FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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No one could have passed out at my crib.  There was too much ruckus.  I think eating would have been a great idea, but it didn't work out.  Too much hospitality required, LD11 just forgot to eat, straight up.  On the positive side, LD11 remains undefeated in St. Patty's festivities, with 14 Car Bombs.  I am quite sure I called off the dogs.  I had atleast another 4-5 left in me, but I just stopped for some reason.  I remember a conversation to the extent of...

Dude:  'It's only 6 oclock, and you have 11 car bombs.  I think there could be a record broken tonight.'

LD11:  'At this rate, it might be harder NOT to break the record.'

Dude:  'Put your junk in that box.'

LD11:  'This is how you do it.  It's my dick in a box.'


may take the playa ha8r's a solid week to recovah from the exploits of the reunion....ld's neighbors are finally getting some rest after a weekend of toga parties and nudity


When LD11 is feeling a little down and out, he reaches for a delicious Prime Rib and Peppercorn on Garlic Bread and all his worries are washed away.


is it weird that when gro was at lunch today he saw that the menu had a corned beef sandwich and gro immediately had the pre puke drool well up in the back of his mouth?

Touchdown Tommy

Where is Reg's Lime Green Polo?  And what is this about MR making the trip too?  WTF, are you getting soft Reg?

TDT spent the weekend in the Keys (specifically Key West on Saturday night with finsleft and his gang).  Wow fellas TDT hasn't been to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, but this was very comparable to any Spring Break destination you may have went to in college.  Co-eds, wet t-shirt contests at Rick's which turned into naked college girl contest (across the street from Sloppy Joe's), live music, unreal number of boob jobs, and bar closings at 4am.  TDT gives it a high recommendation for the LLPP Annual Meeting.  As I am sure the LLPP knows, pretty much anything goes in Key West.  During the course of the festivities on Sat Night, TDT saw a smoking hot chick with nothing on her upper body except 4 leaf clover painted over her nipples ala the SI Swimsuit Issue.  Skin was in!!!  Needless to say I was only completely repulsed once as we walked down Duval Street and say 2 doods just going to town on each other (making out) out in front of God and everybody.  Quite disturbing.

LD: TDT has Florida repeating in your pool.  Not sure if that will make a difference, but you were Doggin' me in your email yesterday...

GRO: You are unbiased here.  Has WTFF completely "femanized" his digs?  I mean multiple pillows, stationary, poperrie (sp), candles, etc.  TDT thinks he might be 3/4 of the way down the aisle...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 20, 2007, 03:03:33 PM
Where is Reg's Lime Green Polo?  And what is this about MR making the trip too?  WTF, are you getting soft Reg?

TDT spent the weekend in the Keys (specifically Key West on Saturday night with finsleft and his gang).  Wow fellas TDT hasn't been to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, but this was very comparable to any Spring Break destination you may have went to in college.  Co-eds, wet t-shirt contests at Rick's which turned into naked college girl contest (across the street from Sloppy Joe's), live music, unreal number of boob jobs, and bar closings at 4am.  TDT gives it a high recommendation for the LLPP Annual Meeting.  As I am sure the LLPP knows, pretty much anything goes in Key West.  During the course of the festivities on Sat Night, TDT saw a smoking hot chick with nothing on her upper body except 4 leaf clover painted over her nipples ala the SI Swimsuit Issue.  Skin was in!!!  Needless to say I was only completely repulsed once as we walked down Duval Street and say 2 doods just going to town on each other (making out) out in front of God and everybody.  Quite disturbing.

LD: TDT has Florida repeating in your pool.  Not sure if that will make a difference, but you were Doggin' me in your email yesterday...

GRO: You are unbiased here.  Has WTFF completely "femanized" his digs?  I mean multiple pillows, stationary, poperrie (sp), candles, etc.  TDT thinks he might be 3/4 of the way down the aisle...

Sorry to break the news to you buddy, but i'm looking at Louisville 71, Florida 65 as your final pick. 


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 20, 2007, 03:03:33 PM
Needless to say I was only completely repulsed once as we walked down Duval Street and say 2 doods just going to town on each other (making out) out in front of God and everybody.  Quite disturbing.

The relaxed atmosphere of the Keys necessitates taking the good with bad.  Hot naked chicks vs. manly chicks and gay doods.  Tunnel vision helps.  Key West is one of JT and FMJT's spots.  There's a B&B we like that has a pool and a gas grill.

Did TDT take the turbo prop in to the Keys or drive?


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on March 20, 2007, 03:03:33 PM
GRO: You are unbiased here.  Has WTFF completely "femanized" his digs?  I mean multiple pillows, stationary, poperrie (sp), candles, etc.  TDT thinks he might be 3/4 of the way down the aisle...

its yes and no. The 1st few trips to "la case de Lewdogg once" the place was new with hospital white walls. LD was travelin all over this bi-atch with little time to nest it up. Now the place is painted and looking sharp and gro would have to say that it would look 95% the same as it is now even if WTFF wasn't involved.

Gro thinks WTFF's influence came in the kitchen and bedroom (yup, pillows) and the rest of the house is all LD.


