FB: Liberty League

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Only been down here for a couple weeks — but teed it up at Redstone, the site of the Shell Open, on day two. There's basically 6 courses in my backyard — designed by Nicklaus, Player, Palmer and Fazio.

...but the summer will still suck.


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on December 15, 2006, 01:00:27 PM
A few terms that could be added to the LLPP Guide for newbies that come to mind would include:

"Man-tastic" - A dig at men acting a bit too well, non-manly

For example, Gro would say, "this Hobart pic is man-tastic!":

"Friendasaurus" - The one less-attractive friend out of a group of friends.

I got stuck with the friendasaurus at that party

The "Ruck" - Fabled home of the best wings in the Albany/Capitol area.

"Pumpkinheads" - A term referring to the Hobart Statesmen (our helmets are orange - see above - get it?).

"The U" - A term meaning Union College.

"Bizarro-neers" - A term referring to the WPI Engineers, a LL conference opponent.

"The North Lot" - home to the RPI tailgating faithful

"Car Bombs" - Drink of choice of the North Lot faithful.  Consists of a pint of Guiness with a shot of Bailey's and/or Jamisons dropped into it.  Delicious!

"The Boz" - Hobart's home field (aka Boswell Field)

"The Frozen Cat Turd" - the "trophy" awarded to the winner of the annual Hobart-RPI game.

"The Shoes" - Refers to the "Dutchman's Shoes" awarded to the winner of the annual Union-RPI game (this is an actual trophy).

"Zing!" -

A term issued by one poster who has - with great skill and wit -just effectively insulted another poster.

"The Golden Age of LLPP" - A brief period during the 2006 season in which all posters reverted back to their Olde English heritage when Dukes, Kings, and Knights ruled the LLPP.

"Wine and Cheese" - Items preferred by the Union tailgating crowd.

Anchorman - Perhaps the LLPP's all-time favorite movie at the present time.  Comedy doesn't get much better than this.  Lines are quoted from this movie like water flows.  Members have been known to watch the movie on the Spanish HBO, even though said members don't speak Spanish. Even funnier in Spanish we're told.

Ass Clown -  Generally attributed to Union head coach John Audino by LD11. Origins from the 1999 movie Office Space character Michael Bolton lamenting the singer of the same name.  See below:

Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.

Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.

Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.

Dirty Jersey - Derogatory description of New Jersey.  It is believed to have originated from the old FFC and West Conn poster Rodman in 1999. The LLPP successful adopted the phrase after the demise of the FFC.

When most people outside of NJ think about the Garden State, they think of the NJ Turnpike, sulfur smells, smokestacks, oil storage facilities, women with big hair and doods named Vinny and Tony.

Pumpkin Heads - Hobart's helmets are jack-o-lantern orange.

[The] Larries
- Slang for LL member St. Lawrence.

Union Sucks - Pretty self explanatory. Phrase that LD11 would usually follow with after a debasing of Union coach Audino.  See Ass Clown.


Quote from: phil on December 15, 2006, 01:32:13 PM
Only been down here for a couple weeks — but teed it up at Redstone, the site of the Shell Open, on day two. There's basically 6 courses in my backyard — designed by Nicklaus, Player, Palmer and Fazio.

...but the summer will still suck.

It won't suck if you get to tee it up at those courses - Tags has never played the TPC but ha imagines it would be a really great course.

Redstone looks like a nice course - although Tags has only seen it via watching the Shell Houston Open on TV


LLPP Primer

let's not forget

"Mancation" The evolution of the college road trip. Similar in nature where male friends travel to a predetermined destination, although the mancation usually has better travel, eating, and sleeping arrangements.

"The Frank" - Union's home field (Frank Bailey Field)

"Hot like pee" - an older term from the days of the UCAA. A term for anything positive or cool. Mostly disbanded after Paris Hilton started saying "that's hot".

"The Larries" - Nickname for St. Lawrence University

"DJAC" - The Dirty Jersey Athletic Conference. Nickname for the New Jersey Athletic Conference.

"Blizzard Bowl" - Legendary eastern conference final game between RPI and Ithaca in 2003. Scholars say the final score was lost years ago.

