FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Union89 on October 12, 2006, 11:39:59 PM
PS...LD, Matt Hughes is more dominant in the Middleweight Division and pound for pound, as good if not better....than Laddell, thoughts??  Hughes vs. Franklin would be awesome, but they will never fight because they're like LD & 'Gro or LD & Reg.

Notice he didn't say gro & reg... because Gro would DESTROY Reg!!! You would be calling for your mom, dad, santa claus.... anyone to save you. You would have thought kimbo just put the hurt on you.

Frank Rossi

Settle down 'gro...or Frank the Tank will rip you apart limb by limb...TASTE IT!

(of course, he's 6 states south of me right now...I'm pretty bold when there's that much distance)


U89, It's like comparing Apples to Oramges.  I think Liddle would beat Hughes, solely based on the weight difference.  It's not like the old days in the UFC.  Hughes is pound for pound, the best fighter in my opinion, and Franklin has proven to be pretty good too.  I'm interested to see how he does vs. Silva this weekend.  Silva is a phenom.  I might even go so far to predict a Silva knockout.  That dude is scary.

But, like I said, at 205, I don't think anyone will beat Chuck til he retires.  Word on the street is that he weighs in at 205-206, then on fight day(1 day later) he fights at like 220 or 225.  Hughes is at 170.  As strong as he is, I don't think he could handle the weight.  He's a wrestler, so that's an additional 50+ pounds plus some cinder block hands he'd have to deal with. 

Regarding LD vs. Gro or LD vs Reg, I'll take on either one of them.  Reg vs Gro...I'd have to be PC and tell you I have no idea.  Gro is a 1 punch wonder.  If he doesn't land that one, which i've never seen him mis by the way, he's done for.  LD11 grew up getting schooled by PapaLD who was a great wrestler, and BroLD, who is somewhat of an azz kicker.  My game is tight, and I have been well versed in all forms of street combat warfare.  And i'm also a Ninja, which would pose problems, as I can dissapear at anytime.


A couple of things...
#1 Gro, Funny you mention calling for mom dad & santa claus.  Last night Reg passed out on the couch early (MR is in ATL already doing some wedding stuff with her cousin) anywhoo.....I was in deep sleep when in the middle of my dream, my phone rings....I answer it...weird I haven't heard this voice before...
Reg to caller: who is this?
Caller: who do you think this is
Reg: I have no clue
Caller: REG!! what are you doing!
Immediately Reg wakes up from his deep deep sleep to find himself, holding his phone to his ear with MR on the other line!! It was quite possibly the wierdest phone moment I have had of all time....the sleep walker cell phone chat.  I can only imagine the kind of information MR could have gotten out of me should she had gone along with it.

#2 LD11- I'd hit you so hard with an elbow, you'd wake up thinking it was 1984, with your pants tight-rolled, spiky hair with lines on the side, bart simpson T-shirt, singing Mony Mony or Born in the USA.


Quote from: regulator on October 13, 2006, 09:51:53 AM
A couple of things...
#1 Gro, Funny you mention calling for mom dad & santa claus.  Last night Reg passed out on the couch early (MR is in ATL already doing some wedding stuff with her cousin) anywhoo.....I was in deep sleep when in the middle of my dream, my phone rings....I answer it...weird I haven't heard this voice before...
Reg to caller: who is this?
Caller: who do you think this is
Reg: I have no clue
Caller: REG!! what are you doing!
Immediately Reg wakes up from his deep deep sleep to find himself, holding his phone to his ear with MR on the other line!! It was quite possibly the wierdest phone moment I have had of all time....the sleep walker cell phone chat.  I can only imagine the kind of information MR could have gotten out of me should she had gone along with it.

#2 LD11- I'd hit you so hard with an elbow, you'd wake up thinking it was 1984, with your pants tight-rolled, spiky hair with lines on the side, bart simpson T-shirt, singing Mony Mony or Born in the USA.

Prove it.


Quote from: knightstalker on October 12, 2006, 08:40:22 PM
KS thinks he bought a used car from that guy once.

