FB: Liberty League

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Quote from: regulator on January 04, 2007, 10:05:30 PM
I don't know how to tell you this, so Reg is just going to just come out and say it.  The OC is going to be taken off the air.  I am very sorry you have to hear this from me, however, since we have had our ups and downs, I figure it best come from me rather than RS81.

If you need someone to talk to Reg and the rest of the LLPP is here for moral support.

Mr. Regulator, yes, I heard this sad news earlier today and i am devastated.  The show has been phenomenal this season too.  What a shame.  Almost as sad as when they cancelled Jack and Jill, and My So Called Life, prematurely.

FYI - My bedroom has recently been painted a minty green, and has window sheers and shades and blinds and whatever else they are, hanging from them(I dont know what they're called) and I also have a new bed set with all these matching pillows and stuff.

My house is also no longer empty.  Every friggin closet I open is FULL!!!


ld' s crib will soon look like martha stewart has moved in....instead of beer and doritos and football on ld shall be serving earle grey tea w/ crackers and movie beaches will be playing on sunday afternoons now...


What is the freaking deal with paint?  I mean it is only color on a wall.  Same with pictures. 
Every weekend I have to hear from MR "WIll you help me hang these pictures?" translation- will help me take these 10 pictures, find the best spot to put them, find the stud and hang them. (a job that would probably take us 4 hours)  (With one person it would take about an hour)
Reg, No,  bc you can do everything besides me putting a screw in the wall. (a job that takes ten mins total)

and then the paint discussion
MR- "What color do you want to paint the _____"
Reg- "I dont want to paint any room any color...what is the big deal about color....the neutral walls look nice!....plus I don't have to do anything"

Regs office discussion-
MR-"We really need to do something about your office...there is stuff everywhere and you need a filing cabinet....plus we should paint it for you"
Reg- "MR, will you just let this one room alone, why arent you hanging pictures, don't tell me what needs to be changed in here, I will take care of it.  I know exactly where everything is and the only time I don't is when you come in here, tell me how much crap there is around, and pick up all my papers and put them all in one pile, OR you come in and open the mail at my desk.....getting all of this crap mixed in with my important stuff!  When I see the need to buy a new desk or any other ancillary product, I know where office depot and the credit card can be located"


reg pbr can soooo relate to what your saying...it is a weekly battle pbr wages w/ mpbr re: painting, hanging pix, buying furniture, new flooring etc...it never ends!! wtf just let me sit here for 1 weekend without asking me my opinion on this/that or do this or that...let me watch feetsball w/ no interruptions and in peace!!


Gro says reg probably needs a file cabinet... gro knows how reg rolls.  But as far as paint and curtains and pictures being level and ish... try this:


where can I buy a Bill Cowher fat head poster? I want his chin in my living room.



Cowher will say goodbye to Steelers on Friday-
PITTSBURGH - Bill Cowher is walking away from the most stable coaching job in the NFL — leading the Pittsburgh Steelers.


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on January 05, 2007, 08:18:54 AM
reg pbr can soooo relate to what your saying...it is a weekly battle pbr wages w/ mpbr re: painting, hanging pix, buying furniture, new flooring etc...it never ends!! wtf just let me sit here for 1 weekend without asking me my opinion on this/that or do this or that...let me watch feetsball w/ no interruptions and in peace!!

'Tis the nesting instinct.

Someday, when the wife goes away for a week or two on a girlication, you're up to your eyebrows in dirty dishes, you can't walk from the kitchen to the living room without your bare feet rubbing some unknown moist and disgusting food substance....and, worse yet, you can't find the remote, perhaps you will learn to appreciate the Mrs' innate nesting qualities.......or maybe not.
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


negative ghost rider...pbr experienced enough nesting qualities when mpbr was el prego w/ the 3 crumb gobblers, that dont fly the rest of the time...there is no mushy substance on my floors as that is what pbr has a black lab for and the dawg performs its duty of cleaning up any and all food sharpnal quite well....the remote thing holds a little water as pbr can never find it and has to rip the couch apart constantly to find it between cushions, behind/under the couch...


Reg, what neutral are your walls?  You had been to my spot, and you know, since it was brand new, the walls were white.  And it was like living in an insane asylum.  The color on the walls really makes a big difference.  But all the other stuff, I would never even think of.  I thought it was dark and rainy out this morning because there was no sun shining through my windows because they are now draped in curtains.  I get downstairs to the office and it's sunny and about 80 degrees out.  Go figure.

And for the record, I will vouch that Reg actually speaks to Mrs. Reg in the manner as described above.  It's kind of uncomfortable for the average onlooker.



Is there a more manly term to use other than "buttercream with a little gray"?

I hear ya, you can't leave walls bleach white, thats gangsta.

In other news, the people across from Regs house do not have ANY blinds in there house.....not in the dining room, not in the kitchen, not in the master BR.  I mean seriously dude....you bought a brand new house for a half a mil....don't you think you could spend a few bucks on blinds....you can literally get the cheap ones at Home depot for $4 each.  That is under $100 bucks!.....wouldnt you rather spend that then have Reg watching your every move? 

Sunny and 80's?  man...I cant wait for summer!


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on January 05, 2007, 09:51:37 AM
negative ghost rider...

Never been called that before, but AUPepBand believes there's a first time for everything.

On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


LD the crib probably looks nice. You definetly needed some color on the walls. Hopefully your bedroom scheme isn't too girly, just some basic curtains and ish. The 17 pillows... that's just a girl thing.

Ever since Gro did a bid on 3rd shift, he needs the curtains for the pitch black bedroom effect. It's nice waking up thinking its 6am and it's really 10am.


Quote from: regulator on January 05, 2007, 08:08:32 AM
What is the freaking deal with paint?  I mean it is only color on a wall.  Same with pictures. 
Every weekend I have to hear from MR "WIll you help me hang these pictures?" translation- will help me take these 10 pictures, find the best spot to put them, find the stud and hang them. (a job that would probably take us 4 hours)  (With one person it would take about an hour)
Reg, No,  bc you can do everything besides me putting a screw in the wall. (a job that takes ten mins total)

and then the paint discussion
MR- "What color do you want to paint the _____"
Reg- "I dont want to paint any room any color...what is the big deal about color....the neutral walls look nice!....plus I don't have to do anything"

Regs office discussion-
MR-"We really need to do something about your office...there is stuff everywhere and you need a filing cabinet....plus we should paint it for you"
Reg- "MR, will you just let this one room alone, why arent you hanging pictures, don't tell me what needs to be changed in here, I will take care of it.  I know exactly where everything is and the only time I don't is when you come in here, tell me how much crap there is around, and pick up all my papers and put them all in one pile, OR you come in and open the mail at my desk.....getting all of this crap mixed in with my important stuff!  When I see the need to buy a new desk or any other ancillary product, I know where office depot and the credit card can be located"

Is MR like FMJT in that FMJT likes to get rid of perfectly good stuff?

FMJT:  Can we throw out the l-z boy?  [JT's favorite chair]

JT: You mean the chair I sit in all the time.  That is the sports watching chair.

FMJT:  You've had it forever.

JT: It still looks and works fine, and it goes with the living room.

FMJT: I'd like us to get a new leather one [The old one is nice, comfy, broken in, and puffy soft]

JT:  I don't want to buy anything that I might stick to. [JT likes to hang around in his Joe Boxers when no one else is around]

Sometimes crap would just disappear.  JT old collegewear, old jersey's etc.  JT finally had to lay down the law.  No tossing stuff without checking.


It appears as if there is one guy applying negative karma to JT each and every day since the beginning of the holiday's.  Wonder who the grinch is?