FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Garnet recalls some Sox fans busting on the Twinky fans right before the allstar break.  Interesting how the second half of the season played out.



Re: Parking.
Those s-o-b's got their share of gro's $$. Gro remembers getting that 'final' bill from RPI with some unresolved parking tickets on it, which I paid for so the parental units wouldn't flip out on me (it was like $200 or something).  Good luck trying to find me now 2 vehicles and 3 state registrations later.

Re: Professors.
Most professors don't know/care about football. Never ran into one that hated FB or FB players... but only had one that really liked FB. Senior year, taking 'law, values, and public policy" to satisfy that humanities requirement. Professor Langdon Winner (hint hint stimulator).  This guy loved football and went to the home games. I remember once I skipped class and I was talking to this girl about what I missed and she said he (prof) asked where I was but then said "well, he's probably got important football things to do".  Where were these professors the other 7 sememsters of school??

p.s. got an A


I believe I had to pay some $200 in parking tickets in order to graduate.  I am with Reg, and I will therefore throw out a challenge to ANY RPI parking police who may read this board(although I know this is most likely extremely far-fetched) but I will challenge you and your crew of floozies to meet me and the Revolution in the North Lot on 11/11 prior to, during or after the Union game.  Bring it.  I would love to knock their friggin teeth in.

I was pretty sure they got paid 1 BILLION dollars for every ticket they wrote.  If not, why would someone work so hard to become the most hated person on campus?


So I wonder if you don't pay these tickets what they are going to do?  WIll they go to a collection agency?....
Picture that.....I wonder what that will do to the school in the future trying to collect money for the fund raisers and ruin my credit at the same time!

Stimulator- Don't think football for players is the same as it was at your sons HS.  He may have been BMOC there, but it doesn't work like that at RPI.


Any class with Prof Hubble

Dr. Ensley- tough class- strat & policy but had more respect for the student  athletes  notice how ox worded that- this is also the guy that might be re-vamping the ford motor company stategic policy - he also made references to "Trading Places" -love that movie

Frank Wright- into to mgmt- the man.  Again loved athletes

If your kid is an engineer ive got nothing for ya

Most liked football players and either hated or loved hockey players

A certain receiver challenged the ticket nazi to a fight once. Actually i think he called him a "ticket retard" after he gave a bunch of us tickets after a 7am lift.

Anyone wanna guess who that was?

Yes reg I was told they are going to go to a collection agency.


Wow - this thread has touched a nerve.

I have very few unfond memories of my time spent up at the Bart, but dealing with the Gestapo Parking Officers of HWS is certainly one of them.  

Those a-holes were the worst.........AND you couldn't graduate without paying all your outstanding fines.


ox, someone with such mastery of the english language to call mario (that's his name... and the funny thing is, the guy would talk your ear off if you ever had a convo with him) a "ticket retard"  it could only be Siska.

am I right?


Back in the day Bart FB players were not the BMOC by a long stretch.  That honor belonged to the Bart LAX team who were still a dominant program winning natty titles.

Since I haven't been back in years, I sometimes wonder if this is still the case as the Football program has blown up and LAX has settled into a being a mediocre mid to lower tier DI program????

Rt Rev - "nuts for them" is right.


Try again Gro... silly mormans

Thats the worste part about the ticket nazi   you wanted to smash his face in but at the same time he would talk to you before slapping that damn ticket on your car....no i still wanted to smash his face in sorry.


Wow.. two nerves..  Still feel the campus police posse chasing as the parking tickets fluttered out the wiondow after graduation!

My son has no illusions about the BMOC "cause I'm a FB player".. nor did he ever in HS.  He understands that w/o reservation. 

Was just making an obervation about the Pres of UMass recollecting his interest in RPI and the FB program.

He is in Mgt. and has Wright for Intro and as an Advisor.  In fact the short conversation he had with the parents and recruits during my sons visit was one of the reasons he chose RPI. 

From speaking with a few of the faculty and administrators it seems like the program has some real strong supporters and think the world of King and the staff.. many or most are ambivilent, and the balance aren't sure RPI plays FB.

I will tell you that more than one person speaking with my son had very kind words
for King, the quality and character of the kids he recruits and the ability of the program to assist those kids to transistion from HS to College level academics ... One professor describing the FB students as his best students.


Quote from: stimulator on September 21, 2006, 04:28:57 PM
I will tell you that more than one person speaking with my son had very kind words
for King, the quality and character of the kids he recruits and the ability of the program to assist those kids to transistion from HS to College level academics ... One professor describing the FB students as his best students.

Disclaimer:  This message was paid for by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Football Association.  No part of this content or the data or information included therein may be reproduced, republished or redistributed without the prior written consent of the RPI FOotball Association.


Did they also mention that the parents of football student athletes also have the highest donor rates of any other contributing groups ;)

I always have a fun catching the unsuspecting phone-a-thon caller from the 315 when they hit me up for $.

Hobart kid - "Uhh, good evening Mr. P.  My name is ___ and I am a ______ year student at Hobart.  How are you?"

TGP - "Fine thanks.  How much money do you need from TGP this year?"

Hobart kid - (stunned silence then) "Uh, well, yeah, uh just wanted to make sure you wanted to renew your membership to the Athletic Association"

TGP - "Of course.  Tell Coach Hanna he can count on my donation if the Football team beats RPI and Union.  Just send me a reminder in the mail and I'll write the check."

Hobart kid - "Thanks Mr. TGP, your

TGP  - "Ok great"


Disclaimer:  This message was paid for by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Football Association.  No part of this content or the data or information included therein may be reproduced, republished or redistributed without the prior written consent of the RPI FOotball Association.

Should I be expecting an official media credential or something from the RPIFA? 

Just relaying what I was told. Most of the best HS and college athletes (should I say small college athletes?) I have known have always been better students in season.  I have to admire some of the way some of these guys can balance the ball and the workload.

Of course one way to do that is to park illegally close to your class.

Apple Jack

Quote from: stimulator on September 21, 2006, 07:31:59 PM
Disclaimer:  This message was paid for by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Football Association.  No part of this content or the data or information included therein may be reproduced, republished or redistributed without the prior written consent of the RPI FOotball Association.

Should I be expecting an official media credential or something from the RPIFA? 

Just relaying what I was told. Most of the best HS and college athletes (should I say small college athletes?) I have known have always been better students in season.  I have to admire some of the way some of these guys can balance the ball and the workload.

Of course one way to do that is to park illegally close to your class.

tailgate does start at 9:30 am on saturday ...North Lot
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Apple Jack link=topic=4728.msg558985#msg558985

tailgate does start at 9:30 am on saturday ...North Lot

Well said, Mr.Jack.....will you be joining us in the friendly confines of North Lot on Sat am??? You know you've been waiting all year to be able to see random Chinamen with backpacks walk through the tailgate lot on the way to the library.

Since RT is on that topic, has anyone else noticed that the asian dudes try to be on the cutting edge of some sort of Euro/Western fusion meets gang banger style?

Exhibit A......

Exhibit B....(pimp/gangster but Euro style w/ the dogtags)

RT is very tolerant but these Asian guys drive RT nuts. Does anyone else remember the Seinfeld where Elaine takes George's father into the Korean nail shop to translate what they're saying about her?? That's all RT keeps thinking about when he's in the Thruway rest stop and the tour bus comes in.