FB: Liberty League

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:58:34 AM

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Quote from: regulator on April 04, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: JT on April 04, 2007, 11:16:58 AM
Quote from: regulator on April 04, 2007, 08:56:59 AM
Hey JT-

Reg was thinking last night that it is about time for another "lady cutting the elevator line" or similar story.

I was laughing about that last night for some reason.  Weird

Well, a new company moved in two floors above us.  They employee about 100 immigrant types.  Someone told JT that the company designs jewelry.  Now its quite easy to get c-blocked by a dozen at a time.

After a few times of exchanging dirty looks, one big fat chick basically says [in Spanish], "F them we have to be to work at 9."

So JT says [loudly] to his Dad, "Gorda putas del lĂ­nea corte."

That's how JT rolls.  Many dirty looks now, but they wait in line.

Did that POS really think that noone in line spoke her language.  Reg was forced into speaking French at a very young age, so he doesn't understand spanglish.  When someone speaks in a foreign tongue Reg just gets angry and yells at them "speak english.....speak english!!!"  That sometimes works.  When it doesn't I just tell them to
"Faire ta chein"...the only thing I remember from 8th grade.

JT best friend from HS is Columbian.  Tagalog, the Philipino language is a mix of Spanish and native, so JT's been learning.  JT has to know what FMJT says under her breath, plus he doesn't want any future progeny to call him an a-hole and not be able to deal with it.

For now, JT likes describing various body parts (size, girth etc) to unsuspecting older Philipina ladies, nuns, etc.  When their jaw drops, JT knows he said the various phrase correctly.  Note: This is never done in front of FMJT.... JT's not suicidal.

On the European cruise this past Fall, Tagalog knowledge came in handy.  Makes bartering easier, when the other party has no idea what you're saying.  JT and FMJT got some good prices.


U89 shares the hatred.....


Staying on the LLPP, Inc./NCAA topic....



gro has gotten 2 voicemails today from some redNeck who "just moved back from kentucky" trying to enroll his son in 10th grade.

the first time was ok, wrong number. but why did he leave 2 voicemails when my voicemail goes "this is gro from gro industries... blah blah... leave a message, o'doyle rules".  It has nothing to do with school!!

I hope he calls again when I'm here... gro is going to enroll his son in some special classes.


excellent gro make sure he sends a deposit made out to CA$H for his special classes....
also RIP Darryl Stingley....one of the most vicious hits pbr has ever seen


Quote from: The Great Pumpkin on April 04, 2007, 11:34:27 AM
RIP EDDIE ROBINSON Feb 13, 1919 - Apr 3, 2007

nice little article from the St Cloud Times on Eddie RObinson and John Gagliardi today.



Quote from: uPBRmeASAP on April 05, 2007, 07:54:00 AM
excellent gro make sure he sends a deposit made out to CA$H for his special classes....
also RIP Darryl Stingley....one of the most vicious hits pbr has ever seen

God Bless Darryl Stingley......
U89 remembers watching that game live on TV as a youngster and being horrified to see the WR motionless and taken off the field on a stretcher.
IMO, the hit by Jack "The Assasin" Tatum was questionable at best, but that classless animal never showed one bit of remorse for crippling a man.  U89 was not looking for an apology for the hit.....just a statement of sadness that one man had ruined another mans life....never came....  Instead, Tatum polished up that hit like a badge of honor, embraced the nickname and went on a book tour claiming that any other WR who come over the middle against the Raiders would recieve a similar fate to that of Stingley.

Darryl Stingley seemed like a very good man from everything U89 has ever read about him.......

Jack Tatum is a scumbag with one leg (karma????).


JT was wondering if Nancy "Jane Fonda" Pelosi can be hung for treason when she comes back from visiting an ememy of the US.


Touchdown Tommy

Quote from: JT on April 05, 2007, 11:20:47 AM
JT was wondering if Nancy "Jane Fonda" Pelosi can be hung for treason when she comes back from visiting an ememy of the US.

Yes it sounds like a grand idea JT.  She is the epitome of LOSER...
Chasing MILFs since '82...


pbr is totally on board w/ you u89....tatum never showed any remorse and capitalized on his "fame"... in fact the raiders were pbr's second favorite team behind the eagles and the classless act caused pbr to cast the raiders off .....


Quote from: JT on April 05, 2007, 11:20:47 AM
JT was wondering if Nancy "Jane Fonda" Pelosi can be hung for treason when she comes back from visiting an ememy of the US.

JT, that's not only Pelosi, but the vast majority of the Democratic party.  Up here in MA, we have to suffer through a few more years of Deval Patrick...he's been in office for only a few months, and U89 is paying alot more for everything already!!  God will we be in trouble as a nation if a Republican does not win the White House.

If we hang Pelosi, can we get a second noose for that fat, pumpkin headed, big mouth, moron Rosie O'Donnell??  Different arena's, but both soft as hell.


That and holding up funding for the troops with all that Democratic pork.  Then breaking bread with a thug/murderer who supports and provides safe haven for terrorists, weapons and entry points into Iraq in order to kill Americans.

And wrapping her head....Ugh!!!  Women have virtually no rights in Syria.  The photo op is like supporting the oppression.

Sorry for the rant, but JT's PO'd.