FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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The Conference Call

gro is with the bosses yesterday about to get on a conference call.  Boss is reading the access number out as he types it  "8-6-7-5-3-0-9".  The code is denied. He does it 3 more times "8-6-7-5-3-0-9".  Gro, the youngest person in the room by decades, asks if anyone knows the significance of that number... nobody does.

Gro: "it's a song, you haven't heard of it? it's really old"
all: "no"
Gro: "man you must all be really old."

apparently the call guy always makes that his access code for CC's so he won't forget... and for the rest of the day gro had "8-6-7-5-3-0-niii-ee-iiiine" stuck in his head. 


ahhhh....the 80s ....where would vh-1 be without them....

the nature boy ...woooooooooooooooooo!!!



Question for the LLPP-
Does anyone know the exact freezing point of a can of Diet coke? 


Reg was unfortunate enough to find out the answer this morning....went out to the car to grab some work stuff and found brown "ice" all over the inside of his whip.  "Did reg leave a window open?...is this some kind of prank?" I asked.

No, Reg left a can of diet coke sitting on the passanger floor overnight, which in turn exploded all over the inside of his car.  there was coke on the dash, both seats, all over the floor....everywhere.  How could one can of coke cover this much turf?
"Luckily" for me it was still frozen this morning.  I got out the shopvac and got most of it, but man, what a mess.

Correct answer, 11.8 degrees farenhiet.
Write that down.


pbr believes its -2 Celsius (28.4F) if memory serves him correctly....(many beers have been consumed so his memory is a little foggy from that long ago...)


reg, at least they weren't petrified cat turds.  If that ice had melted it would have looked like pulp fiction in there.

"I shot marvin in the face!"


ouch reg...good call on the vac before anything melted would of been one big slurpee in your car

JT just for you today since pbr knows your such a huge fan a new release from YOKO ONO!!! whats up with her sunglasses anyway? looks like she is always wearing pancake griddles for sunglasses....looking that pic of her is that yoko or jack-o?? they look the same...



Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on February 06, 2007, 09:09:13 AM
ouch reg...good call on the vac before anything melted would of been one big slurpee in your car

JT just for you today since pbr knows your such a huge fan a new release from YOKO ONO!!! whats up with her sunglasses anyway? looks like she is always wearing pancake griddles for sunglasses....looking that pic of her is that yoko or jack-o?? they look the same...


Still reading the Beatle book mostly on the can.  Man did Yoko run a number on the Beatles and Lennon.  The Fab 4 were having some problems getting along anyway.  She was like gasoline on the fire.  Had Lennon totally brainwashed and turned him aganst the other three.

No doubt she was the reason they never reunited.  Bugs JT that she's living large on the publishing and royalties from music that she called "Beatle pop crap" back in the day.


her new cd is appropriately titled then " yes i'm a witch..."


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on February 06, 2007, 10:05:20 AM
her new cd is appropriately titled then " yes i'm a witch..."

The Rev wishes that she had entitled the CD, "Loathesome," because that more accurately describes her.


also...off topic...what kind of stud in the sack must that dood be the capt of the space shuttle to be sleeping w/ 2 female astronauts and have the one drive x-country in diapers to avoid having to stop for potty breaks wearing a wig and trench coat to assault the other female astronaut w/ pepper spray in orlando airports parking lot? wtf is going on in this world of ours? its nutz...or maybe as gro says its science...


I think I missed this one.  Link please?  That sounds entertaining.


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on February 06, 2007, 11:28:24 AM
also...off topic...what kind of stud in the sack must that dood be the capt of the space shuttle to be sleeping w/ 2 female astronauts and have the one drive x-country in diapers to avoid having to stop for potty breaks wearing a wig and trench coat to assault the other female astronaut w/ pepper spray in orlando airports parking lot? wtf is going on in this world of ours? its nutz...or maybe as gro says its science...

Dood,  just because they are smart people to whom the gub'mint entrusts billions of dollars of equipment doesn't mean they can't be freaky-deeky.

Just think about all the kinky mess that goes on behind closed doors at RPI.  
Those enigeering doods will tap ANYTHING that moves.
"Oh baby, I got your related rate of change right here."
"Oh, you engineering stud, show me what that differential equation is really for!"

(At hobart, the line in the English department was, "Get ready, baby, I'm going to split your infinitive and give you my dangling participle!")

More proof that  nurds need love too.  It's science.


Thanks Rev.

I guess I had just never thought about it...but I'm glad that I now know that Astronaunts wear diapers.  Nice little fun fact of the day...