FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Speaking of Shoes games, if TGP wasn't heading to the SC-Oregon game this Sat nite, TGP would have to catch the "Shoes Game West" featuring Occidental against Whittier (who have the weakest mascot name of all time - the Poets):


Differences between RPI, Union and Hobart

Student's go here because
RPI: They got rejected by MIT
Union: They got rejected by all the Ivy League schools, and williams.
Hobart:  They want to create their own majors and live by a lake

Upon Acceptance, students receive
RPI: A laptop
Union: A Volvo
Hobart:  A Saab, North Face jacket, and beat up baseball cap from some other college

Movie that best describes campus life
RPI: Revenge of the nerds
Union: The Village (they never leave!!)
Hobart: PCU (You're a first year, not a freshman!)

Common Weekend Activity
RPI: Warcraft
Union: Sale at the GAP
Hoabrt: Going "downtown"

Typical Girl
RPI: huh?
Union: Trust Fund Daddy's Girl
Hobart: Trust fund girl and/or Lesbian

Tailgate drink of choice
RPI: Carbombs
Union: Cabernet
Hobart: Labatts Blue and/or Honey Brown

Outdated Campus Activity that people still do...
RPI: Hockey Line
Union: Naked Nott Run (no offense... but how many kids still do that?)
Hobart: Throw lake trout during lax games

College Bar
RPI: The ruck, home of the best wings in NY
Union: Geppetto's... they have chips.
Hobart: Sideshow, home of the Bionic B and where you can buy a case to take home with you after last call


Quote from: 'gro on November 09, 2006, 01:08:30 PM

to get a link like this

FSU Cowgirl

Post this

[url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writers/jenn_sterger/11/08/mailbag/index.html]FSU Cowgirl[/url]

For pictures

Post this


There will be tons of similar chicks to this at Shooz II on Saturday.


Quote from: Tlm on November 09, 2006, 02:27:05 PM
Quote from: 'gro on November 09, 2006, 02:09:34 PM
Differences between RPI and Union

College named after
RPI:  Stephen van Rensselaer, upstate NY's first major slum-lord
Union:  Well, nobody really.  Union was the only name they could think of.
College named after
RPI:  Stephen van Rensselaer, upstate NY's first major slum-lord
Union:  Well, nobody really.  Union was the only name they could think of.
Hobart:  John Henry Hobart, Western NY's first openly gay Episcopalian Bishop


Quote from: Tlm on November 09, 2006, 02:52:38 PM
Quote from: Tlm on November 09, 2006, 02:27:05 PM
Quote from: 'gro on November 09, 2006, 02:09:34 PM
Differences between RPI and Union

College named after
RPI:  Stephen van Rensselaer, upstate NY's first major slum-lord
Union:  Well, nobody really.  Union was the only name they could think of.
College named after
RPI:  Stephen van Rensselaer, upstate NY's first major slum-lord
Union:  Well, nobody really.  Union was the only name they could think of.
Hobart:  John Henry Hobart, Western NY's first openly gay Episcopalian Bishop

Can't wait to hear the Rt Rev's response to this!


LMAO TLM.....+K  for that chuckle...



this dude/ette graduated from the 'bart...
     Nov. 9 -- John Harper was his high school
valedictorian and Male Athlete of the Year. In college, he
became an All-Canadian cross-country runner and earned advanced
degrees in physics. Yet he carried a gnawing secret.
     While he had male physical characteristics and sex organs,
his brain had developed female, leaving him feeling from a very
young age that he was a girl locked in a boy's body. He would
eventually lose two marriages -- the second after he told his
wife he wanted to correct his sex organs and live as a woman.
     ``It's a genetic mistake that makes me the way I am,''
Harper says. ``But this is the life I have. And I'm happier now
than I've ever been.''
     In January, at age 49, Harper underwent gender reassignment
surgery after taking the name Joanna. A top over-40 runner in
Portland, Oregon, she is one of a growing number of transsexuals
whose love of sport, determination to compete and willingness to
speak out. That's hard for some people to grasp, as Harper learned
when she told her mother of her plan for surgery.
     ``My mother was so proud of me, all the things I'd
accomplished in my life. And now, I am the shame of her life,''
Harper says.
     Harper's mother suggested shock-therapy but later relented
     ``She finally let me go home this past summer, but she
didn't want anyone to know I was coming, and anytime I stepped
out of the house, she'd say, `Did anyone you know see you?'''
     Harper is still friends with both her ex-wives and has had
dinner with both former mothers-in-law since her transition.
     And she was supported by co-workers, and embraced by the
Portland running community. It was a huge thrill to be
introduced at her niece's wedding this summer as Auntie Joanna,
she says.
     Her greatest enjoyment these days, apart from running,
comes from just being able to live in her own skin.
     ``I was running in a road race and there was a pack of
women all together,'' Harper says. ``And someone on the sidewalk
yelled out, `Way to go, girls.'
     ``I can't tell you how great that made me feel. I was just
one of the gals.''


