FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: lewdogg11 on September 11, 2006, 05:00:41 PM
I need Aaron Brooks, Lamont Jordan, and Antonio Gates to get more than 40.89 points tonight to beat the Reguhaters.  Think I have a chance?  I think I just may...


you can pay me in lime green polos


Quote from: regulator on September 11, 2006, 04:20:25 PM
Typically I would be pulling for the Dlineman.....but this cat is readiculas....he is a "baby fat" Dlineman who probably cries at night when a chick doesnt call him.   More so, when they show him out with D-backs girl, he is with all chicks...thats like 7 chicks and one dude.  Now, unless you are the MAN...and I mean the MAN...the only way you get that sort of ratio is when...well you guys know what Im talking about...

If this were a lineman that was a badazz that stole this pretty boys girl, I would be happy....but forget that....no way am I pulling for this cat.

Agreed........I still hate that show and everyone on it!!!  U89 was pumped when that County team whupped up on Hoover.  Is U89 the only 1 who hates the coach....after the loss he states he is not sending out film to any recruiters..........Goose would have gained some props if he leg-whipped that fat azz coach right then and there.

Speaking of the leg-whip, U89 used to inadvertantly use that all the time....If U89 ever got beat....couldn't help it....he tossed right into the leg-whip and IT WAS ON for the rest of the afternoon with that D-Lineman!!!


Jonny Utah

I have no yahoo acess at work and Im pretty sure I put in at least starters for my team this week......
Oh, and for tonight........

San Diego -3
Washington  -4

and the two unders for a parlay

42.5 and 36


D3 Uni Watch

WPI going with black jerseys. Looks ok, but shouldn't the jersey stripe match the helmet and pants?


seems like black and red are perfect for the bizarro-neers.

btw - i am still praying that hobart doesn't go the route of those ugly su throwback unis.....


Quote from: labart96 on September 11, 2006, 07:39:49 PM
seems like black and red are perfect for the bizarro-neers.

btw - i am still praying that hobart doesn't go the route of those ugly su throwback unis.....

I'd like to see the Statesmen go back to our true colors: Purple and orange, just like the tiles on the roof of St. John's Chapel, which is just like the sunrise over Seneca Lake.

These blue and orange SU-copycat uniforms are buuuuuullshizzit.

I asked a couple people in the Athletic department about it and got different answers.  One said that purple is "too expensive" (HUH?) and another said that it's too hard to maintain a consistent purple because different vendors use different dyes.  In a moment of rare candor, one of my sources aadmitted that it's because blue and orange sells better than purple and orange.

I say nuts.  The Phoenix Suns sell plenty of purple and orange.  Also, there's no need to worry about dye lots, each color has a standard number.  Hobart should contract out for a particular number and the supplier has to fulfill.  (This could then make the 'too expensive' excuse true, because it might be considered a "custom" color.)  But if the Suns and the Vikings can get uniforms in the same purple year after year, why cannot the Hobart Statesmen?

This uniform color problem has vexed me since freshman year (1990).

P.S.  The Rev apologizes for not refering to himself in the third person per LL's SOP.  But, he is too lazy to go back and correct his post.


J2theB wholeheartedly agrees with the Rev.  I was somewhat surprised my frosh year when I got my game jersey and saw it was blue and not the royal purple referred to in all the admissions brochures.

Blue sells better than purple?  Maybe.  But it's not like the school is selling any Hobart replica jerseys in the College store!


Please note the reference to Purple in the Alma Mater song below.  I understand that a Hip Hop Hooray Hobart remix is being released in time for Xmas.

The (Hobart) Alma Mater: Evermore

Written in 1876 by Hobart alumnus Edward J. Cook and set to music by Professor Charles J. Rose in 1895, the alma mater closes every formal meeting of Hobart College.

Evermore thy sons shall be, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart
Champions bold of liberty, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart;
Ever shall thy champions prove, filled with brave unchanging love,
Lifting souls to heights above, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart.

Raise the orange and purple high,
Let us shame them never,
Shout the triumph to the sky,
"Hip Hobart, forever!"

Evermore thy fame shall last, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart,
Glorious still as in the past, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart;
With a faith and courage strong, battling e'er against the wrong,
Honors great to thee belong, Hip Hobart, my Hip Hobart.

