... it just doesn't feel right.


Quote from: lewdogg11 on August 25, 2006, 08:14:31 PM
...Reg found her, on the dance floor making out with some dude.  Rumor has it that Reg and LD11 still ended up doing alright for themselves that night, in the same room still, with a lower quality of women, minus the videotape(thank god), duct tape, Pitching Wedge, and Ice Cubes. 


Don't get it twisted....it was GRO that found CHEWBACCA making out with some dude at Sb2k1.  Reg found the I love you girl later that night and it was on.....Now it wasn't "tennessee on"....but it was on.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of the possibilities laid before us that night....

Second off....I think it was REG that hooked LD up that night....

PS- I love tennessee.  If the girls from tennessee are reading this, send me a pm....LD11 and I are willing to meet up with you.


To celebrate reaching 200K, JT wants to toast a new football season with a Tom Cruise movie quote.  Before Cruise became a complete tool, he made the occassional decent flick.

"And on the seventh day, God created the football player, and people paid to watch them hurt, and it was GOOD!!!  6-2 stack monster.... 6-2 stack monster...  READY... BREAK!!!"


Quote from: Garnet on August 25, 2006, 10:38:56 PM
Funny thing about beer and how it gets trendy.  Way way waaaay back in the day when Garnet was in high school, nobody drank PBR because it was considered swill.  Now it is all popular among the youngsters.  Go figure.

Corona is another one Garnet has not figured out.  In Mexico, nobody drinks it. In America many do drink it but they put a lime wedge in their beer.  WTF ?  Beer should taste like beer not a lime flavored drink.  Is the lime put in the beer to hide the nasty taste?

Trendy always means expensive....  JT remembers Corona selling for about $3.00 a six pack and the 12 pack case of Fosters in the big can going for about $11.  Once advertising kicked in the price doubled.

JT has some preferences beerwise but will drink just about anything w/o complaint.  For some reason regular Budweiser gives JT a headache.... even just one.


KS is with JT on the Budweiser, Michelob and Bud Light are ok though.  KS prefers Yuengling or Rolling Rock for standard domestic beers.  KS remembers when RR was cheap swill like PBR until the stoopit yuppies in Hoboken and other places started liking it.

KS never got the Corona thing either, XX and Tecate are both much better beers and the only beer that should have fruit in it is Weiss Beer, the lemon really adds to weiss beer.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).