Not likely (no John or Joanne Harper's in the alumni/ae database).  If anything it would be the other way around (a WS student being confused as a man).


Quote from: Union89 on November 09, 2006, 02:47:00 PM
Quote from: 'gro on November 09, 2006, 01:08:30 PM

to get a link like this

FSU Cowgirl

Post this

[url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writers/jenn_sterger/11/08/mailbag/index.html]FSU Cowgirl[/url]

For pictures

Post this


There will be tons of similar chicks to this at Shooz II on Saturday.


Rumor has it, that in place of LD11 there are going to be a handful of "FSU cowgirls" where the chicks are going ot show up in tight wifebeaters.  Rumor has it these chicks only show up after everyone has at least 9 beverages of choice. 

Did anyone tip off the parking enforment officer as to our tailgate?  What are the rules to said parking lot?  If I would have known tailgating was legal in the North lot, I would have boozed up way more often before heading to "Philosophy"....man I sucked at that class....If I was tore up when I showed up to class, I bet I would have gotten decent grades.  That was the only C I ever got at Rensselaer.  I bet it's because I didn't put aluminum foil around the inside of my dorm room like some other dork did in my class.  Reg, coming from High school on his orientation day picked this course out because some dude told him "it looked easy"....dude, general psych is easy.....writing to the world wide web is easy....Speech is easy!!....Philosophy, where your classmates wear marilyn mansion costumes everyday and talk about their refrigerator wanting to be there friend IS NOT EASY!!!

PHIL-2220 Philosophy of Technology
How is life within our technosystem different from or similar to other forms of life that humans have lived or are possible? This is the guiding question for the course, with emphasis on environmental ethics and ecology. Readings come from both analytic and existentialist traditions in philosophy as well as current scholarship in psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Alternate years. 4 credit hours


reg....when u heading north young man and taking mr with you? tomorrow morning? pbr figures they need to set up the blockades for reg and his posse coming in on the parade floats

Apple Jack

Quote from: regulator on November 09, 2006, 03:45:11 PM
Did anyone tip off the parking enforment officer as to our tailgate?  What are the rules to said parking lot? 

As long as we are somewhat respectful they have been pretty relaxed. 

Time to bring home the shoes!!!!
On the run from johny law...aint no trip to clevland


actual courses taken by 'gro to satisfy his humanities requirement (woulda had a minor but didn't take an extra 4000 level class... psssssh).  Gro can not find any evidence of the class he took senior year called Robots, AI, and Society.... We watched a bootleg copy of the movie AI and at the end of the semester the prof asked us to write on a piece of paper what grade we think we deserve and why. Gro wrote, "I deserve and A, I'm a senior and I need the credits to graduate"... boo bam, A.

STSS-2200 Engineering and Society  
What is engineering? How should engineering fit into society? What is engineering design? What role should engineering designers play in society? How do the social and technical aspects of design relate to each other? This course will explore answers to these questions through a variety of perspectives and case studies. Annually. 4 credit hours

STSS-2400 Law, Values, Public Policy: Perspectives on Science and Technology  
This course examines the interconnections between values and law, seeking to understand how these affect and are affected by science and technology by examining such topics as computers and privacy, medical malpractice, abortion, and other legal conflicts surrounding new reproductive technologies, problems of expert witnesses, sexual harassment, patent infringement, auto safety litigation, and siting of hazardous facilities, among others. Annually. 4 credit hours


Any truth to the rumor that the new stadium will be called "Mario the parking guy memorial stadium"?  It appears that 100% of the funding was made through parking tickets.



All you had to do was ask the man-

AI, Robots, and Society is an investigation of mind, consciousness, and
thinking as social constructions, rather than as innate features of the
human brain. A(rtificial)I(ntelligence) and social robotics pose interesting problems for sociology and anthropology to the extent that the replication, imitation, or simulation of human mentality presupposes an understanding of the social processes of constructing minds, selves,
consciousness, and even brains. Students are introduced to theory and
research on the mind as a social fact as well as to current work in the
fields of AI and robotics. The course focuses on the project of constructing socially intelligent robots, and the contributions of social
theory to that project and to the various efforts to construct AIs.