LD11 keeps it real.  I have a guitar room.  My surfboard in the living room.  Baseball park pictures lining the starway.  HD bumping in the living room with surround sound.  Whats wrong with a nice girly kitchen and bedroom?  Those are the 2 best places to make sexy time.


Quote from: LewDogg11 on March 20, 2007, 03:40:07 PM
LD11 keeps it real.  I have a guitar room.  My surfboard in the living room.  Baseball park pictures lining the starway.  HD bumping in the living room with surround sound.  Whats wrong with a nice girly kitchen and bedroom?  Those are the 2 best places to make sexy time.
well done LD..there is 1 thing mpbr knows she and the ankle biters cant touch and thats pbr's surfboards....as much as she would like those will never go...and pbr's kids warn friends when entering to NEVER touch my dads surfboards



in honor of Iowa buying the domain names of negative things about their coaches I have decided the the LLPP needs to purchase the following websites

and www.unionsguyslooklikegirls.com
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Speaking of negative domain registration and since JT cares about all the D3 posters, the manufacturers of Splenda recently registered these domains. Wonder if they know something about their product?

splendasucks.net, .org, .biz, .info
splendakills.net, .org, biz .info
splendatruth.com , .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendapoison.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thedangersofsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thefactsaboutsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thesplendadangers.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thesplendafacts.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
victimsofsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thetruthaboutsplenda.net, .org, .biz, .info
thesplendatruth.com, .net, .org, ,biz, .info
splendatoxicity.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendatoxicitycenter.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendavictims.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendaandyourhealth.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendaandyourfamily.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz
splendamyths.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendaalert.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendafacts.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendasafety.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
truthaboutsplenda.info, .biz
splendasideeffects.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
bittertruthaboutsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
factsaboutsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
mythsaboutsplenda.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
officialsplendasite.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendadangers.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendaisnotsafe.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
splendaisnotsosweet.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
thetruthaboutsplendasafety.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info
sucralosepoison, com, .net, .info, .org, .biz, .us
sucralosekills.com, net, .info, .org, .biz, .us
sucralosesucks.com, .net, .info,.org, .biz, .us
sucraloseandyourhealth.com , .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us
sucralosesafety.com , .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us
sucralosefacts.com, .net, .org, biz, .info, .us
sucralosetruth.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us
truthaboutsucralose.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us
chlorosucralose.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us
sucraloseandyourhealth.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us


Quote from: Ralph Turner on March 19, 2007, 12:46:27 AM
War Eagle, Reverend!   ;)

The Ludwig von Mises Institute?  From the loveliest town on the plain!  On the Liberty League board?

That one post is bringing more diversity to the board than most of these LL posters heard in 8 semesters of LL curricula!

Did you play any golf?  Enjoy the fine Southern pulchritude exhibited at Toomer's Corners?  Take a casual stroll down Gay Street?  Consume your annual portion of 'sweet tea'?  Eat some pizza at the Mellow Mushroom? :)

The Rev went to J & M's to buy an Auburn sweatshirt and found himself surrounded by a bunch of folks who couldn't believe someone would come all the way to Alabama for "A Day."  I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth.  I just said, "Yeah...I haven't been here in a few years, but I had to make it this yer.  I love this place."
There wasn't a dry eye in the entire souvenier section.

The Rev did not play golf.  Many moons ago, The Rev did tend bar at Seven Oaks in Hamilton, which is a Robert Trent Jones designed course.  But as far as golfing goes, The Rev is so bad it is a felony.

Did go to Toomey's Corner.  Did consume sweet tea.  Got turned down at Mellow Mushroom because it was too late for food.  spent a lot of time at The Olde Auburn Ale House.  Inconsistent.  Wednesday night the beer was great.  Friday night it tasted like cat urine mixed with chemical by-products.

Stayed at the Auburn University Hotel.  Nice place.  Rev recommends the breakfast buffet.


Quote from: Sir Spiedie on March 19, 2007, 07:29:58 AM
Holy Moly, Rev. That just proves there is no subject the LL is unwilling or unable to explore.  Bernard Bernake will be lurking for you.

One can only hope!  A gig with the Fed might be just the thing to bring The Rev the kind of ca$h for services he desires.

by the way, I can't use the internet at work.  The state of Arizona monitors our internet use very closely.  Although the policy is simply no porn, gambling or shopping on state computers, I was warned that people get reprimands for checking e-mail...even before owkr hours or during lunch hour.

The Rev has made a frantic call home to Mother Rev to ship his cable modem ASAP.


since I'm getting caught up after a couple days' absence...

Reg, 'Gro. y LD11--  Excellent DIB and other photos.  Have +K'd y'all.

Rev's boss thinks The Rev is a genius for moving only about 2 blocks from work.  It takes The Rev about 15 minutes to walk.  From 7th Ave to 3rd street...about 1 mile.

Driving from Rev's room on ASU Polytechnic campus to new job? 1 1/4 hours to go 42 miles.  that was a pretty good day for traffic, too.  The Rev hopes to put fewer miles on his car now.