"Ms. Jackson (oooh!)" - RPI president Shirley Ann Jackson


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on December 15, 2006, 01:00:27 PM
A few terms that could be added to the LLPP Guide for newbies that come to mind
"Friendasaurus" - The one less-attractive friend out of a group of friends.

I got stuck with the friendasaurus at that party

Additional definition:  Friend-o-saurus is also the noted c-blocker to males seeking out the hotter friends.  Usually the wingman has to take the hit with friend-o-saurus. At a minimum involvement with friend-o-saurus includes multiple Grand Slams at Denny's.


Quote from: 'gro on December 15, 2006, 02:02:08 PM
LLPP Primer

let's not forget

"Mancation" The evolution of the college road trip. Similar in nature where male friends travel to a predetermined destination, although the mancation usually has better travel, eating, and sleeping arrangements.

"The Frank" - Union's home field (Frank Bailey Field)

"Hot like pee" - an older term from the days of the UCAA. A term for anything positive or cool. Mostly disbanded after Paris Hilton started saying "that's hot".

"The Larries" - Nickname for St. Lawrence University

"DJAC" - The Dirty Jersey Athletic Conference. Nickname for the New Jersey Athletic Conference.

"Blizzard Bowl" - Legendary eastern conference final game between RPI and Ithaca in 2003. Scholars say the final score was lost years ago.

"Ms. Jackson (oooh!)" - RPI president Shirley Ann Jackson

TGP recalls "Hot Like Pee".  TGP believes it was commonly utilized on then UCAA-PP circa 2002-2003.



+k to all for terms for the LLP Guide..


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on December 15, 2006, 01:00:27 PM

"Friendasaurus" - The one less-attractive friend out of a group of friends.

I got stuck with the friendasaurus at that party

Wow  - I had a friend in school who refered to it as getting "duff-ed" stuck with the Designated Ugly Fat Friend.

Don't know which one I like better...


Quote from: realistic on December 15, 2006, 03:23:14 PM
Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on December 15, 2006, 01:00:27 PM

"Friendasaurus" - The one less-attractive friend out of a group of friends.

I got stuck with the friendasaurus at that party

Wow  - I had a friend in school who refered to it as getting "duff-ed" stuck with the Designated Ugly Fat Friend.

Don't know which one I like better...

You have to go with Friendasaurus.  TGP guesses you had to be there, but to TGP, the only thing the term DUFF conjures up is this:


We used to call them "handgrenades."

When one was thrown into our platoon, someone had to throw themselves on it to make sure it didn't kill everyone.

Usually the grenade jumper was the guy with a girlfriend.


PD&IC- puppy dogs and ice cream-  This is a term of unknown origin, which basically means a fellow llpper is whipped.

"hey gro, what are your plans for the weekend...PD&IC?"
translation.."hey hmo....are you going out this weekend w/ the boys to pick up some chicks or are you  going to sit on the couch with MrsGro watching Home cfokin' with Paula Dean all weekend?"


Good call on the PDIC reg, ya bastard.  BTW, it's origin is from the movie swingers.

Here's another one that hasn't been used in a while

Sir ___alot - can be used in many forms to describe someone who does something excessively.  For example, "after eating 20lbs of chicken wings at the ruck gro became sir fartsalot."


so gro COMPLETELY miscounted his vacation days and booked his flight home with an extra day of vaca.... totally didn't do this on purpose.

My boss is cool as sheet and said it was all good in the hood (well, I have to complete a capital proposal before tuesday but it's worth the day) but how stupid did gro feel asking him??  Can't wait till "other boss" finds out.

The worst part is that had gro not gotten sold out by his former employer he'd have 3 weeks of vacation now instead of 2.  Do you know how much of a difference 5 more days is??


Gro's on a roll. Most of the LLPPekenese (LLPP's official language) originated in the colvin circle area of Troy, NY.

Veteran - Skilled, professional, experienced. "Reg bought a jetski for $500 less than appraised, what a veteran".  Please note that you must pronounce it with 3 sylabals (sp) vet-er-an, not vet'ran.

Amature - the oposite of a veteran. This guy spills drinks at the bar. Miscounts his vacation days. Copies his boss on inappropriate emails, etc.

Amature Hour - Any event where the population of amatures outweighs that of the veterans, see any new year's eve party.