FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Just for Rev.... dig the English accent on the chick.


Sir Spiedie

Rev: Your dad should go. It was only a few years ago that Manhattan College eliminated the mighty Gators in the first round. Miracles do happen, and it sucks when you are not there to watch.

Sir Spiedie


Do teams in LL or E8 random test for either drugs or steroids?


Quote from: JT on March 12, 2007, 12:37:28 PM
Just for Rev.... dig the English accent on the chick.



The accent does it.  The Rev's a big fan of the british accent...second only to the deep south accent.

By the way, in the Rev's last daytime gig at PHX, he met an asian-american doctor.  The Rev struck up a nice conversation, but lacked the cajones to try to close the deal with a phone number.  The Rev thinks he deserves a wife with a salary a good three to four times his.  Then he could stay home and play in LLPP all day.

In one of her videos she bruches her teeth.  The Rev had to watch that segment over and over and over.


Quote from: Sir Spiedie on March 12, 2007, 03:14:12 PM
Rev: Your dad should go. It was only a few years ago that Manhattan College eliminated the mighty Gators in the first round. Miracles do happen, and it sucks when you are not there to watch.

Good call.  The Rev will call RD and tell him that Penn might pull off an MC vs. Florida-type upset if he doesn't go.


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on March 12, 2007, 11:42:31 AM
Quote from: 'gro on March 12, 2007, 09:14:45 AM
in a side note, gro knows little about college hoops, but this year he really has no clue about the bracket.

The only thing The Rev knows about college hoops is that PENN is the Ivy League champ, and Rev's dad is bummed out because they are seeded 14 and must play Texas A&M. 

Rev's dad, who goes to nearly every Penn game within an 8 hour radius, doesn't think he'll go see the game because it's just too painful.  Rev's Dad's favorite year was 1979 when Penn made it to the final four.  A couple years ago RD brought us kids ("kids" being up to 40 years-old in this case) out to Michigan State for a mini-tournement with the 1979 final four teams.  A good time.  If you haven't been to Lansing, Michgan State campus is very nice.

Is Reg the only one that was surprised by the Rev being so old.  I thought you were like 26 or so.......


Quote from: Rt Rev J.H. Hobart on March 12, 2007, 04:57:20 PM
Quote from: JT on March 12, 2007, 12:37:28 PM
Just for Rev.... dig the English accent on the chick.



The accent does it.  The Rev's a big fan of the british accent...second only to the deep south accent.

By the way, in the Rev's last daytime gig at PHX, he met an asian-american doctor.  The Rev struck up a nice conversation, but lacked the cajones to try to close the deal with a phone number.  The Rev thinks he deserves a wife with a salary a good three to four times his.  Then he could stay home and play in LLPP all day.

In one of her videos she bruches her teeth.  The Rev had to watch that segment over and over and over.

JT has dated a rainbow of ladies in his day, but closed the deal with an Asian gal so JT knows. ;)


Quote from: regulator on March 12, 2007, 06:22:27 PM
Is Reg the only one that was surprised by the Rev being so old?  I thought you were like 26 or so.......

The kids in Rev's family range from 40 to 17 (seven of us).  The Rev is #1 son at 35.

Dear old Daddy is still very active in Penn sports and about once a year we have the big family outing where all the kids descend on the city of choice for a Penn game.  Four years ago it was San Deigo to see Penn play USD in football.  A three years ago it was LA to see Penn vs. USC in basketball.  Then it was the final four re-match at MSU.  Last year I missed the trip.  This year?  Maybe someplace during football season.  These trips usually involve meeting up with DoD's old grad school buddies while we're there, and the old boys stir up mayhem as if they were back in Grad Tower.

DoD is 61 and still hangs around the Palestra and Franklin Field with his buddies as if he were still in school.  So you guys who all went to school together at RPi or Union still have decades of meeting up with old buddies to look forward to. 

Touchdown Tommy

Rev: Just an FYI, Steve Rushin who is married to your girl Rebecca Lobo of the WNBA fame, recently left SI due to "philosophical differences", so you won't be reading him anymore.  TDT has to disagree with you.  SI is by far my favorite weekly publication.  Reilly is a top of the line columnist.  Got a chance to meet and have several conversation with Austin Murphy (Senior D1 College FB writer for SI and author of the "Sweet Season" about the Johnnies) he is a stand up great guy.  You should do yourself a favor and buy this book or head to your local library for a copy.

REG: That brings TDT to an interesting point.  TDT has a "picture" in his head of what he thinks everyone in the LLPP looks like.  Sometimes I am way off, but it is amazing how you get this idea in your head of what you "think" somebody physically looks like.  TDT hopes to make it to the Shoes game some year for mass introductions, car bombs, wings with lots of cheesh, and 17 beers.