ZT, those sound like boot camp pushups, our Company Commanders CC favorite was assuming the pushup position and then making everyone hold it for 15 or 20 minutes.  It did toughen you up, after you got the feeling back in your arms.

KS, yeah, he was a miliatry guy...So was his whole family...Looking back, that kind of tough was great for us...He took an 8th Grade team to a school that hadn't lost a game in four years...I remember all the kids and parents of the other school laughing at us because we had all used equipment and looked like a rag tag...with only 15 kids on the team....Then his went on to win 6 to 0...His kids just hit everybody...

Maybe teams do take on the personality of their coach sometimes.


chuck norris would take on all ultimate fighters at the same time and kick them all back home with their tails between their legs....


Quote from: regulator on October 13, 2006, 09:51:53 AM
Immediately Reg wakes up from his deep deep sleep to find himself, holding his phone to his ear with MR on the other line!! It was quite possibly the wierdest phone moment I have had of all time....the sleep walker cell phone chat.  I can only imagine the kind of information MR could have gotten out of me should she had gone along with it.

that is hilarious... you are going to see her this weekend and she'll have a new car and pet monkey that you "approved" in your sleep. enjoy that monkey.


Quote from: 'gro on October 13, 2006, 11:04:06 AM
Quote from: regulator on October 13, 2006, 09:51:53 AM
Immediately Reg wakes up from his deep deep sleep to find himself, holding his phone to his ear with MR on the other line!! It was quite possibly the wierdest phone moment I have had of all time....the sleep walker cell phone chat.  I can only imagine the kind of information MR could have gotten out of me should she had gone along with it.

that is hilarious... you are going to see her this weekend and she'll have a new car and pet monkey that you "approved" in your sleep. enjoy that monkey.

Is Reg going to be on VH1?  Replacing the Hogan's, it's the Reg's!


Hobart faithful listening to WEOS webcasts, we have changed our streaming platform from WMA to MP3. Both flavors of MP3 streaming are provided. You can get there from www.weos.org/live.html . WEOS also has archives and podcasts of Statesmen and Heron sports (everything except NCAA games, as the NCAA does not allow you to post archives of NCAA games). The links are available at two places, one is the podcast page http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/weos/.jukebox and the other is the sports schedule page, http://www.weos.org/sports.html
  These links are also available from our home page www.weos.org .


Quote from: redtackle on October 10, 2006, 09:32:30 AM
Another interesting factoid...RT came across this list of the best job markets, per capita, in the US.  Gro would be pleased ...so would BudCrew

Top 20 DMAs (designated market areas)Based on Jobs Per 100,000 Residents
17. Binghamton, N.Y.
18. Utica, N.Y.
19. Rockford, Ill.

Wow! I had no idea that these desirable cities were in such high demand! Wow! I can't wait to move to one of these picturesque havens of wonderfullness!


It would probably be the most boring show on cable TV shown somewhere between 4AM-5AM
Everyday would go something like this
Wake up 7am
Make coffee 7:15
go to work
MR ocmes home 6:30pm
Eat 7:30
Watch TV 830-10pm
Bed 11pm

The only time we talk to eat other is from 6:30-8:30 and 10-11pm
topics ususally consist of-
Vent session of both of our days ~30min
decide what to eat for dinner ~30mins
random discussion ~30mins
MR yelling at Reg to clean up the house ~ 1hr

Rinse and repeat


Mike -

Thanks for the update re: the Bartcasts.

With 2 kids, TGP can't always catch the games live.

Glad to hear there's a "Tivo" option that TGP can revisit after said kids have hit the hay (and/or if TGP wants to tune in at work!)

Jonny Utah

I am attempting to make chili for the first time ever today.  Just bought about 40 bucks worth of food and a pot.  I can barely make toast.  Anyone here ever make chili?


JPU have made it plent-o times.....you will be fine, if you pour milk you can make chili....lots of variations to recipes and done to taste most of the time with spices etc