FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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now your talkin gro someone must of stolen your login/pwd pbr knows the real gro would not be talkin sweetness about dreaming of snickers ....the 'gro pbr knows would be dreamin of t.m. and having olive oil wrestling matches w/ multiple bikini clad girlz....

Jonny Utah

Quote from: JT on August 29, 2006, 02:40:30 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 29, 2006, 02:05:14 PM
Quote from: regulator on August 29, 2006, 11:43:32 AM
Quote from: JT on August 29, 2006, 10:21:38 AM
Quote from: enginegro on August 29, 2006, 09:30:08 AM
The gromobile has no such stickers (not sure about TDT's)... but Gro did see a pickup the other day that had about 10 of them on there... can you be EXTRA ghey?

I want to talk about  people at work, see if you work with them too.

1. The Complainer
Doesn't matter the day, time, or place... they will complain. Most of their conversations start with a sigh or "well... everything was going good until...". Even the smallest thing is a big deal to them.

2. The life story aka too much information.
All you wanna do is say hi... now your stuck in a 20min one way conversation about his uncle remus and his pet squirrel hercules. Then they always slip in some detail that you didn't need to hear, like how uncle remus got herpes in WWII and passed it on to the squirrel.

3. The repeater
This guy tells you the same crappy story or joke at least once a week. Usually there's 4 people in the room and 3 of them have heard the joke/story before but he tells it again to let the other person know.

4. The constantly sick person.
They are ALWAYS sick!! First the flu, then a cough, then allergies, then a migrain... rinse repeat.

Of course... the worse are the combos... like the always sick person who complains about being sick. Or the life story repeater.

5.  The Blamer
There a lot of these people.  It is never their fault.  They've always got a 100 reasons why something couldn't be done.  These people are never on time, always late, and its always someone else's fault.

6.  The procrastinator
This person waits until the very last minute for anything and then all of the sudden his/ her emergency is your problem.  Oh....don't worry, I didnt have anything else to do.....I will do anything you need.

7. The guy that never goes away
Seriously, there are some people that make a living by walking around talking to people.  I have seen it....they walk, stumble by someones desk, talk for 20 mins, then go to someone elses desk. 
You have two options when dealing with this person...#1 pray that someone calls you when he walks up.  #2 pick up the phone when you see him coming. #3 tell him "dood, I have 14 projects that are due in 3 hours bc Mr. #6 just dropped them on my head.....can you go away"

8 ) The Dodger. 

This guy dodges any type of work that is given to him.  If theres a situation that needs to be attended to, you can bet he is nowhere to be seen.  If someone needs help, this guy has something else to do.  He doesnt really procrastinate, but he selfishly finds ways to get out of work.

9) Never take a sick day guy.

This guy thinks the company can't function w/o him.  Either that or he thinks he'll get extra brownie points for working when he's sick.  He looks like death warmed over and gets the rest of the office sick.  He's just used your phone.

Add one more to the list....

10) The "Nose"

This guy knows what everyone else is doing at all times.  He knows who showed up late because they had to drop their wifes car off at the shop, he knows who leaves early becasue they had to pick up their kid from preschool that let out early.  And then he lets everybody know about it too.  And its not just an informational issue either, this guy complains about it.  He's like "did ya hear what Johnson did yesterday?  The guy left at 1 because his kid got sick, can you believe that?"  He knows whos dropping a duece every day at 10, he knows whos claiming their nephew as a dependent on their IRS forms, he knows whos taking an extra 10 minutes on their coffee break, he knows who goes to the waterjug 23 times a day. 

Dude, mind your own f-c!ing business......


Gro's pet peeve... don't treat salaried (non overtime) folk like they punch a clock. So I got here at 8:10... ish happened on the highway. Don't give me the stink eye when I'm out at 5. Didn't I just put in 5 hours last saturday?


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on August 30, 2006, 08:48:07 AM
now your talkin gro someone must of stolen your login/pwd pbr knows the real gro would not be talkin sweetness about dreaming of snickers ....the 'gro pbr knows would be dreamin of t.m. and having olive oil wrestling matches w/ multiple bikini clad girlz....

The 'Gro I know would be putting a huge dent in the couch with his azz while whispering sweet nothings in his girl's ear, and not showering or brushing his teeth for a few days while they close talk with each other.

Jonny Utah

2 things I hate...........

I go to this new wings/sub shop to order some wings from lunch.  I go into the place (Im the only one there) and ask for an order of wings.  I look at the menu, see theres a small order of 5 boneless wings, and say "Ill have the small order of honey bbq boneless wings."  The guy goes, "we dont have small orders, we call it something else"  So I look at the menu.  Instead of calling the orders "small", "medium" and "large", they have stupid nicknames for them.  The place is called "WINGS" so the order sizes are named after airplanes.

DC-3 is a small wing order, 747 is a medium, concorde is a large and Zepplin is a huge. WTF?  Now I have to be a g-dam friggin pilot to order my lunch.

Then I finally decode the menu and get my order straight when the guy goes to me....

WM (wingman): "Your name please?"