Yankees/Sox right now on NESN...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 12, 2007, 07:18:03 PM
Rev: Just an FYI, Steve Rushin who is married to your girl Rebecca Lobo of the WNBA fame, recently left SI due to "philosophical differences", so you won't be reading him anymore.  TDT has to disagree with you.  SI is by far my favorite weekly publication.  Reilly is a top of the line columnist.  Got a chance to meet and have several conversation with Austin Murphy (Senior D1 College FB writer for SI and author of the "Sweet Season" about the Johnnies) he is a stand up great guy.  You should do yourself a favor and buy this book or head to your local library for a copy.

REG: That brings TDT to an interesting point.  TDT has a "picture" in his head of what he thinks everyone in the LLPP looks like.  Sometimes I am way off, but it is amazing how you get this idea in your head of what you "think" somebody physically looks like.  TDT hopes to make it to the Shoes game some year for mass introductions, car bombs, wings with lots of cheesh, and 17 beers.

Yankees/Sox right now on NESN...

Speaking of Sox/Yanks, LD11 splurged the $160 on DirecTV to get the MLB Extra Innings package.  I figure American Idol, 24, and Prison Break can only take me so far.  I'll need some additional baseball stimulation.  I'll probably be bored by the end of April, but what the he!!. 

LD11 has butterflies for said PHR2K7a due to the increase in participation this time around.  This is a clash of worlds, and upwards of 15 people will be attending.  We even had to get 3 hotel rooms.  It's going to be somewhat of a debacle.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 12, 2007, 07:18:03 PM
Rev: Just an FYI, Steve Rushin who is married to your girl Rebecca Lobo of the WNBA fame, recently left SI due to "philosophical differences", so you won't be reading him anymore.  TDT has to disagree with you.  SI is by far my favorite weekly publication.  Reilly is a top of the line columnist.  Got a chance to meet and have several conversation with Austin Murphy (Senior D1 College FB writer for SI and author of the "Sweet Season" about the Johnnies) he is a stand up great guy.  You should do yourself a favor and buy this book or head to your local library for a copy.

REG: That brings TDT to an interesting point.  TDT has a "picture" in his head of what he thinks everyone in the LLPP looks like.  Sometimes I am way off, but it is amazing how you get this idea in your head of what you "think" somebody physically looks like.  TDT hopes to make it to the Shoes game some year for mass introductions, car bombs, wings with lots of cheesh, and 17 beers.

Yankees/Sox right now on NESN...


The Rev is a fair-minded guy.  He will give SI another chance, knowing that it has remained manly enough to cause a philosophical difference with a p-whipped wuss like Steve Rushin.  He's probably a good guy, but give the Title IX chip on the shoulder a rest!

To solve the dilemma of what we all look like, The Rev recommends a peaceful tailgate party at The BOZ for the Hobart vs RPI game, September 22.  The Rev will get a parking pass and try to get there early enough for a decent spot.  The Rev is actually looking at tickets already.  If the Rev can get guest passes to the Statesmen Athletic Assocation food tent, then we won't need a grill, we can eat tasty Marriott food.


Re: SI

Not a big fan of peter king. His articles are ususaly repetitive and self promoting.


I don't know if you guys remember the post a while back (read 3 months) about my latest jet ski purchase, however, on Friday Reg listed the jet ski on Craigslist, thinking there was no way it was going to sell and if it did it would save the pain in the neck of driving it home illegally (MRs SUV doesnt have a trailer light kit).  
I bought it in December on Ebay for $2700 (MR was definately NOT impressed).  I haven't even ridden the thing yet and it is still up in Philly at Regs Bros house.  Anywhoo....I listed it at $4100 and had 3 people ready to show up with cash deposits on saturday.  Sold to the 1st guy that looked at it for the full shot.  Now, do you think MR would give Reg a little street credit or what?!?!....no......I get the "I know you knew what you were doing....I just wanted you to discuss things like that with me" BS.
RT- you should have bought the thing from me for $3400 when I offered it, you would have been able to ride it all summer and still broke even on it!

Touchdown Tommy

Excellent FLIP Reg.  That is how the LLPP rolls.  TDT just flipped his Masters practice round tix.  Bought for $392, Sold for $2800.  TDT enjoys 700% margins...

Rev: TDT wasn't vouching for Rushin's credibility.  In fact, I did NOT enjoy his columns.  I was HOWEVER vouching for the writing ability and quality of Austin Murphy.

LD: Great purchase with the MLB Extra Innings.  TDT has faint hope that the cable companies will cave in and meet the demands of MLB/Directv so that they can continue to offer the package.  Looks like there is a 0.00001% chance of that...
Chasing MILFs since '82...

Jonny Utah

Hey Reg, do you still have that jetski you had posted earlier?  Ill give you $7,000 for it......