FB: Liberty League

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1 Pair of Shoes...

one cherry red, one crappy garnet red. mounted on top of the most important trophy in the world.

Last seen in the vicinity of Union College in Schenectady, NY. If Found please return to

RPI Football
Attn: Joe King
'87 Gymnasium
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 08:55:38 PM
I might have to take redtackle for a partner - he any good?

Famous last words uttered by FMRT .....she can attest to the quality of this hombre.

As far as darts, RT will brush off the golden arm and sell his services to the highest bidder. Since FR has put RT on the air in 2006, he currently has the highest offer on the board!

RT will put the word out to O'Leary's management to prepare for postgame festivities. We used to have some killer post games there......


Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 08:54:53 PM
Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 08:49:33 PM
So, 'gro...How 'bout a little inside bet?

Union wins, and you buy my booze for the night.  RPI wins, and I buy yours for the night.  Special Rule:  No mixed drinks or shots that cost >$15.00 for any one drink (I think we both have too good of taste for that rule not to exist).  You ins?

whoa whoa whoa... Gro's not calling the plays for RPI and doesn't like to wager the coin on things he can't control (aside from NFL games).  But show up at O'Leary's after the game and bring your darts skills, you'll need them.  Find a partner and you can taste defeat at the hands of Gro and Reg.

'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 09:27:37 PM
Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 08:54:53 PM
Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 08:49:33 PM
So, 'gro...How 'bout a little inside bet?

Union wins, and you buy my booze for the night.  RPI wins, and I buy yours for the night.  Special Rule:  No mixed drinks or shots that cost >$15.00 for any one drink (I think we both have too good of taste for that rule not to exist).  You ins?

whoa whoa whoa... Gro's not calling the plays for RPI and doesn't like to wager the coin on things he can't control (aside from NFL games).  But show up at O'Leary's after the game and bring your darts skills, you'll need them.  Find a partner and you can taste defeat at the hands of Gro and Reg.

'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

You include that your attorney, Frank Rossi, advised you that you must appear due to the subpoena you received?


Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 09:27:37 PM
'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

If you show up, not only are you my #1 darts ace, but we'll go to that bar you like where they play "Its raining men" and I'll buy you a pina colada.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 10:01:01 PM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 09:27:37 PM
'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

If you show up, not only are you my #1 darts ace, but we'll go to that bar you like where they play "Its raining men" and I'll buy you a pina colada.

(PLEASE God, make him mean they're hitting that bar AFTER darts)


Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 10:10:15 PM
Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 10:01:01 PM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 09:27:37 PM
'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

If you show up, not only are you my #1 darts ace, but we'll go to that bar you like where they play "Its raining men" and I'll buy you a pina colada.

(PLEASE God, make him mean they're hitting that bar AFTER darts)

That's where we play bum darts...Bullllllzzzzzzzztheye....

Apple Jack

Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 08:59:07 PM
1 Pair of Shoes...

one cherry red, one crappy garnet red. mounted on top of the most important trophy in the world.

Last seen in the vicinity of Union College in Schenectady, NY. If Found please return to

RPI Football
Attn: Joe King
'87 Gymnasium
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180

classic post
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland

Frank Rossi

Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 10:35:44 PM
Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 10:10:15 PM
Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 10:01:01 PM
Quote from: lewdogg11 on October 31, 2006, 09:27:37 PM
'Gro, if I show up and you choose Regulator as your darts partner, we're finished.  We were always the team to beat and you know this...man...

I just sent out the email to the professor to see if I can swing the shoes game.  Keep your little tootsie roll fingers crossed.

If you show up, not only are you my #1 darts ace, but we'll go to that bar you like where they play "Its raining men" and I'll buy you a pina colada.

(PLEASE God, make him mean they're hitting that bar AFTER darts)

That's where we play bum darts...Bullllllzzzzzzzztheye....

This gay marriage thing in New Jersey might be rubbing off on you LD.  Just stay away from the (former) governor.


Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 08:55:38 PM
Quote from: 'gro on October 31, 2006, 08:54:53 PM
Quote from: Frank Rossi on October 31, 2006, 08:49:33 PM
So, 'gro...How 'bout a little inside bet?