JU: "excuse me?"

WM: "Whats your name?"

JU: "Why the F do you need my name?"

WM: "So we can tell you when your order is up"

JU: "Chief, Im the only dude in the store.  You have 8 people working here.  Just get my "Pipercub" order of wings and make sure theres bluecheese with them before I shove those tiny 2 celery sticks you give me down your throat."

WM: "er...ok."

Why do these places need to know your name?  Why cant it just be a small, medium and large? 


good rant JU.... "just gimmie some wings!!"

Gro is in the killing mood... in the last 10min I have gotten about 5 calls from some dumbass trying to send a fax to my work phone.... WTF!!!


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 30, 2006, 03:05:15 PM
Why do these places need to know your name?  Why cant it just be a small, medium and large? 

Good story JU. Say, did you hear about the midget clairvoyant who escaped from prison?

The next day's headline read, ..."Small Medium at Large"


Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 30, 2006, 03:05:15 PM
2 things I hate...........

I go to this new wings/sub shop to order some wings from lunch.  I go into the place (Im the only one there) and ask for an order of wings.  I look at the menu, see theres a small order of 5 boneless wings, and say "Ill have the small order of honey bbq boneless wings."  The guy goes, "we dont have small orders, we call it something else"  So I look at the menu.  Instead of calling the orders "small", "medium" and "large", they have stupid nicknames for them.  The place is called "WINGS" so the order sizes are named after airplanes.

Starbucks started this.  JT refuses to go along.  He messes with the people at Starbucks.... Grande.... Tall...

JT: Give me a medium mocha cappucino

Register Jockey: We don't have a medium, our sizes are

JT: [interrupts] I refuse to participate in your marxist propaganda. Gimmie a medium.

RJ: [confused] Um...  [blank stare]

JT: How about I point to the size cup I want?  [points at cup] M-E-D-I-U-M

Kilted Rat

RE: Sizes

KR's latest encouter with this is Coldstone icecream.
They have 3 sizes: Like it, Love it, and Gotta have it.

KR and MrsKR stopped at the Coldstone in the mall after catching a movie one night, it was KR's first time there. Here's how the conversation between KR and the Preppy Idiot Scooping Slut went:

KR: I want a Chocolate chip cookie dough please
PISS: OK, Great! (apparently I made the right selection). What size would you like?
KR: Medium.
PISS: Oh, you mean the "Love it"!
KR: No, I want the medium. You have 3 sizes, a small, a medium, and a large.
PISS: No sir, we have the Like it, the love it and the Gotta have it.
KR: Which one is the medium sized one.
PISS: The Love it.
KR: Gimme that one then.

2 min later at the checkout:

PISS #2: Love it Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough?
KR: No, medium Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
PISS #2: That's not what we call it here.
KR: Well that's what I call it.
PISS #2: ok that'll be $3.57.
KR: Kinda expensive for a medium, don't ya think.
At this point PISS#2 gave me a dirty look and I gave her and her cronies no tip.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Kilted Rat

Quote from: finsleft on August 30, 2006, 03:34:36 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 30, 2006, 03:05:15 PM
Why do these places need to know your name?  Why cant it just be a small, medium and large? 

Good story JU. Say, did you hear about the midget clairvoyant who escaped from prison?

The next day's headline read, ..."Small Medium at Large"

Why under your number of posts does it say "leet"?
Anyone else seeing that?
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Was coldstone any good? Gro has never been to one either but some people act like JC was serving the IC there.

Another 'alternative' menu place: moe's southwest grill.
all the items have names from TV, movies etc.  The burritos are called triple lindy's, joey bag of doughnuts, and something else... so you can't just say gimmie a burrito cuz there's 3 different kinds. the ENTIRE menu is like that.

Kilted Rat

Coldstone was decent, nothing spectacular. KR would rather have a DQ blizzard than coldstone anyday.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: Kilted Rat on August 30, 2006, 04:38:19 PM
Quote from: finsleft on August 30, 2006, 03:34:36 PM
Quote from: Jonny Utah on August 30, 2006, 03:05:15 PM
Why do these places need to know your name?  Why cant it just be a small, medium and large? 

Good story JU. Say, did you hear about the midget clairvoyant who escaped from prison?

The next day's headline read, ..."Small Medium at Large"

Why under your number of posts does it say "leet"?
Anyone else seeing that?

KR:  RE Your Signature

When JT was a kid his parish ran out of the normal wafer a couple of times.   JT swears they served Wheat Thins a couple of times as a replacement.  JT mentioned to the Monsignor that he likes it when the "Body of Christ" is made from Wheat Thins. All JT got was a frown and a disappointed shake of the Mnsr's head.



Cold Stone Creamery is closest thing to heroin that is still legal.  If you haven't yet had it, please try the "Birthday cake remix".

To say it is "decent"....give me a break dood...you picked the lamest thing on the menu.....  One other tip reg will give is to go with the quart @ $9.99 and split it between 2 people instead of ordering two "mediums"  you will have at least 3/4 of the container left in the freezer.

Just my 2cents