Raise the orange and purple high,
Let us shame them never,
Shout the triumph to the sky,
"Hip Hobart, forever!"


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on September 11, 2006, 07:55:23 PM
Quote from: labart96 on September 11, 2006, 07:39:49 PM
seems like black and red are perfect for the bizarro-neers.

btw - i am still praying that hobart doesn't go the route of those ugly su throwback unis.....

I'd like to see the Statesmen go back to our true colors: Purple and orange, just like the tiles on the roof of St. John's Chapel, which is just like the sunrise over Seneca Lake.

These blue and orange SU-copycat uniforms are buuuuuullshizzit.

I asked a couple people in the Athletic department about it and got different answers.  One said that purple is "too expensive" (HUH?) and another said that it's too hard to maintain a consistent purple because different vendors use different dyes.  In a moment of rare candor, one of my sources aadmitted that it's because blue and orange sells better than purple and orange.

I say nuts.  The Phoenix Suns sell plenty of purple and orange.  Also, there's no need to worry about dye lots, each color has a standard number.  Hobart should contract out for a particular number and the supplier has to fulfill.  (This could then make the 'too expensive' excuse true, because it might be considered a "custom" color.)  But if the Suns and the Vikings can get uniforms in the same purple year after year, why cannot the Hobart Statesmen?

This uniform color problem has vexed me since freshman year (1990).

AUPepBand has witnessed Hobart's color changes through the years, the Saxon-Statesmen series being the longest for the Saxons. AUPepBand recalls one game played at "old" Boswell Field at which Saxons wore purple pants and white shirts, Statesmen wore white pants and purple shirts. When all piled up, they all looked the same.

Also remember the Davis era when Hobart opted for orange pants AND shirts with white numerals. (Yeccch!) When they made the switch to blue, 'twas an improvement but appeared they were trying to emulate the Syracuse Orangemen. [Note to self: Aren't they now the "Orange"? Is nothing sacred?] That was dandy when SU had McNabb, but not sure SU is to be emulated at present.

Saxons are pleased to wear the purple and gold, proclaiming the royalty of King Al.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


The Hobart color scheme discussion reminds me of another interesting change of a LL member. Was asked today whether they still call St. Lawrence the "Larries." AUPepBand says it all depends on who you talk to. Current players are Saints but the oldtimers will always consider themselves Larries.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


AU, which guy are you in the picture?  Im gonna take a crack and say the dude all the way on the right in the front row with the drum beater.


Actually, this is a rather old photo. AUPepBand had not yet taken up bass drum, was still playing first kazoo. The dude with the drum beater was our fearless first president who married our flute player (seated next to him up a row)....they reside in Toledo, OH. Nice try, though.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


Yeah, why all of the sudden is there a crazy color postfest.  Who really gives a crap if it is purple or blue.  Noone really cares about your stupid alma mater or what it implies.....I visited Holbart and guess when I did the one coach there took RegsX (who was wearing strappy heals) and Reg and sent him on the 8 mile student tour.   Yo dood, I don't care jack about the campus or the lake....plus it's raining, can't you just tell me some more about how you are going to base your offense around me??....or at least hook me up with a golf cart or Segway??  Oh yeah....PS nice indoor training facility....I bet you guys use that all the time.....kind of like when our team used to do pool workouts rather than "4 quarters" sprints.

I literally blew them off the coaching staff on a recruiting weekend (I know unprofessional) and the recruiter kept calling me all day and told me it was only 45 mins away....so I visited them that Sunday.  Never have I been more disappointed academically or socially or campus wise with a school (yes even when comparing it to RPI) than the bart.  It wise like a huge middle dorkfest....Unlike RPI where there are dorks and then there are cool kids, the entire campus is filled with kids that were in the middle of being a dork and being semi cool....it's tough to explain, l;et me break it down.....you know the guys you sit next to in class?....yeah, I wouldnt consider these guys that....Ok, how about the guys in class that the only way you would sit next to is if you had some sort of team assignment or you had a big test that day....bingo.

Sorry guys.....just my 2 cents.

Go purple and orange.  Now where's my Segway


OH SNAP!!   :o

regu-hater returns!  Where did that come from? you must be angry at mrs reg or something. Is she making you watch the notebook or something?