FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on December 11, 2006, 07:07:44 PM
Quote from: JT on December 11, 2006, 02:58:01 PM
JT does the third person thing in real life on occasion.  Usually brings other LL characters into the conversation.  Last week he said, "JT thinks that The Rev. was right when he said....." in mixed company.  Quizical looks all around until FMJT said," Oh that's just his imaginary friends on that d3football.com thing. They talk in third person about stupid stuff." 

The Rev would find it amusing if JT would start calling FMJT "FMJT" to her face.

"JT thinks FMJT should go with him to Home Depot."


"FMJT...that's you."

"Oh. It's your silly football thing again."

"It's not a silly football thing, FMJT, this is official Liberty League Post Patterns Incorporated lingo, baby-san."

"Baby-san? Have you been talking with The Rev again?"

The Rev wishes he had a FMRev to drive up the wall with LLPP talk.

One of the books JT highly recommends to the LLPP is "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man."  He read it on the cruise. It goes into how the U.S. with the help of big corporations go about screwing over 3rd world countries economically.

The Rev has heard good things about this book also.  The Rev further recommends "Charlie Wilson's War."

Ha-Tags finds this hilarious. Tags is an E8 poster & found himself speaking in the third person randomly in a work e-mail the other day!!!


Reg often starts out conversations in his head with "Reg thinks..."
Starts off emails with "Gro, Reg believes"

Why can't everything be this easy??  Why doesn't FMJT and MR understand what LLPP is all about?  Why are all you guys imaginary characters to these cats?  What is wrong with me putting a post out there about what to do about something before running it by MR?  Why does MR also refer to it as the "stupid d3 football site"? Which is usually followed by What do you talk about on there..?  Do you post?....What a joke!...that website is more important than me!

No MR, its not more important than you....you are both on par.  Reg <3's D3Fb.com


Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 07:48:07 PM
Reg often starts out conversations in his head with "Reg thinks..."
Starts off emails with "Gro, Reg believes"

Why can't everything be this easy??  Why doesn't FMJT and MR understand what LLPP is all about?  Why are all you guys imaginary characters to these cats?  What is wrong with me putting a post out there about what to do about something before running it by MR?  Why does MR also refer to it as the "stupid d3 football site"? Which is usually followed by What do you talk about on there..?  Do you post?....What a joke!...that website is more important than me!

No MR, its not more important than you....you are both on par.  Reg <3's D3Fb.com

Tags constantly gets sh*t from future Mrs. Tags about d3fb.com - as a matter of fact fmt is yelling from the other room about it as we speak.

"football is over, get off the damn computer & come eat" ...  8)


tags tell the fmt that you will be there after you finish emailing melissa.....reg you gonna keep the new toy or look to flip it for some quick payola and xmas money?


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on December 11, 2006, 08:09:20 PM
tags tell the fmt that you will be there after you finish emailing melissa.....reg you gonna keep the new toy or look to flip it for some quick payola and xmas money?

Since Reg also bought a H2Ofront house last month, I figure I better keep this toy until I can land a jet boat to keep my guests happy.  I don't want everyone buggin me to drive the real whip.

REGS HOUSE is currently under contract due to settle on the 22nd of Dec.

Reg has made some serious moves in the last month and is waiting for things to come through before he shares everything with the LLPP.

PBR- Come spring the new toy will be 4sale for $4000. (of course) Which is appx, $1300 more than Reg bought it for. Any LLpper looking can have it for $3400, which is still $800 under book value.


Reg is broke and doesn't do Xmas.  MR settles for ramen noodles and hot chocolate instead of NY strip and Pinot Noir.


Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 08:24:57 PM

Gro has thrown up in that house. Did you tell the new owners that?


pbr hears reg loud and clear on $$$....mrs pbr just got back with kids from spending the day in nyc shopping...this should be a beauty to see what this day of holiday shopping and et al cost pbr....she keeps talking around the subject and talking about what a great time they had and all the wonderful things they bought and times they shared... >:(     
if she tells pbr she went to the spa with the kids pbr will blow a serious gasket...