Union wins, and you buy my booze for the night.  RPI wins, and I buy yours for the night.  Special Rule:  No mixed drinks or shots that cost >$15.00 for any one drink (I think we both have too good of taste for that rule not to exist).  You ins?

whoa whoa whoa... Gro's not calling the plays for RPI and doesn't like to wager the coin on things he can't control (aside from NFL games).  But show up at O'Leary's after the game and bring your darts skills, you'll need them.  Find a partner and you can taste defeat at the hands of Gro and Reg.

You're on, as long as I can loosen the tie and roll up the sleeves.  I might have to take redtackle for a partner - he any good?

Frank, beware.....these Troy dudes play some crazy game with small beanbags and some sort of wacky board with a hole in it.  Do not play them for money in this game!!!!

U89 repeats....


RT, Brett Russ and I will be crashing at a buddies crib with our significant others, but pre/post game beverages should be consummed together once again!!  Hopefully bringing a date will keep U89 a bit more sober in '06......haaaa.


Quote from: redtackle on October 31, 2006, 12:07:12 PM
Work Politics Update:

If the LLPP,Inc crew recalls, RT sought counsel in handling an issue with a egotistical, caniving, self-promoting woman he is forced to work with. RT explained how she always is maneuvering for her own benefit and she has the respect of some of the management in the company.  

In the latest development, RT and his peer collaborate to provide sales coverage on an account that this woman is tied to. She loves RT's peer because she hates RT...even though RT is the stud of the operation and provides all the results. NW (nasty wench) sends a note to RT's boss, unbeknownst to RT, mightily singing the praises of RT's peer and what a great job he's doing...no mention of RT. RT's boss and RT are great friends so he told RT about the note to let me know she was up to her old tricks and that he knows the real deal.

So RT's sitting here hacked off over this tactic and wants to call NW to the carpet over it but has not for a variety of reasons. First, he doesn't want to compromise his boss for sharing this when she thought it was in confidence. Second, he doesn't want NW to think RT cares about her tactics...perhaps this is a plant by NW because she assumed RT's boss would share this w/ RT and she wanted to get a rise out of RT?? RT is trying not to act in haste....is RT making more of this than he should? Yes, she is singing the praises of the coworker but she absolutely knows RT's involvement and by going out of her way to single out 1 guy on a joint effort w/ no mention of the other, that is an indictment of RT (in RT's opinion).

RT needs the personnel dept of LLPP,Inc to weigh in....


The Rev's advice: say nothing.  Stick close to boss.  Perhaps compliment peer on job well done without being obvious that you are fishing for some peer-to-peer recognition.  With a "Hi-Q" from bossman and one from peer, you effectively neutralize said wench's silence.

Wench is trying to draw you out.  She wants you hacked off.  She wants you to react negatively, or to stew in your anger because you know that you cannot confront her.  Think of it as the game in which your basketball coach shouted out to remind you to slow down and play at your own speed.  Do not get sucked into Wench's game.  Stay slow.  Control the pace.  Pass the ball around.  Take seconds off the clock.

The Wench will eventually expose herself as being vindictive.  True s***heads never need help exposing themselves.  She will show it.

what you need, should you choose to ever retaliate/confront wench is to have something solid you can document that would send an ombudsman from the Civil rights office off the deep end and casue him to raid her office without warning.  Too bad she never made an advance at you that you rejected and reported.  Then you'd be able to slap a retaliation complaint on her.  dare to dream.

Anyway...documentation.  Documentation is key.  Keep a notebook of her slights.  Each one alone is nothing, but if you can maintain a record of a thousand pin-pricks, then you can show a pattern of creating a hostile work environment.

I turn the floor over to Mr. Frank Rossi, Esq., who actually knows about this stuff as part of his profession, whereas I only know it from watching too many government HR videos (and from having major run-ins with "Scorpions.")

My own recent story with a scorpion:

After work I went into my favorite eatery and asked the kid behind the grill what he was "feelin'" that day.  You know, when I worked in restaurants and bars, I always knew what I was doing particularly well or poorly that day.  I made mega tips on days when my Manhattan was "on."  Anyway, the kid blows me off in a major way.  Not the first time.  So, in The Rev's usual friendly manner, tries to draw kid into a friendly conversation, pick up the really dark mood and bring it up into the light.  Kid blows off The Rev even harder.  The Rev, in true Christian charity, once again tries to engage the youngster with kindness and respect.  Kid disrespects the Rev fiercely.  The Rev becomes quite sad.  After a long pause of trying to decide what to do, The Rev looks at Kid and kid's co-worker and says, "You know what.  I think I'll skip it today and just go home."  And The Rev walked away both sad and angry that Kid was rude as hell.

