FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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So Grad goes to pick up his car from dealer last night as when he had bought it the leather passenger seat had a tear in it.  So after 6 weeks it FINALLY gets fixed.  Grad goes to put his stuff in the back seat and notices that the base unit to hold Little Grads car seat is turned sideways.  Now Grad is mad.  Go back into shop and find out that when car was up at detail shop(Grad got them to throw in a free cleaning for car since he had been waiting so long) they unhooked the piece to clean the car.(WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS).   Luckly kid behind desk in service dept has buddies in fire dept who are trained to install these things.  So I drive all the way out to fire dept at like 8pm and the guy installs the thing for me & Grad is happy.

Now as grad was leaving house Mrs Grad says if you decide to get something to eat (ie Mickey D's or the King) please get me something.  Now Grad should have taken this as a sign and actually done it, but NO he returns home at 9:15, empty handed.  Mrs Grad is NOT happy!!  Grad says ok and runs back out and hits the King and finally returns home 10/15 minutes later. Burgers & Fries start getting consumed......

WARNING...if you are eating you may want to finish before reading any further!!

Then Mrs Grad proceeds to pull a hair that is NOT her color from either the fries or her burger.

*NOTE- Grad apologizes to those LLPPr's who have either
             A)Thrown up in their mouths
             B)Just spit the lunchs over their keyboards or screens

Well needless to say that was the end of dinner and another trip back to Burger King.  Where the person behind the counter actually had the nerve to ask if I wanted another meal.  My response...."I don't think so, I'm actually pretty sick to my stomach right now"  & "Yes I would like my money back"  Unbelievable they seemed so non-chalant about it too.  God I wish there was someone there who had given a crap or spoke English(I apologize if I offended anyone with that last part)  Just venting..

Needless to say we wont be visiting the King or any fast food restuarants for a while....I may stop eating all together... :)


Grad, KS would recommend getting a car seat that has the latch system and installing the seat yourself.  KS has the stalkerettes seat in so tight the cops that did the free child seat check couldn't even move it an inch.  KS does the 300lb bounce on the seat while pulling the anchor straps tight.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Touchdown Tommy

Pretty NASTY NAST there ICGrad.  I'd stick to those home cooked meals for a while.  Might want to pick up Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser.  You'll never look at the "all-american meal" the same again.

RE: Snow in Upstate NY

Do you guys have some decent size ski slopes/mountains where all this powder is falling?  I mean this sounds like Colorado or Salt Lake City...

FYI: We have a LuDawg sighting.  Might want to check out the "newest" poster on Post Patterns...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


other people's hair in your food, mmmmmmm.


TDT - not really where the snow is falling so heavily.  The Tug Hill Plateau is big for x-country skiing but there aren't really any ski areas in that vicinity.


Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 12:47:36 PM
other people's hair in your food, mmmmmmm.

Does anyone else have this problem that Reg has.
When ever I eat something that has a flaw, (i.e. two weeks ago I was eating a Potbelly chicken salad sammich when I bit into a chicken bone) I almost throw up when thinking about eating it again.

When I was like 5 I threw up from eating some chicken nuggets that you pop in the over to warm up.  Anywhooo....years later, I STILL would not be able to bring myself to even consider eating one.

I love food, however, the mere though of one of these incidents makes me start to get the warm "pre throw up" drool in my mouth and almost causes nausea.


Ever since she was pregnant with the stalkerette MKS has not been able to eat italian sausage or Kielbasa, she will throw up.  Good thing KS is mostly Irish and not italian or polish.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


realistic are you in parish? i read 94 inches on the ground and now  ANOTHER 4 ft. expected by sunday night...dang that is some snow...pbr's friends are all snowmobilng up at tughill going nutz said its almost too much snow you cant tell where the packed trails are at times and fall into 5 ft. of powder....


The only thing realistic has trouble eating is Pizza Hut pizza.  Worked 2 years there in HS and can't do it anymore.


Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on February 09, 2007, 01:08:08 PM
realistic are you in parish? i read 94 inches on the ground and now  ANOTHER 4 ft. expected by sunday night...dang that is some snow...pbr's friends are all snowmobilng up at tughill going nutz said its almost too much snow you cant tell where the packed trails are at times and fall into 5 ft. of powder....

Nah - Im in NYC.  I have friends from school up in Oswego and it is one of our favorite spots to visit in the summertime.  The 'rents are in Cortland and have only gotten a few inches but my Aunt/Uncle north of the 'cuse have gotten hit pretty good too.  Nothin like Oswego county is getting though.  Lake effect is some scary sh*t.


sorry if this pertains to any member of LLPP but gro is imposing the following man law:

Man shall not drive volkswagen beetles.

all those in voilation of this law please cease and desist immediately or turn in your Y chromasome to the nearest DMA (dept. of mantastic affairs) office

Touchdown Tommy

Good idea Enginegro.  But lets take this one step further and include PT Cruisers and Mini Coopers.  TDT can't stand the "femi" doods who think they are driving some sweet whip...

REG: Happens to TDT on occasion.  For some reason when i chomp on a meatball in a submarine sammich and there is a hard unchewable piece of meat/grisel it absolutely repulses me.  Same thing for like a chicken breast with grizel on it.  Almost nothing worse....Well I suppose a turd would be worse...

RE: Lake Effect Snow

Can one of you RPI nerds explain the physics behind the "lake effect"?  Inquiring minds want to know why this occurs...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: realistic on February 09, 2007, 01:08:23 PM
The only thing realistic has trouble eating is Pizza Hut pizza.  Worked 2 years there in HS and can't do it anymore.

JT worked at Roy Rogers back when.  Since then he will NOT do the salad bar at any Fast Food place.  After watching co-workers violate the produce and then stick it out for the consumer.... JT always passes.


Quote from: 'gro on February 09, 2007, 01:16:33 PM
sorry if this pertains to any member of LLPP but gro is imposing the following man law:

Man shall not drive volkswagen beetles.

all those in voilation of this law please cease and desist immediately or turn in your Y chromasome to the nearest DMA (dept. of mantastic affairs) office

What about a VW bus... great for picking up hippie chicks.  JT's never had one but it is one of the cars he'd like to take a wack at rebuilding one of these days.  There was a guy in JT's old neighborhood that used to get three junkers (had a big garage) MG's, VW bugs, early 70's mustangs etc.  Then he'd rebuild and paint one car out of the three.  He hardly ever bought a part... everything either came from the junkers or the junk yard.

He'd drive it around for a while, then sell it for a net profit and start all over again with another model.

JT would never do something on that scale, but rebuilding a GTO or a SS late 60's to early 70's car to stock would be a cool hobby.