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on December 11, 2006, 08:55:23 PM
pbr hears reg loud and clear on $$$....mrs pbr just got back with kids from spending the day in nyc shopping...this should be a beauty to see what this day of holiday shopping and et al cost pbr....she keeps talking around the subject and talking about what a great time they had and all the wonderful things they bought and times they shared... >:(     
if she tells pbr she went to the spa with the kids pbr will blow a serious gasket...

Reg cringes whenever he hears the word "shopping" in the same sentence as "NYC".
Is the stuff that much better in the city?  Is it worth the 2X factor that Reg can get it online for?  Oh yeah....all the great times they shared.  That translates into PBRbonics as "when you find out how much we spent you are either going to beat us all with a coat hanger or throw up from disbelief"
Reg wants to know what he is missing?!?!?!  I have never been a shopper and quite frankly get pissed walking around aimlessly trying on clothes with people around telling me "that looks nice"....dood, I know it doesnt look good.  I have worn puke that looks better than this sweater.

Speaking of puke....Gro, I thought you puked off my last boat....did you puke in REGS HOUSE too?? 


Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 08:32:58 PM
Reg is broke and doesn't do Xmas.  MR settles for ramen noodles and hot chocolate instead of NY strip and Pinot Noir.

Doesn't MR want something that sparkles?
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


Quote from: AUPepBand on December 11, 2006, 09:07:47 PM
Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 08:32:58 PM
Reg is broke and doesn't do Xmas.  MR settles for ramen noodles and hot chocolate instead of NY strip and Pinot Noir.

Doesn't MR want something that sparkles?

Tags feels this is most likely do to the fact that Reg had a few too many beverages & purchased a ski doo.

Touchdown Tommy

Big nite in the LLPPFFL, Pool Boy about to take over sole possession of 1st Place.  TDT owns you Gro....

Sounds like memories are hazy which tells TDT that rediculous times were had on Ocean Ave this weekend.  Nothing like lots of tan skin, great plastic surgeons work, and fruity cocktails while looking at the "scenery" on South Beach.  TDT trusts that the LLPP crew stayed clear of the po-po, specifically the Diesel...BTW: Where is LD? Did you guys get caught in that "Computer glitch" at Miami Int'l today?  Sounded like a real mess....Or is LD11 still crying after the 'Fins bich slapped his Patriots??

REG: You are impressing TDT with your astute business acumen.  Buy in the offseason (at least for BALTIMORE) and sell high to some schmuck down at "Red-eyes" in the spring.  TDT presumes that PHR2K7 will be held at REG's new pad and every year thereafter...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: AUPepBand on December 11, 2006, 09:07:47 PM
Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 08:32:58 PM
Reg is broke and doesn't do Xmas.  MR settles for ramen noodles and hot chocolate instead of NY strip and Pinot Noir.

Doesn't MR want something that sparkles?


MR wakes up in a 24X15 master suite that overlloks the chesapeake bay every morning.  I think the water sparkles enough for her tastes.

TDT- Reg buys everything off season.  This latest house was bought in probably the worst real estate slump of all time.  The previous boat in Dec. of '04 (up in CT. (sold in spring of '06 for +$14k) this boat from a no reserve auction on ebay up in Philly...this jet ski bought in Dec AND in a no reserve auction up in Philly. 
Only bad thing is you gotta wait to play....good thing is you get the deals.

Reg doesnt know about HR2k7....MR might have rented out the house to pay for the mortgage or something like that.  Gro can sleep (and puke) on the jet ski.


yummmmm......red eyes.......
(enjoyable summer flashbacks)


Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 09:03:36 PM
Speaking of puke....Gro, I thought you puked off my last boat....did you puke in REGS HOUSE too?? 

dood I puked eleventeen times that day. your house was not spared. you have nice bath mats.

Quote from: regulator on December 11, 2006, 09:27:16 PM
TDT- Reg buys everything off season.

can gro interest Reg or TDT in purchasing this banana?