So The Rev was at home getting angrier and fantacizing about going back to eatery and treating the kid poorly, as in "Hey s***bag!  Make me a g*****n burger NOW!" and then haze him as he makes food, finally throwing food in his face and telling him to be polite next time.  But Rev realizes that this is what the Rude Kid wants...he has no life, no soul, so he tries to destroy others' lives and souls.  Rude Kid is more than just rude, his behavior was quite literally satanic.

The Rev slept on the situation, refusing to let Rude Kid control his emotions and [re]action.  Next day Rev goes to eatery for lunch.  Asks cashier who Rude Kid is.  Why, wonders cashier.  "Because he must be about the most miserable human being I've ever met."  Manager!  Manager comes over.  The Rev tells the story.  manager says, "Rev, you are not the first person to say this, but I promise you: you will be the last."  Said Kid was fired.  This what not a revenge move against Rude Kid.  Rude Kid needed to be called out for the sake of Rev's favorite eatery.  If I, a loyal patron, walked out without eating and wanting to never go back, how many others have experienced Rude Kid's soullessness?

Moral of the story: turds think they can get away with anything they want to becasue they scare people into silence.  But those of us who get abused by these people are not alone.  We need to find each other and let appropriate authorities know.  It could be that there are a lot of people at RT's workplace who have been abused by Nasty Wench and they are dying to make complaint to management.  Perhaps RT can quietly ferret these people out, and once banded together, make a stand, just as those of us who were tired of taking attitude from a rude kid finally made our stand.

--The Rev


Quote from: dea on October 29, 2006, 10:48:04 PM
Gotta disagree...Union's O at full strength first time this season....Union 31  Hobart 17

The Rev must respectfully disagree with dea (even if a couple days late on the response).

Even with Union's O at full steam, The Rev thinks dea over-estimates Union's prowess.  Union is a good team, but not two TDs better.  The Rev thinks the game will be closer.

If The Rev proves to be wrong, he will gladly eat crow.


from D3.com homepage:
The program is expected to bring 90 new male students to St. Scholastica. Currently St. Scholastica's student body is 70% female.

Ah! Now we see why St. Scholastica wants to start a football program.  They need men!

And what a ratio to work with! Eh, boys?

P.S.  the Rev wonders if St. Scholastica has any Title IX problems?  did they have too many women's sports and not enough men's?  That would be an interesting reversal.


In a frenzy of postings, The Rev has to share that the fast he must keep in order to get a good blood sample tomorrow has left him so hungry that he cannot sleep.  Hence, the overdose of Reverendisms.

A friendly reminder: Today is All Saints Day.  For those members who are RC, this is a Holy Day of Obligation.  The Rev recommends celebrating by going out to eat after Mass.  The Rev will go to Chili's because he likes the Chicken Enchilada soup.

For those Episcopalians out there, it would be nice if you went to services, but no one's trying to hold you to anything, after all we are an open and inclusive and non-judgmental church and not trying to control your life. In fact we're sorry we mentioned anything, no guilt to be sure, so just make it if you can, but don't worry about it, God understands.  Just mail your check.  Thank you!
(The Rev repeats his dining recommendation, even though Epsicopalians can obviously afford to go to the Cheesecake Factory instead of Chili's.)


Quote from: JT on October 31, 2006, 07:56:50 PM
Quote from: zachattack22 on October 31, 2006, 07:34:17 PM
RT and Gro, Smallbany HAS turned into martini bars as they try to turn one of the most dangerous small cities into something it is not....(a place to hang out with the "upper class")...

They just remodeled the cocoas motel on route 9 and the suites don't cost much more than a room at the holiday inn....AND, they upgraded the suites to the point that one could direct and star in an "erotic video production" instead of the standard porno...Why they have a suite that is as large as the first floor of some peoples homes....And they don't even smell like people actually did do a porno movie there....Amazing.....

Sounds like z22 has tried out the "accessories" in Smallbany.

Yes JT....ZA isn't sure if he should be proud or ashamed....