FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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JT -

You's forgots da extra $180 Million for all yer palimony suits.

WTF Story of the Day:



Quote from: Senor RedTackle on January 30, 2007, 10:58:22 AM
Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 10:32:31 AM

I see NO love for the LLPP or Regs boat fund in your breakdown...
Come on....when you need a mancation from wyoming, you can come here....I will take you out on the yacht you are funding.

Please make said changes immediately.

RT wanted to share his own boat, since he's heard so much about Reg's. RT downsized from his 28' Searay in '05 to his 22' bowrider. More practical. This is from the camp in the 1000 Islands (on the St.Lawrence Seaway)

More practical for what?  Having to jump in the water to take a leak (jk)?  I like the idea of the bowrider, however, it really doesn't fit the way we "boat".  Didn't  you miss the 280?  I would try to talk MR into something different but the more options she sees on the other boats we get on, the more they become "must haves" on the next boat.  Yeah great, I mean who doesn't need a built in blender in the cockpit and a satellite dish for watching college games on saturday?

Reg had a summer house in alex bay growing up. I only went there a handful of times.  Thinking back, I wish I stayed up there an entire summer when I was like 16.  

Senor RedTackle

Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 11:48:55 AM
Quote from: Senor RedTackle on January 30, 2007, 10:58:22 AM
Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 10:32:31 AM

I see NO love for the LLPP or Regs boat fund in your breakdown...
Come on....when you need a mancation from wyoming, you can come here....I will take you out on the yacht you are funding.

Please make said changes immediately.

RT wanted to share his own boat, since he's heard so much about Reg's. RT downsized from his 28' Searay in '05 to his 22' bowrider. More practical. This is from the camp in the 1000 Islands (on the St.Lawrence Seaway)

More practical for what?  Having to jump in the water to take a leak (jk)?  I like the idea of the bowrider, however, it really doesn't fit the way we "boat".  Didn't  you miss the 280?  I would try to talk MR into something different but the more options she sees on the other boats we get on, the more they become "must haves" on the next boat.  Yeah great, I mean who doesn't need a built in blender in the cockpit and a satellite dish for watching college games on saturday?

Reg had a summer house in alex bay growing up. I only went there a handful of times.  Thinking back, I wish I stayed up there an entire summer when I was like 16.  

yea, RT wishes he'd worked up there for a summer when in college. As far as the way RT boated, he doesn't miss the 280 Sundancer too much. It was really only good for having a bathroom. RT is into watersports so the 280 wasn't condusive to that. Plus, RT keeps his boats where the cabin is and RT prefers a nice bed in the cabin to the boat. Maybe someday RT will go big on the boat again but it's an expense that RT can't justify.


Reg, you get a sat. dish on your boat and you just found yourself a full time tennant.


why is ld lurking? come on out and play w/ da boyz ld11 we see you lurking around out there....pbr thinks reg should be the east coast manager for sea ray or viking.....


I could be persuaded to take that job if they let me have a "loaner" like this.


done reg...JT will buy those boatlines for you and you can dock that baby down in ft. lauderdale...have the hooters girls cater the parties on board...of course seeing some of those girls lately pbr may regret that decision...


***todays llpp ? of the day....answer honestly

LONDON, Jan. 30  -- A poll of British men has found 30 percent would give up sex for life for about $2 million, and 1 percent would give it up for a lifetime supply of alcohol. The survey was conducted by condom-maker Durex and the women's magazine, Company, the Mirror reported.
Of the undisclosed number of men polled, 9 percent they would be willing to
give up sex if they never had to work again, and 3 percent they had faked
enjoyment during sex, the report said.
Asked if they absolutely had to sleep with another man, 4 percent indicated
soccer star David Beckham.  Curiously, when asked about female celebrities,
Beckham's wife, Victoria -- formerly Posh Spice of the Spice Girls -- ranked at
less than 1 percent.
Durex spokeswoman Ruth Gresty said she was surprised at some of the findings.
"What has become of the red-blooded male?" she said.


Hey Gro, is there any truth that Derrick Thomas made the list??  hmmmm?


Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 01:59:29 PM
Hey Gro, is there any truth that Derrick Thomas made the list??  hmmmm?

nah, beckham all the way.


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on January 30, 2007, 01:43:53 PM
***todays llpp ? of the day....answer honestly

LONDON, Jan. 30  -- A poll of British men has found 30 percent would give up sex for life for about $2 million, and 1 percent would give it up for a lifetime supply of alcohol. The survey was conducted by condom-maker Durex and the women's magazine, Company, the Mirror reported.
Of the undisclosed number of men polled, 9 percent they would be willing to
give up sex if they never had to work again, and 3 percent they had faked
enjoyment during sex, the report said.
Asked if they absolutely had to sleep with another man, 4 percent indicated
soccer star David Beckham.  Curiously, when asked about female celebrities,
Beckham's wife, Victoria -- formerly Posh Spice of the Spice Girls -- ranked at
less than 1 percent.
Durex spokeswoman Ruth Gresty said she was surprised at some of the findings.
"What has become of the red-blooded male?" she said.

only 2 million?  dat number seemssss pretty low to DGP.

besides, what'sss dat point of having all dat dough if ya can't use it to score chicks????


Quote from: 'gro on January 30, 2007, 02:02:23 PM
Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 01:59:29 PM
Hey Gro, is there any truth that Derrick Thomas made the list??  hmmmm?

nah, beckham all the way.

Does this mean Gro is an LA Galaxy fan?


Quote from: JT on January 30, 2007, 02:37:54 PM
Quote from: 'gro on January 30, 2007, 02:02:23 PM
Quote from: regulator on January 30, 2007, 01:59:29 PM
Hey Gro, is there any truth that Derrick Thomas made the list??  hmmmm?

nah, beckham all the way.

Does this mean Gro is an LA Galaxy fan?

Maybe.....one thing DGP can gare-run-tee is all of West Hollywood are now most certainly LA Galaxy fans.

Frank Rossi

Quote from: Da Great Pumpkin on January 30, 2007, 02:10:29 PM
Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on January 30, 2007, 01:43:53 PM
***todays llpp ? of the day....answer honestly

LONDON, Jan. 30  -- A poll of British men has found 30 percent would give up sex for life for about $2 million, and 1 percent would give it up for a lifetime supply of alcohol. The survey was conducted by condom-maker Durex and the women's magazine, Company, the Mirror reported.
Of the undisclosed number of men polled, 9 percent they would be willing to
give up sex if they never had to work again, and 3 percent they had faked
enjoyment during sex, the report said.
Asked if they absolutely had to sleep with another man, 4 percent indicated
soccer star David Beckham.  Curiously, when asked about female celebrities,
Beckham's wife, Victoria -- formerly Posh Spice of the Spice Girls -- ranked at
less than 1 percent.
Durex spokeswoman Ruth Gresty said she was surprised at some of the findings.
"What has become of the red-blooded male?" she said.

only 2 million?  dat number seemssss pretty low to DGP.

besides, what'sss dat point of having all dat dough if ya can't use it to score chicks????

With $2 million, I could create an underground club so that I could have sex on the D/L and the $2 million contributors would never find out.  I'll call it a "sex shelter" instead of a "tax shelter."

Awwww...Who am I kidding?  My sex life sucks when it's above ground...pushing it underground would make it worse!


how true frank.....pbr got married and that part of life is non existent...the llpp needs to look no further than ld11....the female moves in and the boy disappears of the radar screen completely like holladawg....ld must now spend weekends at pottery barn and pier1 accessorizing the pad and his gangsta pad now looks like martha stewart factory blew up in it....